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Kid A

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Everything posted by Kid A

  1. So did anyone go to this besides me? Over all, the show was ok. There was not much as far as atari goes, there was nothing there that was available for sale that when i saw it, i had to have it (although i did find tengen tetris for a good price and ive always wanted a copy) there was an auction that was ehh....(theres a story to tell about this. Keep an eye out for a post in the prototype forum soon) and it was super bowl weekend which means sunday was somewhat slow. The best thing to me about the show was having the opportunity to do this.... Thats me holding the Nintendo Playstation prototype. It was so awesome seeing this in person let alone getting to hold this piece of gaming history. Even though there was a CIB stadium events i got to hold as well, this was way cooler knowing that theres only one of these. Heres the stadium events. Not many of us got to hold these. They were put into glass cases when the show started. Both owners of both items were really nice people. The owner of stadium events lives local to me and ive seen him multiple times and we chat all the time now. Hopefully ill be able to see his collection soon in person. Ive seen pics of it and its insane.
  2. Double post. Sorry. My post is below.
  3. I might. Depends if my buddy is going to be a vendor there or not.
  4. I was helping set up over at the show and this was there. I played a couple of games.
  5. It's this weekend. Anybody going? Ill be there!
  6. What broken games do you have? Im definitely interested.
  7. To find this. Its a piece of crap but it's the last Legend of Zelda related game i need. And i hope to find it at a great price. Really dont feel like paying what its actually worth.
  8. Yeah, he get all kinds of stuff in all the time. Hes bought entire collections from people a few times. As far as wii consoles, he sells them for $45 and it includes all hookups a 1 remote and nunchuck.
  9. I'm pretty sure he still has the other one for sale.
  10. I did not get it with a power supply but i do have one. I already have a A400 that came with one but its so beat up. Pieces are missing from the shell, there are no screws holding it together. The plastic is really fragile. It just looks horrible. I didnt pay anything for it as someone gave it to me knowing i like Atari stuff. I used it once just to see if it worked but stored it soon after. I got it at a shop that my buddy runs. Its called Gameswappers and its Montclair CA. He doesnt really carry much atari because he said he doesnt know much about it. He mainly does NES and newer. I do work there twice a week as his repair guy and he calls me his Atari specialist. He has been getting slightly more atari since ive neen there. Anyways, so happy i got one thats in nice shape and can actually display proudly!
  11. Thanks you guys for all of your input. I am now a proud owner of an Atari 400 that doesn't look like it was tossed off a building. So excited to have it!
  12. I get one. Should i get the one with the membrane keyboard or the regulatlr keyboard one with 2 missing buttons.
  13. Kid A


    Wife gave me my Christmas present early! This thing is awesome! She gave it to me a couple weeks ago so i could enjoy it. She always gives me my presents early!
  14. So last night i attended a monthly Buy Sell Trade event that my buddy holds and he decided to hold an auction that anybody can sell their stuff in with no fees or charges. Someone put a nice Colecovision lot to sell. Midway through its time for the colecovision. My buddy describes the lot then yells out "Starting bid is $30!" Naturally, i yell out "$30 here!" "Going once.....going twice.......SOLD FOR $30" No opposition bidders. I was stoked. Heres what i got... Keystone Kapers was well worth the price alone. Cables came with the console (rhis is coleco #2 for me so this one will be for sale) and All boxes have games and manuals. 2 Loose games were also included which i forgot to put in the picture were super action baseball and Donkey Kong. But i have a question. If i remember correctly, the manual for Keystone kapers looked like a newspaper. Heres what was in mine. Have any of you seen a manual that went with a game like this? The paper alone seems to be aged appropriately with the age of the game. And if someone were to type up instructions for their own reference, its strikes me as odd that one would put info included in the last 2 paragraphs of the page. Ive never seen instructions like this.
  15. So a guy i chat with a lot on Instagram were talking some colecovision. I was telling him about a lot i scored last night (ill post about rhat shortly) sent me a pic of this. He sent me a video of it and from the looks of it, it looks to be CIB. He told me he tried looking this game up when he got it and didnt find much about it. I looked it up and its seems to be extremely rare. Does anybody know the value of this as i cant find ANY info of this game being sold recently or at all online for that matter. Edit: Were still chatting about this and its missing the manual.
  16. Thw atari flashback portable is $35 right now at toys r us. At least the one i went to this morning had them at that price point.
  17. Id have to check. I dont remember.
  18. I know its an officially released game but to be its weird that it has a sticker on the EPROM. i should hook up my 400 anf play it to see if theres any differences but i think my 400 is in storage.
  19. So about 9 months ago, a friend came into a game shop i help out at and came in with a box that had an atari 400 which the housing was all cracked and broken, and a handfull of games like pengo, pole position, space invaders, donkey kong and more. There was one that was unmarked and had a label that reads GABE on it. He asked me if i wanted it for free and being it was pretty damaged. And naturally i said yeah! That night i test the 400 to see if it works,and it does! I pop in the cart marked GABE and its a game called Kindercomp. Today, for some reason i opened it and discovered that theres a EPROM that has a sticker on it. I know that this is not typically how its done. Do you guys think this is some sort of prototype?
  20. How hard is it to set one up? I've thought about getting one but I know nothing about them.
  21. Thanks! I really like it. Now....what to fill it with?....
  22. Not game related, but I did find this at a goodwill for $4.99! I thought ithat was cool. Found them selling on ebay for $45 shipped. It even has the key!
  23. Kid A


    Yeah. I'll post it when I get home. It's not great quality but it's what I expected for the price.
  24. Kid A


    Found some video of the drone i want in flight:
  25. Kid A


    You should get one. I took mine to my brothers house for thanksgiving, and now my brother and his 2 kids want one and so does my dad. It took be a bit to get it to fly how I wanted it to. It was a bit weird at first but I got the hang of it after about a day. My wife already tells me I'm flying it much better and with more control now too.
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