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Atari 5200 Guy

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Everything posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. Hi fellow Atarians! Browsing EBay just to see what 5200 stuff was there when I ran across this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Atari-5200-Launch-Edition-Black-Console/163526519733?epid=101798479&hash=item2612f0abb5:g:mO8AAOSw3-9cMnQ2&redirect=mobile Launch edition? A 5200 launch edition? Pffft. Yea right. And I'm the President of USA. I'm not trying to pick on someone but wouldn't it be wise to do homework first before posting an item for sale? And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the 4-ports came before the 2-ports. What some people won't try. A beat up 2-port just became a launch edition. Hilarious. I just hope no one falls for it.
  2. I never thought I would live to see something like this. https://www.gamespot.com/amp-articles/microsoft-expanding-xbox-live-to-nintendo-switch-i/1100-6464772/ XBOX Live to include Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android. Switch? XBOX Live on Switch? I'm trying hard to visualize this but I can't deny how much I feel this would be really cool.
  3. I have to be honest...I grew a hatred for most sports games. I got so tired of the EA Sports franchises because it just seemed overkill but I understood a new season meant a new roster and new video game version...aspects I never cared for. I loved the core of sports games and could have cared less about highly paid players and there names. And I tried to avoid the RS series of sports games but took a chance on them. I'm glad I did. They captured the heart of the sport they are portraying. RS Soccer and Tennis on the 5200 are fun and very challenging. Football on the 5200 is not bad. The 2600 RS sports games are good, too.
  4. And, yes, can't forget that one. Never had nor played it before.
  5. Some of the games I would be after, namely Konami titles, are only on the PC Engine. But either one. I wouldn't be picky. Lol. They are just so expensive though.
  6. I forgot to mention that my ultimate holy grail would be to have one of the prototypes sitting next to my loved 5200. I don't see that happening mainly because i could never financially afford it but I can dream. Id have to play it, though. I could never just let it sit there. Those that have the System X, a name that should have stuck, are very lucky people. I am also after the Pac-Man Arcade for the 5200. That game is impressive.
  7. Berzerk, Centipede, Dig Dug, Galaxian, Mario Bros., Moon Patrol, Pole Position, Popeye, Q*Bert, Qix, Star Raiders, Super Breakout, and Tempest all CIB. Buck Rogers, Countermeasure, Football, Frogger, Joust, Missile Command, Ms. Pac-Man, Pac-Man, RS Soccer, RS Tennis, Space Dungeon (x2), Space Invaders, Star Wars Arcade, and Vanguard are loose, some with overlays, some without. I'm still after Kangaroo. I forgot I haven't replaced that one yet. I'm also after a few I never had like Ballblazer, Pengo, Super Cobra, and Gyruss. That's 27 games for my 5200 not counting dupes.
  8. You missed Gradius II and Salamander for the PC Engine. There's also Twinbee.
  9. OK. Gotta have one now! On my wishlist. I'll take either a PCE or American TG. No longer matters. Might be easier to get a PCE though.
  10. I had a Trackball controller when I was a kid. Mom found one at K-Mart on clearance. Loved that thing! Pole Position is a blast to play with it. But, yea, my standard controller is getting a workout. I've got to clean and recalibrate the POTs again, though. I have to admit...the 5200 version of Centipede remains my favorite. I like the 2600 and 7800 ports but they nailed it on the 5200 version. I am always cursing that spider. I'll be doing good and that spider will jump out from the side and kill me. It moves so random its hard to predict. I try to stay clear of it and avoid it at all costs. And killing it just above your wand should have netted 900 points. You got robbed! I'm actually content with the 5200 games I have. I managed to get the games I had plus a few I never had before. There are a few I'm still after but I'm in no hurry to obtain them. That SD cart sounds like a good investment, though. Justin...ever thought about picking a single game and allowing all Atari, Coleco, and Intellivision versions to count? Something to consider.
  11. OK. You guys are really making me regret ever parting with my TG-16 decades ago. I now want one of these.
  12. Awww...not right. You got the trakball controller. So not fair LOL. That combined with the 5200 and either Centipede or Missile Command are about as close as one can get to the arcades. Nice setup RickR!
  13. That plastic cover is strictly for visual purposes to hide the expansion port. If you can find the add on that gives the TG-16 composite video and stereo audio outs it will have the same shape but actually have a functional purpose. I personally think that NEC should have stayed with the PCE design but gave it the TG-16 color and logos for a NA release. I should have gave the TG-16 I had more of a chance but when you can't find the games for it, and you are stuck with Keith Courage as the only game to own, it doesn't give a good impression of the system.
  14. I've been looking for Tunnel Runner but nothing for trades at the moment. You've got a bunch I don't have. Welcome to Atari I/O! Good luck with your trades and I really hope that you enjoy it here.
  15. Improved my score again! Spidey needs to lay off the caffeine. Found my webcam so I got a better image. 29,134 points.
  16. I still find 5200's Ms. Pac-Man a good investment for the misunderstood system. Like other 5200 games it is a game that doesn't forgive for player errors easily. I like it better than the original Pac-Man game. Jr and Super Pac-Man should have been released on the system. They were finished and ready! And those two really showcase what the 5200 was truly capable of.
  17. Dang. Pikmin games alone are not cheap. Great find. I'm always after N64 games since I only have two but I have nothing up for trades and I'm already committed to another item. Still, excellent finds and a Genny complete in box game or not is a rare find.
  18. I'm going to have to breakdown and sacrifice a spare pair of fire buttons. I shouldn't have to push that hard to get my character to react. Foil dot mod in the works. But I did improve my score. 22902!
  19. I've got to get a magicgate card reader. I miss getting to use my Sony camera. Anyway, I couldn't get the high score to focus (10199) so I will start with 10183. My controller is not doing well so I will perform a quick teardown before trying again. I really need to replace the POTs with new ones as these are about shot. Buttons as well. Flex circuit, surprisingly, is in great shape. This is one machine where emulation doesn't justify the original controllers. Played on actual hardware of course.
  20. Oh hell yea! I'm definitely in on this one. I could never pass on a game challenge for my number one favorite console. Berserk on this machine needs to be next! That game is brutal.
  21. Very cool...but no Game Gear? How sad. Lol. Neat. The original one I think will be my fav of the group. I don't know what it is but that big red spot on a rather large wedge shaped console is eye catching. That SMS 2 should feel right at home.
  22. Its about time, bro! Already subbed long time ago. What took you so long! Just kidding. Welcome aboard!!
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