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Atari 5200 Guy

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Everything posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. Is it me or do most of the TG controllers look like NES controllers? And I'd be happy with the plain white PCE. I like that one. As long as it played anything other than Keith Courage. I liked the game but that was all I played on the TG...I'd want to experience new stuff.
  2. OK...that's neat!! I'm guessing built in TV tuner, too? It has an aerial. I'm thinking I have seen those in a Lukemorse video on trips to Hard Off stores. One of those was sitting in a glass display case. Even then it was rare which I believe was about 2014 maybe. Will have to watch those vids again. I'm enjoying the new experience...but I'm picky and wish it was on real hardware. I had to reverse the controller keys. Keys on left side of keyboard worked the right paddle and vice versa. And the TG-16 controllers are very comfortable.
  3. My personal PCE favorite look is the dark gray (or is it black?) Core II with the orange colored text. But, I agree, mod one with the TG-16 Logo on it. Priceless!
  4. I don't see a TG16 in my future anytime soon. Online prices are too high. I stand a better chance getting a PS3. I should have never parted with my TG16.
  5. Finally played! If this was the only game I had for my TG-16 when I owned one I would have been very happy. First time playing this game, ever. Fun game. Now I want a TG-16 again if just for this game. 12,516,100 points.
  6. Someone didn't plan that very well. Japanese misunderstood Americans a LOT. I thought the PCEs looked much better than the TG-16. I actually preferred the smaller, more compact, size. It's why I have been leaning more for the INTV II over the original INTV. The smaller size is more practical and takes up less space. Bigger is not always better and in the case of gaming consoles big things can come in small packages. The smaller size just made more sense. Our TG-16 is nice but I believe the smaller model would have done better. And they should have stuck with the smaller controller port. I also believe that the TG-16 would have surpassed the NES if it would have got games that mattered over here. It also seems that the TG-16 was not released where it would have made more of an impact on the gaming market. In the midwest it was hard to find. I searched for a long time and only found them at TRU in Springfield, Missouri on clearance for $30 at the end of the system's shelf life. An employee mentioned that the only reason why that store got those in was so the company could get rid of overstocked inventory. I should have grabbed a couple of them at that price then but I simply couldn't justify it when I couldn't even find any games for it. Why buy more than one of a system if you can't find anything for it? In my area and surrounding areas the Genesis and NES were king, nothing else seemed to matter nor exist. And in my area collecting video games was unheard of. You had one or the other, you sold/traded off old for new. It was common practice. I think I was the only one out of everyone I knew that held on to most of my gaming stuff as long as possible. So, yea, RickR ... if you really want to see what all that system is capable of when you get your Everdrive in download and try out some of the Konami games. Those games pushed that system's abilities the most in my opinion. Especially in the music department. Play Salamander on the PCE and then compare it to the arcade original. You can barely tell the difference. I'm sure there are other great titles for the system but those are the games that had the largest impact for me. As soon as I started playing those in an emulator I kept asking, "Why in the hell didn't they ever release those over here?" Surprise, surprise, Sega's Space Harrier made it, too. Not sure if it made an American release or not but it is on the PCE. Come to think of it, I believe Sega is the only game maker that made/licensed games for consoles besides their own.
  7. I've been watching this EBAY seller for over a year now. I'd keep an eye on them for PCE stuff. They are based in Japan. https://www.ebay.com/str/usedvideogameyamatokuclassic/Console/_i.html?_storecat=3435711015
  8. Justin might know more but the only difference I know of are with the controller port. PCE controller ports are smaller, equivalent of a PS/2 style, and the TG-16 controller port is more like the old PC AT style. Therefore I don't think controllers are interchangeable by region. They seem to be region specific.
  9. I've played Salamander and Gradius II on a PCE emulator and those rocked! I'd recommend those. Don't pass up TwinBee. Its fun too if you like the NES port of Stinger.
  10. I agree. The rebooted Footloose was not that great IMO.
  11. I've never seen a Duo in person. The Express I wanted but I could never explain the justifications to my mother or grandmother to "persuade" them into getting one.
  12. Bible says Thou shall not want...but they didn't have all this cool stuff then either. 😁
  13. Lol. Batteries not included. Yep. But the multitap does allow for I believe five controllers. Not sure why ???
  14. I have to admit I'm a bit jealous lol. My area needs meets like that. The SMS is a great system with graphics that sometimes come close to the Genesis's capabilities. Bright and beautiful colors. I also believe Sega is the only game developer to license their IPs on other platforms that are not Sega consoles when Sega was producing hardware as well. Awesome score on the TG-16 but don't do what I did and let Keith Courage discourage you from enjoying the system. It has other great games that make it worth owning. It is a shame, however, that some PCE titles never made it to the TG-16. Konami made some awesome ports of their shooters for the PCE, Japan-only though. So if you ever run across a PCE at those events grab it! Then import the games we never got over here. Blazing Lasers is an awesome game if you can find it. Vigilante is damn near arcade perfect. I haven't played many others but I would look for them if I ever get my hands on a TG-16 again.
  15. I just recently had to go through this in my recent downsizing. Everything I wanted to keep was because I knew I would play it again or I had a lot of history with. But if I wasn't using them then I simply packed and stored them to protect them from elements with the idea I can simply drag them out when I got the urge to play them again. Then there was the VIS. Bought for $20 and with most of the "games" made for it. It is a rare item. Only 10,000 known to be still in existence. Valuable? Yes, it can be. But when I tried to part with it for a bit of financial gain offers barely went above what I gave for it. I understand why because while rare it wasn't a fun system to use. Cool to look at but nothing really entertaining. I finally decided to just put it on our apartment complex's giveaway table and let someone else mess with it. I had for five years and did nothing with it. My TI99 is currently under the gun. I don't use it very much at all but it doesn't have much either. It is also in a spot I don't use for anything else so it really isn't in the way. The Atari 5200 is my top dog so just being able to hold one Atari VSX would be my pride and joy. Would I use it? Most definitely. Sell it? Not on your life! I would love to get my hands on one of those but there's no financial way I could ever get one. I wouldn't even care if it was banged up a bit. Something like that, though, would be more valuable to me than money could ever buy. I would also have to will it to someone I would trust with strict rules to enjoy it but never sell it. If that is even possible. As for that Nintendo cart? Nope...not for sale if I had one. I would have to frame it with a page full of historical notes.
  16. As your icon says, the 5200 was an arcade machine and the games for it prove it. Some ports could have better but its hard to deny the library is an insight to what arcade games were popular during the system's heydays. If you think Junior is cool you should see Super Pac-Man and someone redid the original Pac-Man for it. Awesome stuff! Super PAC never made it to production but seems complete. Its a shame, too. The 5200 needed those. I still say it has the best ports of Pole Position and Qix.
  17. Just completed GTA V last night...the main story anyway. Multiple ending choices which I picked a good one. I won't spoil it for others but Rockstar knocked it out of the park with this one. I loved the game! Adult oriented? Definitely. But there are tons of humor underneath. You can do just about anything. Rob banks and jewelry shops, play golf or tennis, go racing, fly planes...there's plenty to do. I recommend for those not easily offended by adult only content. Hands down the best in the series...until the next one comes along. With that said there were a few glitches. Mostly with cars. Some would just drop out of the sky or pop up out of the ground. One mission required obtaining a fire truck. Once obtained you had to escape from the police. I got stuck in a bidding spot behind the bus station and had to get another fire truck. Other than that everything else was good. I recommend a physical copy (360 version was $10 new) because of the physical map.
  18. I loved that Sears Raceway set. You passed the Batmobile man! In a small car! Priceless.
  19. I've seen lots of AtGames products over the holidays. Looks like they crammed whatever games they could on the leftover Genesis 3 looking thing plus controllers with specific games put in them. Not the best quality. I would rather spend my money on a My Arcade product whether it be a micro arcade or one of the new mini arcade machines. i could deal with fading labels from use before i could a low quality emulator put inside cheap plastic. AtGames products never felt nor played right as far as I am concerned. "Casual audience?" You either play games or you don't, period. No matter which way you swing you are still going to expect high quality equipment.
  20. Hi Justin,

    Lance is where the SMS I have came from.  He found it looking for something else.  I'm glad i got it.  Hopefully he has more TG-16s.  The value of those things have increased, though.  I never thought that machine to be worth much.  Blame Keith Courage for that...that game didn't leave a strong impression for the system.  It was the only game I had.

    1. Justin


      Cool! I really liked TurboGrafx-16, even when it was new. I agree Keith Courage wasn't a strong pack-in game. They should've launched with Bonk's Adventure, Blazing Lazers or something else. They're great systems to have now though.

  21. Man, bro, are you going to leave yourself anything to enjoy? The stuff you are posting is really nice stuff.
  22. That Asteroids game wouldn't be very fun for me. Where's the Thrust button? Asteroids is only half a game if you can't fly around and run into things lol.
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