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Atari 5200 Guy

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Everything posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. That is very entertaining and interesting. They really dug deep into the industry and for 1981 that was pretty deep. I liked hearing about the bug that was in Galaxian. I so wanted to jump in on the 2600 product line. I would have loved to have helped assemble those.
  2. lol. I posted that comment to bump up this thread thinking that it might have got lost. 😆 We’ve all been busy. I know I’ve been busy and I haven’t been home to play more F-Zero. If I get to make it back home before the end of the month and can find time I would like to try again.
  3. I have noticed Windows 10 boots faster with more RAM if you can give it more. My system boots pretty fast…usually in 10 seconds I’m at my desktop screen. Believe it or not, when you have a 16 GB system and see how well a system with, say, only 4 GB installed, you will see the difference. Windows has always been a system hog so the more elbow room you have the better it is. I have dabbled a lot on the server side of computing and, yes, the more system resources available the more powerful and efficient your server will run. I own an old 1U server that is maxed out. It runs Linux and a few other applications to make it work. It was used as backup during my last few years at college when the college servers were down. I used it as a way to hand in assignments. I’d leave it up and running but the thing sounds like a jet plane is in the house. Somewhere on it is a website I made that allows people to play NES games. It was a school assignment.
  4. My Dad’s family invested heavily in those drawers. They taped every show they had interest in and would sit and cut out commercials. All tapes got a number and what was on them was documented on index cards and put inside those old time photo albums. My family thinking the drawers were made of wood stacked them about six high. Unfortunately the weight of the tapes destroyed the bottom two drawers.
  5. I like the idea of another player. With today’s internet speeds that would be fascinating to see. The only few things that would need to be done by a program are to see whose turn it is and get information about game play action. And don’t forget the second controller port has communication abilities.
  6. Ok guys. I was scrolling on Instagram and this little girl standing in front of a mirror starts dancing to a catchy tune. I do some research and hunt down a version with some sort of English translation. And here it is… I like what this song is about. I wish there was an English version of it.
  7. And power an Atari? When do we move?
  8. Ahh. Gotcha. Solar panels to power some lights maybe? How could you eat? Plan on cooking anything with heat or just raw foods? Sounds interesting.
  9. You mean kinda like this? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0287191/
  10. Those were the only duplicates I would have had. So I don’t have any extras I can send you. Sorry.
  11. Interesting. But humans don’t need to go to another planet. We can’t take care of this one, why do we need to go screw up another one? Aliens fly by this one and roll their windows up as fast as they can. Only the dumb aliens come to visit because they don’t know no better. They have been trying for a long time now to find other planets like ours and I do hope they find them. Some want to find other life forms, others want to simply find other planets like ours that are capable of supporting life as we know it. But until we can repair our planet we really don’t need to move in to another planet. It wouldn’t survive our way of living.
  12. I’ve had an all-in-one personal stereo ldentical to this one: Mom was a crazy picky about stereo gear and I don’t know where she got it from. If the tape decks did not have Auto Reverse she was not interested…at all. When I turned 15 my mother took me to wal-mart to find me a birthday gift. I couldn’t find anything. NES games were of no interest, a lot of the music then was not interesting to me. Mom said to help her find a cassette tape and then we would go someplace else. Our Wal-Mart had a habit of placing non-Sony branded Walkman units in the middle of their tape shelves. That’s where we found that little unit above. I still remember it being $20. I got a few blank tapes, some of the early gray Koss earbuds for like $5. And some batteries. I have to admit that little player impressed me. It had a really good sound. Every year after that Mom replaced my players with new Emerson models and would grab her one as well to listen to when she laid out in the sun. But that model above was my go to unit. I loved it.
  13. I have pieced together a “hi-fi” sound system. Every piece of it bought not working at Goodwill. I fixed all of it up. It includes a 600-watt analog receiver with AM/FM, 5 Disc Changer (you can change other discs while one plays), dual cassette decks with Auto Reverse (remember when that was a huge thing), and two Technics turntables; one direct drive from a radio station according to Goodwill, the other is a fully automatic belt drive model. Both have new stylus setups and the belt drive has a new belt. Everything else is Sony other than the two TTs. When I get home I’ll take pics of it. I know some people say they like the fact they can have all their music in the palm of their hand. I get it. I love my iPod and iPhone too but there is just something more interesting, interactive, involving using analog gear that can’t be experienced any other way. I’d prefer vinyl and cassettes over MP3s any day. CDs are even starting to be phased out looks like. You can’t find a Discman anymore. I’d like to find an old Emerson personal cassette player like I had back in high school. I played the heck out of that thing. I had my own stereo setup then with tons of vinyl, I’d make mix tapes and take them with me to school. When teachers were done I’d put headphones on and do my school work. You have not lived until you have spent hours picking out songs, adjusting the recoding volume per song, timing everything, just for about an hour and a half’s worth of ear pleasure. I never had a tape that had more than 10 seconds of blank space on the ends.
  14. I love my iPhone but I was getting bored of the mobile games constantly playing ads and wanting me to spend real money. It was messing up my mojo. 😁 Of course there’s Apple Arcade but don’t you have to subscribe to it to use it?
  15. Ok. JavaAtari is cool but I don’t believe I’ll be winning any high scores on it. Touch controls are iffy most of the time.
  16. I used to have a web emulator for the NES. I found it and used it as a college project. I can’t remember the name of it.
  17. I figured out a way to play 2600 games. I remembered JavAtari website.
  18. I’ve got a small bunch if 8-tracks I found but no way to play them. One tape is the Grease soundtrack and I have Three Dog Night with the song Old Fashioned Love Song.
  19. Does anyone here know if there is a way to play 2600 games on an iOS device? Modern mobile games are just not that interesting.
  20. This is the closest image I could find. Not my picture. I use to keep my feet under the TV to keep them warm from the heat the TV would put off.
  21. My great grandmother use to get on to me when I was a toddler. Mom would sit me in the floor in front of great grandma’s stereo and I figured out how to spin the knobs off the front of it. She’d slap my hands and tell me to leave her knobs alone. Worked for about five seconds. I ended up with that stereo. They had a huge sound. Our family TV when I was little was an all-in-one RCA unit. It was about a 25” TV with stereo/8-track on one side and record player on the other. I will see if I can find a picture of it online as I have absolutely no family photos.
  22. I still have my JVC unit. It makes a great RF to Composite converter for older game systems. I’m not home right now but I may have a picture of it on my phone somewhere. Lemme check. It’s not an up close picture of it but it’s on the wood storage drawer. I try to nab VCRs from our local Goodwill when I see them as we own a bunch of videos including a lot of Disney movies. No remote but still plays like new.
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