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NLCS - Cubs vs. Mets


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As a Mets fan (& I'm assuming the same for the Cubs), it's easy to say now that this is all gravy & even if they lose, I should feel good as this was a great season & they made it farther than anyone could have hoped. But going through the drama of Game 5 last night, losing would not feel good.

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Storm :rofl: :lol:

take this in consederation:

on mlb.com postseason prediction contest I picked mets over dodgers,cubs over bucs(wild card), cubs over cards and each come true

my next pick cubs over mets. just saying.

you might call the nlcs the battle of the pinstripes (both teams home unfirorm are pinstripes)

promises to be a great game no matter who wins

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I will admit that the prophecy of Back to the Future 2 has me a little concerned.  :bttf_delorean:


I'm looking forward to enjoying the series with you guys!


(And I hope your prediction streak comes to an end Dan.  ;) )

the bttf prediction will only come true if mets changes thier name to miami gators lol

btw I picked yanks for ws and look how that came out but my NL side is 100%

AVC Online:atari-video.club

VGS website: http://videogamesummit.net


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nice image, but why would chiacgo team have a parade in another state(in the movie the location was in california wasn't it)

You're right, Hill Valley is located in California and of course Chicago, Illinois. That graphic came from a graphic artist blog (wildkingdumb) I found awhile back. So he incorporated the different businesses from Hill Valley as sponsors. Maybe as SS said, Mr. Peabody had franchises?!?!?! 

Brian Matherne - owner/curator of "The MOST comprehensive list of Atari VCS/2600 homebrews ever compiled." http://tiny.cc/Atari2600Homebrew

author of "The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion" book series available on Amazon! www.amazon.com/author/brianmatherne

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hey cubs weren't expecting to come this far at start of this year they were saying 2016 was the year.

We did two things that was unexpected:

1. beat the cards who were a 100 win team(have a 100 win team ever been beaten)

2. win the division

good luck to your mets the AL teams are more hungry for the series then the cubs

well my mlb prediction ended today

AVC Online:atari-video.club

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The Cubs are definitely in good shape for the future. Schwarber needs to work on his defense though.  :unsure:


I still can't believe the Mets, who were so inept in late June/early July, are in the World Series. At least they're off until Tuesday, so I can finally get a decent night's sleep.

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The Cubs are definitely in good shape for the future. Schwarber needs to work on his defense though.  :unsure:


I still can't believe the Mets, who were so inept in late June/early July, are in the World Series. At least their off until Tuesday, so I can finally get a decent night's sleep

I hear that, we are loosing dan harren since he's retiring

AVC Online:atari-video.club

VGS website: http://videogamesummit.net


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Foot, it was a lie to  begin with because it also predicted a team called miami Gators was in the world series.

for it to come true the miami marlins would have change thier name to gators and move to AL.

no offence, but I am getting tired of the phoney predictions.

I'm a cubs fan and a baseball fan.

not a fan of phoney prediction based on movies

AVC Online:atari-video.club

VGS website: http://videogamesummit.net


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