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Does anyone here fo Backlight or led mods?


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I could do it. I rather do the GBA mod than the original Gameboy. If you're handy with a soldiering iron it's a rather simple mod to do.


The original Gameboy, it's so easy to do irreversible damage while doing the mod. I could do it but I'd rather not being that I don't want to damage another persons Gameboy. I destroyed 2 just making my own. I have done one for someone else but I was so nervous doing it.


Here's a PDF on the instructions I used for the GBA mod.



Edited by Kid A
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I could do it. I rather do the GBA mod than the original Gameboy. If you're handy with a soldiering iron it's a rather simple mod to do.


The original Gameboy, it's so easy to do irreversible damage while doing the mod. I could do it but I'd rather not being that I don't want to damage another persons Gameboy. I destroyed 2 just making my own. I have done one for someone else but I was so nervous doing it.


Here's a PDF on the instructions I used for the GBA mod.



That does look do-able.  Where do you recommend buying the kit?

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Well thats the thing im not handy at all with a soldiering iron. I understand aboit the gameboy, but would you be willing to do a gameboy advance?

I would have no problem modding a GBA again. Im actually going to be doing another one within the next couple of days.


That does look do-able. Where do you recommend buying the kit?

Well, ive never really bought a kit really. Look up GBA ribbon cable on eBay. Theyre really cheap. Also I picked up a GBA SP that wouldn't take a charge locally for cheap and pulled the screen out of that. Those are the 2 main components needed.

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There is a kit you can order for the Game Gear, but it isn't for the faint of heart either. Requires removal of several surface mount components and replacing them with other surface mount components. And then the other fun of attaching the video lines to very small traces on the PCB where the original LCD ribbon cable used to be stickered down onto.

See what I'm up to over at the Ivory Tower Collections: http://www.youtube.com/ivorytowercollections


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