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Entertaining images / pictures


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20 minutes ago, MaximumRD said:

I would like you not to assume you can alter an image someone else posts, it might be different if you asked if the person would like it "enhanced", honestly it comes off a bit creepy, nobody asked you to do this. Now, if you want to get all bent out of shape and stop coming here that's on you, you seem to get hot headed and upset pretty easily the moment someone asks you to not do something on a forum. 

Now days it seems no matter what person does it offends somebody.  I don't understand how it's supposedly "creepy" to enhance an image of a cartoon of the cookie monster and the keebler elves, or improve an awesome image for someone else's enjoyment, but hey, you're the moderator.  I completely understand about hosting images here and using bandwidth, so I stored put them elsewhere.  Now since it bothered you so much, I took the liberty of deleting all the enhanced images that I could at the storage site.   Yeah, I guess my personal tastes are different than yours, I don't like looking at 1970's era quality Xerox images either.  I figured in this era of 4K video and high resolution photography people might actually like seeing something better.  I'm now sorry I wasted my valuable time to for what I thought was a contribution to the forum.  

I do think it's best that I take a vacation for a while.

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My $0.02:  Consent is important.  I know it gets iffy on a thread like this one, as no one really owns these images.  Still, best practice should be to ask first, and do not do anything with personal images with subjects that aren't here to say yeah or nay.  Give credit whenever possible and don't remove/crop watermarks. 

Your expertise is appreciated in those cases where someone may need help with images for a newsletter or poster. 


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On 7/21/2024 at 8:53 AM, RickR said:

Does anyone have one of these A-Team cards they'd sell to me?  I'm thinking it would make a hella good luck charm for plane trips.


Rick, you need to start with the gold chains. The B.A. hair is optional. Otherwise, the card by itself may not work.

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