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What, IN YOUR OPINION is the BEST looking "classic computer"?

- Ω -

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I forgot about those NeXT computers. Considering the processor it was advertising, wouldn't that have been in the early 1990's when those things were announced?  Maybe it's just me but the all black design reminded me of a few IBM models.  The Apple on the other hand I wanted. I thought it was such such a neat design. We need Jobs back. I miss seeing his Keynotes.

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14 hours ago, Justin said:

I generally don't think of these as "classic" computers, but both are over 20 years old. For design alone I'd like to nominate these bastards

That brings up a really good question.  What IS a "Classic Computer"?  In my mind it's any home/hobbyist computer from 1978 until about 1985... but younger people may think differently.  The 20 year mark does not "do it" for me because no matter how hard I try to wrap my head around it, a 2000 era computer is just a dog slow PC.



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20 minutes ago, - Ω - said:

That brings up a really good question.  What IS a "Classic Computer"?  In my mind it's any home/hobbyist computer from 1978 until about 1985... but younger people may think differently.  The 20 year mark does not "do it" for me because no matter how hard I try to wrap my head around it, a 2000 era computer is just a dog slow PC.



My old 386, if I still had it, would be considered a classic these days.  Fully loaded it would not have been able to do anything modern.  But it was sure fun with all those DOS games I owned. I played a LOT of Wolfenstein 3-D and Doom on it.  It's also where I discovered Microprose games.  I bet I spent a lot of time on Railroad Tycoon and Covert Action.

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Oh man.  I remember doing very early web development on the NeXT and then on the power Macs.  Feels like ancient history -- probably because it is.  I know of a few web sites I worked on that are still using the old WebOjects code.  I won't mention them because they are extremely vulnerable.  Cheap SOBs. 

Beastly computers.  I loved them. 

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