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Post your HighScore.com & Lvl Up links so we can all support each other's scores!


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Your Atari I/O Profile now includes a place to share a link to your HighScore.com and Lvl Up profile pages as well! It's located in the "Reach Out!" box on the left, and can be edited by clicking on the "Edit Profile" button near the top right of your Profile's Cover Photo :nintendo_mario_1up:

Screen Shot 2021-11-04 at 1.15.08 PM.png


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Thanks to @Justin who has granted me this space to share some news about Lvl Up Score!


Lvl Up Score was created in December of 2020 by a diverse team of gamers from various sites (Speedrun, TG, HighScore, et al). It's a high score site focused on building a friendly and welcoming community, along with being easy and friendly to use for gamers of all skill levels. Lvl Up Score tracks scores for arcade, consoles, and computers of all eras, ranging from the Channel F and Commodore PET to the Xbox Series X and Playstation 5. The site has received over 17,000 submissions since its launch and now features 110 users!


Our community gathers on Discord where we talk about gaming, tournaments, and site suggestions, as well as promoting our Twitch streams.


So I invite you all to check out the website and Discord, and then become part of the community!


(Disclaimer: I am a Site Admin and a Patreon of Lvl Up Score.)

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