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Everything posted by TrekMD

  1. So, is the dirt on the exemployee on this podcast?
  2. Wow, not only did you have to get it done in one sitting because you got the games mixed up, you also had to make changes because of what happened with the former Gottlieb employee. OK, now you have made me very curious! So, how long do I have to send you the feedback on Armor Attack?
  3. Sad news. May you rest in peace, Mr. Anderson.
  4. Well, done listening to b*nQ episode! Another great episode and I actually learned that I have been mispronouncing the game's name all this time. I figured since it was a play on Q*bert that it was pronounced "bon-Q." Now I know to pronounce it "bonk." By the way, when I said on my feedback that the purple characters went the wrong way I did it as play on the original character name. I better start working on my Armor Attack feedback!
  5. Oh wow, that is just so unfortunate. He was still so young. My condolences to his family.
  6. Cool! I've been listening to them as I drive to/from work. I'm up to episode 13 right now. I'm going to "pause" so I can listen to the latest 7800 Homebrew podcast and then I'll be back. I keep laughing at all these pet peeve phrases on all the podcasts: Back in the day, Mr. Do!, etc. I loved it when Ferg managed to sneak it in!
  7. Cool! I will listening this on my way to work tomorrow.
  8. Soarin' has been updated in The Land and it is no longer a California ride. It now takes you around the world and it is awesome! Even better than before. The new name is Soarin' Around the World.
  9. Oh, I remember both of those. I did like Food Rocks better because it at least used music that was popular. I do agree that Soarin' is a much better attraction and now it is has even been improved.
  10. I have the CD with all this music. It does bring back memories.
  11. Hmm, this looks like a useful method to remove all sorts of smell from old manual. Certainly the musty smell from storage is horrible and this may work for removing that.
  12. I'll say that every game that I see listed deserves to be on these lists. They are all fantastic games.
  13. I'm late to the game but I'm listening to all of these now. Really enjoying them. I'm not watching the videos, though, but listening on a podcast app. Should I be watching instead? Also, what did I miss with the whole Mr.......Do stuff? LOL
  14. I don't think I've ever seen one of those! Cool!
  15. Hmm, hard to come up with just 10. And yes, I'm old too! LOL Here are 10 of my favorites in no particular order: 1. Pitfall II 2. Space Invaders 3. River Raid 4. Crystal Castles 5. Millipede 6. Escape from the Mindmaster 7. The Official Frogger 8. Ms. Pac-Man 9. Stargate 10. Dig Dug
  16. I'm considering joining this. I'm in Florida. It'd be the first time I participate in this. So the stuff to add into the box is all retro or just gaming related?
  17. Yes, there is more more than one version out there. Good to see the one you have plays well.
  18. I tried a version of this that must have been quite incomplete. The gameplay was slow and things did not work quite right.
  19. Well, I gave it a spin again today to see how far I could get. Here's my score...
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