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Everything posted by TrekMD

  1. I do the same! Silica packets!
  2. I keep all my games in plastic bins also. It's the best way to keep them organized and stored and accessible to use. As Rick says, it also keeps the games clean!
  3. I really like the Jr because it does looks sleek but also fits the design aesthetic of both the 5200 and 7800. That said, I recently got a modded 2600 Vader.
  4. After listening to the guys from GCC talk about their plans for the 7800, there is no doubt that Atari dropped the ball. The system was really meant for so much more and it would have been a better contender against the NES had things been pursued. The expansion slot would have allowed for several improvements too.
  5. Very nice collection of games!
  6. Very cool. Will be listening. I'm also catching up with Pie Factory.
  7. LOL That is great! Here, to stay in the Star Trek theme...
  8. Maybe we should consider redoing this using Nukey Shay's hack.
  9. I just posted the binary in my post above with the picture of that version.
  10. No, this was programmed from the ground up.
  11. Just played another round. A bit of an improvement over my previous score.
  12. You mean, something like this? The version created by Nukey Shay? Much better and far more acceptable as Pac-Man despite it not having the same maze. It does have enough of the arcade elements to make it far more acceptable. This one even has the intermissions as it is 8K. I've attached the binary here for anyone who may want to try it. Pac Man Atari 8K.bin
  13. Well, I see this version of Pac-Man as more of a clone than real Pac-Man. I much prefer to play one of the newer versions of the game for the 2600 like the one made by Dintar.
  14. This was one cool story to read. None of the charity stores where I live have stuff like this!
  15. Figured I'd share this here. This is a project by Marc Oberhäuser that I believe deserves attention. Here is the link to the campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/993169463/games-for-atari-1977-to-1995
  16. TrekMD

    Your first car

    My first car was a Datsun B210 Hatchback. This is a picture of one of the same color I had...
  17. Journey into Imagination is also being refurbished. It needs it. It seems, though, that Figment will not be part of the ride anymore after the update. From what I read he'll have a 3D movie shows at the theater in the building. I was in the parks this past May. You can see my album here: https://goo.gl/photos/7gVjzHyuZoK3SqMH8
  18. Now, that would be a real blast (processing) from the past!
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