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Everything posted by TrekMD

  1. Really cool! I think the cartridges are more rare than the consoles themselves.
  2. I tried this at PRGE! Really looking forward to the final release!
  3. That is great news! Best of luck! Change is always a bit scary but this looks like a good change!
  4. TrekMD


    It certainly is a fun game! Enjoy!
  5. Cool. Will be listening to this tomorrow on my drive to/from work.
  6. OMG! A boxed 5200! Dang!
  7. That is awesome! The stores in my area never have this stuff! I'm jealous!
  8. Ah, good to see you know about it. Yes, it is pricey but I think it'll be worth the money.
  9. Thanks! I may have found a flashcart that will work better for me. It accepts an SD card which is, honestly, far more preferrable. It's called the Ultimate Atari Cart.
  10. Hey guys, I recently got an Atari XEGS and I want to get the AtariMax cart for it. This doesn't seem to be a flashcart but a cart to program other memory carts. Am I right? Can the carts be reprogrammed as many times as one may want to? Any advise would be welcome. Thanks!
  11. Hi Kid A, welcome back and see you soon!
  12. For the price, this doesn't seem to be a bad deal. It's also not the first rip off of the PSP design. I've seen similar units sold in Amazon that are pretty much identical in looks to the PSP.
  13. I think they just hard an article in Forbes about that: https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2017/04/16/cancelling-the-production-of-the-nes-classic-edition-to-protect-the-nintendo-switch-makes-no-sense/#43d601964c84
  14. That's weird. I wouldn't expect having difficulty taking out the carts unless there was an issue with the mechanism in the carts but, from what you say, that's not it either.
  15. They purposely created scarcity, which is ridiculous.
  16. Here is part II http://i1303.photobucket.com/albums/ag160/TrekMD/RVG%20Images/Sony%20PSP%2026_zpsy8vntywh.jpg
  17. OK, here is my collection. Had to break it into two posts because it is quite a bit of pictures. I have boxes for all the games but I haven't taken pictures of all the games with their boxes/cases.
  18. That one will be sold in even fewer numbers if they follow their current pattern!
  19. Oh, I have a PSP and I love it. I have a pretty large collection. Maybe I'll post pics of what I have later...
  20. I saw that and just had to shake my head. So they intentionally created scarcity of this system.
  21. This is another game I had written a review for. Here it is: This is a game that needs no introduction. Space Invaders remains one of the classics in video game history and has even seen modernized versions released on new consoles and handhelds. Despite Atari having a hit with their 2600 version of the game (this was the game that put the 2600 on the map), they never created a port of the game for the 7800. That is quite surprising since the 7800 is certainly more capable and creating an arcade-perfect port would have been possible at the time. Well, fear not, for Bob strikes again and he has filled this gap in the 7800's game library. What Bob has created is a masterpiece for the console that not only looks great but also reminds me of the many options Atari added to their version of the game. Space Invaders on the 7800 has arcade-perfect graphics and animation. The sounds are as close to the arcade as they come as well. Instead of having to scroll through 100 plus game versions, you get to select different things to change on the main menu for the game. Here you can select the bomb speed, whether the shields are fixed or move about, whether the invaders are visible or not, whether bombs zig zag or not, and you even get to choose a color scheme for the graphics. These schemes range from the basic white and green to the more colorful ones created with overlays on the arcade machines. Space Invaders is a must have title for any gamer and this version certainly has to be part of your game library if you own an Atari 7800.
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