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Marco1019 last won the day on May 2

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    Discovering retrogaming communities while rediscovering the video games of my youth
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    Shutdown Fullcast, The Right Time with Bomani Jones

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  1. This week's show, originally postponed one day, has been postponed until next week. My partner was diagnosed with COVID over the weekend. She does have severe symptoms, fortunately. We also reside in a townhome which affords ample space. So I will be spending this week tending to her and ensuring she regains her health. To that end, she was prescribed Paxlovid and it is helping her recovery.


    The new show dates will be Wednesday, October 26 and Wednesday, November 9. I will then take a short break due to personal matters before returning for a show in early-to-mid December which will be the "Season 3" finale. I hope to return in January for the start of "Season 4".


    I'll upload a few videos in the meantime, including a head-to-head video which I planned to air as a segment.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DegasElite


      That COVID is nasty. I have had it once, and it lasted two weeks. Mild symptoms, but it still happened. Hopefully, she recovers quickly. :O)

    3. Marco1019


      Thank you 🙂 We're keeping our fingers crossed

    4. Marco1019


      I tweeted this a short while ago. Here is the updated show schedule:

      Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 8.17.03 AM.png

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