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    DegasElite reacted to CrossBow in First Time Playing Crossbow   
    Crazy, the actual arcade cabinet was semi common when I was kid and I always drawn to it. And you know it was different because games like Operation Wolf and the later other Gun games never interested me, but anytime I saw a Crossbow cabinet I had to play and see how far I could get my friends. But like all arcade games back then, it was much more difficult than home versions and I think I was only able to get them to the ice caves before getting wiped out. Might have made it to the jungle screen, but again just way more difficult compared to the home versions.
    So yeah, I was very familiar with the game and it was actually Crossbow and Xenophobe that made me want a 7800 when I was younger in the late 80s. I never was able to get Xenophobe as I don't remember being able to find it, but I remember seeing it on the Sears wish catalogs back then. But Crossbow I was able to get and I'm pretty sure I got it from Toys R Us at that time.
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    DegasElite reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in First Time Playing Crossbow   
    I will have to find it for the 7800.  So far I love the game.  But, it's true, Crossbow I have never heard of until I started collecting video games a decade ago.
  3. Like
    DegasElite reacted to Justin in First Time Playing Crossbow   
    I'm really surprised to hear you say that 😱 It's hard to be inside The World of Atari for 30 years and not have heard of Crossbow. Give the 7800 version a play and let us know your thoughts on how they compare.
    Same here! I might be a bit partial to the Atari 7800 in general, but I always preferred that version. Then again I usually prefer most 7800 versions to the XE / 8-Bit with the exception of Karateka.
  4. Like
    DegasElite reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in First Time Playing Crossbow   
    I'll have to hunt that one down.
  5. Like
    DegasElite reacted to CrossBow in First Time Playing Crossbow   
    I might be a bit partial to this game myself...hehe. Only I play the 7800 version which, I find to be smoother game play overall.
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    DegasElite reacted to Justin in WELCOME TO MY LAB!   
    Welcome @Video 61! THRILLED to have you sharing your stories and experience in the Blogs!
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    DegasElite reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in WELCOME TO MY LAB!   
    I'm going to look forward to this blog.  
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    DegasElite reacted to TrekMD in WELCOME TO MY LAB!   
    Hello Lance!  This will be a cool blog to read! 
  9. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Justin in 015 - Asteroids: Recharged - An Update that Rocks!   
    It's a definite revamp on the vector graphics in the 1979 version of Asteroids. I like it, too. :O)
  10. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Sabertooth in 015 - Asteroids: Recharged - An Update that Rocks!   
    It's a definite revamp on the vector graphics in the 1979 version of Asteroids. I like it, too. :O)
  11. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Justin in Metroid (and Metroid Zero Mission)   
    There are Save Stations where you can save the game and replenish your energy at. I can't remember where they are because I haven't played in a while. They look like booths and are in special rooms on the map. Your ship in Crateria is also a save point. Going there also replenishes energy and weapons.
  12. Like
    DegasElite reacted to RickR in It's a SMURFING Day   
    I agree with you both.  It's a hidden gem on the 2600.  Really well done.  It's one of those games that's fun for both kids and adults. 

    The Colecovision version is a real eye opener.  It's gorgeous.  It's got the same weird controls as the 2600 version, but it's also really fun. 
  13. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Retro_Club in Small Size, Big Heart   
    The A2600 was a definite deviation from the norm in the way we looked at television. It was like you had each game as like an interactive TV channel. Channel Three came alive, with graphics and gaming! Of course, the Fairchild Channel F was the first system to offer interchangeable game cartridges (I believe that was the first), but the A2600 was the system that caused the idea to take off. It was to be reckoned with, for sure, and put Atari in the true mainstream. Definitely a fun system to this very day, 43 years later. I was almost two years old when it came out. My family got their first Atari system in 1982. We spent hours playing Frogger, Outlaw, Night Driver, et cetera! It never stopped. It was and is fun at its finest.
  14. Like
    DegasElite reacted to Atari 5200 Guy in In defence of emulation   
    I have nothing against emulators. It was emulators that reminded me of the games I enjoyed and introduced me to games I missed. Because of those my starts of wanting to collect those games and systems was ignited. My only issue with Jaguar emulators...not a one is 100% accurate. There are one or two decent ones but at the time of this writing this is one where emulation comes close but misses. However, given the number of Jag units left, and knowing these systems can fetch a hefty price, emulation would be easier to obtain.
  15. Like
    DegasElite reacted to dgrubb in In defence of emulation   
    Yeah, this is definitely a problem, and it's not one unique to Jaguar either. I have the utmost respect for emulator developers because it requires such a unique cross-section of skills: the ability to write good code, a deep understanding of the hardware (including its buggy and undocumented behaviour, of which the Jaguar is a particular culprit), and the free time to devote to, sadly thankless, large projects.
    The brightside is that the gains from improving software don't go away, so the emulators will only ever get better and more accurate.
  16. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from MaximumRD in Small Size, Big Heart   
    The A2600 was a definite deviation from the norm in the way we looked at television. It was like you had each game as like an interactive TV channel. Channel Three came alive, with graphics and gaming! Of course, the Fairchild Channel F was the first system to offer interchangeable game cartridges (I believe that was the first), but the A2600 was the system that caused the idea to take off. It was to be reckoned with, for sure, and put Atari in the true mainstream. Definitely a fun system to this very day, 43 years later. I was almost two years old when it came out. My family got their first Atari system in 1982. We spent hours playing Frogger, Outlaw, Night Driver, et cetera! It never stopped. It was and is fun at its finest.
  17. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Justin in Small Size, Big Heart   
    The A2600 was a definite deviation from the norm in the way we looked at television. It was like you had each game as like an interactive TV channel. Channel Three came alive, with graphics and gaming! Of course, the Fairchild Channel F was the first system to offer interchangeable game cartridges (I believe that was the first), but the A2600 was the system that caused the idea to take off. It was to be reckoned with, for sure, and put Atari in the true mainstream. Definitely a fun system to this very day, 43 years later. I was almost two years old when it came out. My family got their first Atari system in 1982. We spent hours playing Frogger, Outlaw, Night Driver, et cetera! It never stopped. It was and is fun at its finest.
  18. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Sabertooth in 005 - Robinson's Requiem   
    Yes. I have heard of Carl Forhan and Songbird Productions. He is based in Rochester, Minnesota, approximately 100 miles from where I live. He has done impressive work, especially with "Robinson's Requiem." I really wish, but no one would know where to begin on it, someone could complete "Black ICE/White Noise." Unfortunately, no one knows really where the original source code or master video sources in standard definition are. For all we know, they could have been lost forever. Some mook from Atari could have carelessly thrown them away! Anyway, one can dream. I am glad that we have what we have acquired so far for the Atari Jaguar, CDs and cartridges alike. I think that the Jaguar was underrated and, of course, under-marketed. Ah, what could have been…
    Thanks for letting me share.
  19. Like
    DegasElite got a reaction from Sabertooth in 006 - White Men Can't Jump   
    When I saw WMCJ on a YouTube video for the first time, I was not so impressed. That was until I bought it. Sure, your players get knocked down so easily all of the time, and that bores me,  it does seem at times very intuitive to play to a certain degree. That is, at least if you select an easier difficulty level. I agree that it is so bad it is good. At least, it isn't horrible. But, it could be better. I do enjoy the Team Tap, though. That thing is mint. I wish I could get another one for potential eight-player gameplay, but I do not think that there is a Jaguar game that is eight-player. However, I can't remember if there was anyway. Whatever, that's irrelevant. I have NBA Jam: TE also, but never played it at this writing yet. However, I do plan to. I can share my feelings on that later.
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