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Everything posted by socrates63

  1. 😮 woa, very well put together. I wanna see that Justice League.
  2. Woot! Congrats, Harry! And Merry Christmas~~~ 🎄🎁❄️
  3. @LeeJ07 Nice! 👍 Quite the upgrade
  4. As far as I could tell, there's no haggling at this place. I didn't see anyone at any booth who appeared to the owner. There was a single place in the entire place where you went to pay for the items and a few people wandering about who asked if you're doing ok.
  5. This place has a few booths with video games and several other scattered booths with video game memorabilia. I didn't find anything exciting (probably picked through after the video came out a couple of weeks ago) or if it was interesting, it was over priced. I found one booth that had the DVD box sets of original Star Blazers series 1 and 2 and the price sticker was $120 for series 1 (couldn't see the price on the other box). That was serious sticker shock because I found it brand new on ebay for half the price.
  6. Earlier today, I went to Aurora Antique Pavilion, a place that housed dozens of independently owned booths selling antiques and collectibles, which was featured in a recent Metal Jesus Rocks YouTube video. I had previously lived in the city where the antique pavilion is located for 20+ years and had never been there despite having visited another store in the same building. In addition to seeing the place in the MJR video, what really piqued my interest was reading someone's comment that places like this are what flea markets now look like. I had never been to a flea market, but you always hear about people finding big bargains in such venues, so I wanted to see a real flea market. The place was big and I got lost briefly once or twice. It was an awesome place, and I had a lot fun browsing stuff from decades past. I'll definitely be back. Anyway, I didn't find anything interesting to me video game wise, but I didn't want to leave empty handed. I went to one small booth that had a small vinyl collection, and I was ecstatic when I found the vinyl soundtrack of Thunderball, my favorite 007 movie. I just love the jacket art. The LP hasn't been played from the looks of it, and the jacket is in great condition. I picked up two other albums from the same booth. What are your flea market shopping experiences?
  7. I played Adventure (on easy mode) a few months ago for the first time. I was pretty blown away. The game play and design are superb. I finally understood why there are so many fans and why it has been highly regarded by most. I had dismissed it for decades based on the screen shots of the game that showed a seahorse for a dragon and the fact that your character was a 🟨. But as soon as I started playing it, all snark about the chunky graphics vanished from my mind, and I was totally engaged and immersed in the game play.
  8. Saved for later reading as well. A couple of days ago, I was listening to an older episode of the Atari 5200 Podcast where they reviewed Missile Command and talked about its development and the nightmare that the developer had. Looks like this article may have been a source for the podcast discussion.
  9. Thanks, Justin. I reached 5600 and change after I posted the photo. As I mentioned in my intro, I have no gaming skillz. I think I can reach the low 6000s, but 9131 gives perspective and a good target to shoot for. And I was even using my 4-way joystick 🕹️
  10. All this Pac-Man talk got my juices going to play a few rounds. This game ain’t easy. By the way, my TV has geometry issues. Still waiting for the 240p Test Suite cartridge to arrive so I can calibrate it.
  11. Hanna-Barbera cartoons are awesome -- so many memorable characters and series. Captain Caveman, Top Cat, Wacky Races
  12. Hahaha sorry for reviving old threads and stuff 🙂 Just looking around and poking my 👃 here and there. Looking forward to your updated video, Jesse.
  13. Congratulations, Omega! 🍻👏 As HDN mentioned, the consolation prize ain't bad -- got introduced to The I/O 👍
  14. Harry, you're an old soul in a young man's body 🙂 Tube TV! 👍
  15. Amazing! You're what I aspire to be, but aspiration is the keyword as I'll never get there. Maybe I should change my username to Sisyphus. My wife came into my office the other day and just shook her head. Translating her Korean, she asked, "Do you just need to be surrounded by messiness? Does that give you some sort of comfort?" She had helped me clean up and get organized two weeks ago. I shrugged 🤷‍♂️ and then she walked out 🙂
  16. You remind me of me. I was around 15 when I joined the local Atari club. My dad used to drive me to the weekly meeting held at a local library. It made an impression on him that I was hanging out with adults in what he thought was a kids hobby. I think there was one other teenager and everyone else was "old" people. And now I'm that old person 🙂 Jealous! I had several as a kid but none now. Awesome collection 👍
  17. @Justin curious why you lumped together all generations of PlayStation and Xbox while Sega and Nintendo consoles have individual entries I chose Atari 2600 based on its historical importance to the video gaming industry and its genre defining games.
  18. @TrekMD are you in the photo? That’s a very interesting setup the way the 2600 is next to the player and away from the TV.
  19. 🎉👏🥂 It’s pretty amazing how long and how many 2600 games you’ve reviewed @nosweargamer As a relatively recent subscriber, you’re a gold mine of fun Atari content. Thanks for continuing to produce great content.
  20. Share some photos of the repair process 📷
  21. Speaking of HBO originals, my favorite intro music is season 1 of True Detective. Sopranos is still in my watchlist but haven't watched it yet 😞
  22. Harry, I highly encourage you to attend one, big or small. My first one was Seattle Retro Gaming Expo, a surprisingly very small event. Meet local gamers and collectors and local gamers who resell. I attended Immortal John Hancock's talk at last year's SRGE, and that inspired me to get back into Atari 8-bit and led me to acquiring the 800 and 800XL. The big daddy in my part of the country is Portland Retro Gaming Expo. I've been to it twice, and that's a ginormous event. It was at 2017 PRGE where I started to reconnect to Atari. I think I mentioned that in my introduction post.
  23. I wasn't paying much attention to these things and only found out when Kelsey Lewin mentioned that she would be on a couple of panels. That's when I looked into it, and since it was only $10 to attend, I said why not. It was a good experience so I'm wondering whether there are any more coming up. For those who may be wondering, Kelsey Lewin is co-owner of Pink Gorilla gaming stores in Seattle, and she's a regular contributor on the Metal Jesus Rocks YT channel.
  24. Are there any noteworthy online-only classic gaming conventions in the near future? Did you attend any recently? How was your experience? Little over a week ago, I attended virtually the online edition of the Long Island Retro Gaming Expo. It was my first virtual convention. Ticketing went smooth. Online experience was also smooth. Being online only, it actually allowed me to "attend" more panels than usual. I usually only have a few hours to spend at a convention, so between shopping and browsing, I can only squeeze in a couple panels at most. I must have attended seven or eight panels and browsed the shopping area. My highlight was attending live Dan Kitchen's talk on his upcoming game Gold Rush. For the immediate term, online conventions are what we're going to get. I'm briefly sharing my experience to encourage everyone to support your conventions and expos if they happen to transition to online only. I grabbed this Centipede marquee style pin to bring a little physicality to the virtual experience. Hopefully, I can attend a Long Island RGE in person in 2021 or 2022.
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