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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. Do you guys have a specific order for those? If you don't, that's ok, but it will affect how I score them for the final vote.
  2. I'm looking for feedback for the next episode of the Atari 7800 Game By Game Podcast (you can find it on iTunes, Stitcher, YouTube or use this feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/78gbg ) For the FINAL, regular episode, I want to know what the 5 Best "Hall of Fame Games" on the system are as wells as the 5 Worst "Trash Bin Games". This is for the original releases only. (No homebrews or unreleased games) Please put them in order, as I will weight them accordingly. (For Worst, your #1 will be what you think is the worst game on the system) You can also e-mail text or audio submissions to atari7800podcast@aol.com on your Top 5 & Bottom5 (these submissions will get a little extra weight added for taking the time to send an e-mail) or your thoughts or memories on the system or any of the original games in general. To guarantee your votes counts, please post or send them no later than Friday, November 18th at 11:18 PM EST I will tally up the votes and release the results in next and final regular episode of the podcast.
  3. Nope, but you could also earn one by getting your tip published in Atari Power Atarian Magazine....or not. They only advertised this in the last magazine they published....
  4. That book does look nice Actually, it will have 30, but I can see why you'd prefer the fb.
  5. So I tried something new this year: I made a holiday gift guide for retro gamers! Hope y'all enjoy it!
  6. It used to be River Patrol (R9) but right now it's Glib (R9) Once I review games, I usually sell or trade them so I can purchase more titles to review. Also space is limited, so my goal is actually to shrink my library instead of growing it. I'm hoping one day to whittle my entire collection down to 100 physical games or less. (I'm guessing it's more like 1,000 right now with about 200 being 2600 games)
  7. Great series! Especially the two mini series and the reboot series. My wife and I were disappointed when ABC canceled it at the end of season 2. It seems like a lot of shows we like get canceled after one or two seasons. Thankfully it seems shows have a better chance these days getting renewed on new networks or Netflix if they are any good.
  8. Oh, I almost forgot! Xybots! Good times!
  9. THANK YOU COVER ART KEVIN FOR MAKING THIS EPISODE POSSIBLE!!! The Prototype Special Episode of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast is now available on iTunes and YouTube. I actually added some video to portions of the YouTube version this time around.
  10. The Prototype Special Episode of The Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast is now available on iTunes and YouTube:

  11. If you liked Chips Challenge, you might want to try Crystal Mines. The Lynx also has a good, original port of Rampage. I also remember enjoying Bill & Ted, but it has been years since I played it.
  12. Bump: Updated with just about every 2600 I don't own, but might want to review including the long shots.
  13. The big difference is this isn't emulated like all those other systems. They are actually trying to re-make the original Sega Genesis! This is a much more expensive process. When Analogue made their own NES is a similar fashion, but with a new design, it sold out with a $500 price tag. And I will also note that this is less than what the Sega Genesis cost at launch ($179 before inflation) However, this most likely will not come to the US, but instead stay in Brazil.
  14. Ep 288: Midnight Mutants (Atari 7800)

    1. The Professor

      The Professor

      Great pick for Halloween!

  15. Ep 288: Midnight Mutants (Atari 7800)
  16. Ep 287: Frankenstein's Monster (Atari 2600)
  17. I don't think they are bowing out of the home market, but taking a new approach. I'm sure there will be a fair amount of users who will us it mostly with their TV. But at the same time, the home market has changed with more and more people watch TV shows and movies on portable devices. Rarely has Nintendo targeted teen gamers and those into high specs so in a sense, the core PS/XB audience and core Nintendo audience has typically been different. And it's hard to argue with their success. Whereas other top of the line console actually lost money depending on software, theirs make money. And don't fret Lee. Nintendo has a history of supporting systems for 2-3 years after a new system comes out. The 3DS should stay strong through 2018 into 2019. But, sadly, at some point the 3DS will be put out to pasture.
  18. In a sense, all 32X games are rare compared to major systems, but this one is one of the more desired 32X titles. On the bay, it goes for $40-$50 loose, so $50 it not great, but not unreasonable either. It's not untypical for game stores to charge a little more than ebay to help cover the overhead of operating a physical location. They probably charge something like $60 for the regular price.
  19. The Ghostbusters review can be seen here. The FM review can be seen here. And you can vote for my next Atari Day review here. Thanks again for voting everybody! It helped my find a hidden gem on the system!
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