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Everything posted by nosweargamer

  1. I will be moving to new state next month. Going to call TenNESsee home.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RickR


      Go get em, Tiger.


    3. Yo-Yo


      Do you need a moving company to give you a quote?

    4. nosweargamer


      Actually got the moving company already set, but thanks anyway Yo-Yo!

  2. It's also kinda unique in the fact that it is a 7800 game with an ending. Very few games on the 7800 had any sort of ending and of those, only a small number actually had some sort of resolution versus just saying "The End" or "You Win".
  3. Happy Finale Friday! Today I show you the ending to the 7800 version of Double Dragon.
  4. January Pickups (including one from Rows!)
  5. Super Duper Props to Rows for this trade! My kid really dug the surprise key chain!
  6. Just announced: The Atari 7800 GBG podcast won the 2015 Poddie Award for Best New Game By Game Podcast! http://ccg.podomatic.com/entry/2016-01-28T20_53_28-08_00

  7. Pinball Nintendo Entertainment System Difficulty: None High Score: 366,730 January 23rd, 2016 Notes: E-Reader version played on a GBA SP
  8. I was very busy last weekend so here is last weeks: Rampage on the Master System (a lot of versions of this game have no ending)
  9. Thanks for posting this. When i made a video about the CC, I threw out the possibility of a CV Flashback cart. I wonder if that is what they will do (along with an INTV one)? Some sort of compilation cart makes the most sense to me. I like the looks of some of the games. I've been waiting for more retro beat em up games!
  10. So former Atari guys made the Amiga and some former Commodore guys made the Atari ST. Crazy.

    1. Rowsdower70


      Such an irreverent time of debauchery!

    2. The Professor

      The Professor

      Yes, Atari was also funding Amiga development and the Amiga chipset was meant to be Atari's. It would have been the core technology behind Atari computers, arcade machines, and a high end console through the rest of the '80s. Sad!

    3. RickR


      Amiga = successor to the Atari 8-bit design.


  11. Wow! That is some crazy FFL numbers! I recall seeing one copy in an EB Games. Only time I saw one, but at that time, Jag stuff was hard to find in stores in general. Do you got any 7800 stories
  12. Ep 25 covering Barnyard Blaster and Ikari Warriors is now up on YouTube and should be showing up in iTunes soon. The next episode will cover Super Skateboardin' and Tomcat F-14 Flight Simulator
  13. Seriously, how did this escape me for so long? I'm not a big fan of Vin Diesel or the Street Sharks, but putting them together turns out to be one of the best combinations since PB & J! And using a Troll TMNT figure is the icing on the cake. It reminds my of one of the 80's infomercials that came on after cartoons were over on Saturday mornings on stations that were to cheap to show sports or 10 year old movies. Tune in next week when Vin showcases the amazing world of M.U.S.C.L.E. action figures as they take on Pirate Captain Papa Smurf! Uncle Vinnie's Toy Box: Every Saturday 3pm on WAIO channel 13!
  14. Food Fight Atari 7800 Difficulty: Advanced High Score: 238,100 January 25th, 2016 Difficulty: Expert High Score: 160,400 January 25th, 2016 Notes: Scores posted for both Advanced and Expert Difficulty Settings in this submission. Achieved on an Atari 7800 with a Sega Genesis controller
  15. Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Dreamcast)
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