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Everything posted by RickR

  1. If you can get two strikes in a row, you'll break 200.
  2. Mine was exactly the same as yours -- the demo for Dreamcast NFL 2K. I was blown away. Dreamcast (the sports version that came with 3 of the 2K games) was the first game console I'd purchased since the 2600 after spending years in the home computer game.
  3. I agree, but it seems to be a youtube video issue to me. I'll bet the real game sounds better. Still, it boggles the mind that a video would be released with this issue. I'm excited for this port, but it puts me in the "wait and see" group. I've got a Phoenix, and love it. One thing I'm not a fan of how some homebrews use the Super Game Module as a crutch. 2600 homebrews pull some spectacular results out of stock hardware. You telling me CV isn't capable of the same?
  4. More people = more fun. Spread the word and invite friends. And a huge thank you to all that have posted scores so far.
  5. 232 - Game 1/a. I choked at the end. Dang it.
  6. Hey, that's awesome. I hope we get several more 200 club members. I know @Csolo is trying hard too.
    1. greenween


      Yo Rick. I think I might take the AT Games Sega off your hands. Does it use hdmi or just a/v?


    2. RickR


      Just AV.  I'll private message you. 

  7. Someone is going to bust a 300. I can feel it.
  8. Yes, I care and that would be most helpful! Thank you.
  9. It's way too small and has no give at all. It takes quite a bit of force to get it to register. After a while, your thumb just gets sore.
  10. 100% favorite. Sadly, it's starting to wear out due to heavy use. I need to find another. I like it because it's so tight and perfect for twitch games. The downside is the painful fire button. Games with lots of button pushing (like Asteroids, Missile Command, Yars' Revenge) can be agonizing with this joystick.
  11. 214 - Game 1/A. Ripped this score out this morning.
  12. Tip for strikes: The ball must be curving, and try to hit the front pin with the middle of the ball.
  13. You guys are bringing your "A" games. Ha ha ha....get it? "A"? Is this mic even on?
  14. 172. Game 1/A. I love this. Very challenging. A reminder to all to put your left difficulty switch on "A".
  15. And WOW, we literally have 10 patch worthy scores. Incredible!
  16. Congrats @Marco1019 for a megamaniacal high score. And congrats @Justin for a successful 14 participant challenge! I'll see you all at the Atari.io lanes. First round of pizza/beer is on me.
  17. The Fitbit Versa is $130 The Fitbit app has watch faces and apps to install. It works like the Google Play Store app. Most of the stuff is completely free. Your account is on the internet, but privacy settings currently do not allow sharing without consent.
  18. Xbox games for 25 cents each. There are actually six because Sega GT also includes Jet Set Radio.
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