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Everything posted by RickR

  1. My FlashROM is old, but it does everything I want it to and I'm happy with it. To be honest, I mostly just leave it all plugged in just as pictured. I'm considering selling off all my TI boxed and loose carts and all other accessories/hardware. I'd like to get the TI stuff I have to fit into one box. Are you a member of the Facebook "TI 99ers" group? Nice group. I'll post the stuff I have to sell there in the next few weeks.
  2. I'm happy with my 5200 library as-is. I guess the only things I'll stop and consider are homebrews. And for those, I really don't have anything specific to list. I guess the reasoning here is that I'm happy everything I have fits neatly in a single plastic tub.
  3. I hope @CrossBowcan help you here. I have a diagnostic cart on the Atarimax SD cart that makes it easier. Maybe you could use Galaxian to calibrate the horizontal and something like Vanguard to do the vertical?
  4. That Retrogamboyz stick is awesome. Nice pickups!
  5. My flashcart also has another "unreleased" but seems finished game....Realsports Basketball
  6. Two PSP Movies and also a game "Little Big Planet".
  7. A Lynx 1 and 4 games. I already have Rygar, so that one (and probably the Lynx) will be for sale.
  8. Any excuse to get the TG-16 out is fine by me! Thanks.
  9. I do not sand, polish, or paint. I do use a rough file on the sharper edges. My honest opinion on 3d printing -- do it only if you have a lot of time on your hands. It is difficult and frustrating. I would not do it again and I'll probably get rid of mine. A better option IMO is to find a local company or library that will let you use their printer for a fee. Or just buy whatever cases you need from an expert. For those that are interested -- get yourself the best slicing software you can (I use CURA), and also look into a CAD program of your liking (I use TinkerCAD). This aspect is one I do enjoy. Prints take hours. And so many things can go wrong. Filament that gets stuck on the spool, print heads that clog, power disruptions, etc. Proceed with your eyes wide open.
  10. Nice job, @Marco1019. That is one hard variation of Missile Command and you dominated. I kept thinking while playing how the media was going to lambaste my @ss for such incompetence in defending our cities. Sorry about that, Earthlings!
  11. Yes and no. I printed a 3D case for the 32k sidecar. But I was never able to find files for the joystick board. And I have no time to create my own.
  12. I'm totally with you here, as I've been slowly downsizing with the intent of my wife and I moving into a much smaller one-level home as soon as everything settles down in our lives. As you may have seen in my statuses over the last several months, I've been selling off pieces of my collection in chunks, and it's going very well. I'm lucky to have a long time to get this done. It takes time and effort to do it right! But I've made people happy to receive some of the rare stuff I've decided I don't need. And I've got extra cash that goes into the bank to help me retire early (hopefully). And it's not just video game stuff. Books (we're down to one shelf), clothes (if you haven't worn it in 1 year, consider ditching it), stereo stuff (small Bose speakers instead of giant bookshelf speakers), etc, etc. Everything is getting a stern evaluation. And it's been so liberating! Less stuff, less clutter. And keeping the really important things. It feels good.
  13. No pressure or anything. Whatever you choose is good. But I thought I'd share my storage solution for the gigantic 5200 just because I like to share. Everything I have (except boxed games -- they are on a shelf) fits in this one plastic tub. 5200, 2600 adapter, trackball, a bunch of controllers, the multicart, and a bunch of loose carts (in the blue tub at the bottom). I leave it boxed up and take it out when I want to play it. And it will be like this until my kids fully move out due to lack of space.
  14. And it has a ton of speech. The game itself is awesome and fun, but the speech takes it over the top.
  15. I'll put it like this: It's like the Odyssey 2 and "The Voice" module. IMO, you are missing out if you don't have it, regardless of cost. Store it in a box and pull it out only when you feel like using it. Here's the thing. As @CrossBowmentioned, it's so well designed. You'll wonder why Atari didn't use the same bubble switches for normal controller buttons. You'll play more games for longer times because it's that enjoyable. They could have made it smaller by only having one set of buttons. But that's not what the 5200 was supposed to be. BIG. Larger than life. Big flippin' American tail fins. Go big or go home. I'm not saying I agree with that philosophy, I'm saying that was their design philosophy -- take it or leave it.
  16. Buy it. It's worth it. It works with more games than you realize. Super Breakout, Galaxian, Space Invaders, Centipede, Missile Command, etc. And if you ever buy the Tempest homebrew, you'll be happy you have this controller.
  17. It *is* a great game! I get stuck playing and playing too.
  18. They can be cleaned out just like 2600 paddle potentiometers. Willie at ArcadeUSA is the only person I know that has replaced them, so I'd trust what he did in that video if it indeed needs to be replaced (meaning it still doesn't work properly after a good cleaning).
  19. http://www.indieretronews.com/2019/12/bosconian-ultimate-1980s-multi.html?m=1
  20. I was playing 5200 Bosconian a few days ago and it's so impressive. One of my adult children came to see what game was doing all that speech and was very impressed too, which is a pretty rare thing. Super Pac-Man is another that's so good. Why didn't they release it? Who knows.
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