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Everything posted by RickR

  1. 16,220. I'm going to try to give "The Philosopher" a run for his money 🙂
  2. Your scanlines add a level of authenticity that should add a +100 bonus to your score.
  3. Thank you. @socrates63traded that sweet Retrogameboyz controller to me. It's so much fun! It's amazing how natural that 5 button layout feels for us old-timers. And the buttons need to be TOUGH. I slap that "hyperspace" button like an excited contestant on Family Feud!
  4. Another fun game discovered that I had never tried before. Thanks! And good job, BTB.
  5. 12,230. This one is going to be hotly contested. I want to play more.
  6. You have reminded me that I can use the Asteroids button controller for this. Which will be a lot of fun.
  7. What I've been working on:  Getting "The Hand-Cramp Six" cleaned, repaired, tested, and ready for sale on ebay.

    bad joysticks 001.JPG

    1. HDN


      Looks comfortable.

    2. RickR


      Looks can be deceiving. 


  8. This reminds me of the 7800 homebrew version of KC Munchkin. Thank you for posting. I'm going to try these ASAP.
  9. I'm glad you're trying too! The key to this game and this level is to master the flick of the d-pad to get the jumps to work for you. So on this level, you'll jump right over a lot of the water parts. Still, you'll end up sinking 2 or 3 times but still finish the level.
  10. Those systems are the meat and potatoes of my collection. I totally love those old 8-bit computers. This is for real. I'm trying to fix this by stopping "collecting" and trying to focus on "playing". It isn't easy! But things like that weekly AtariAge Facebook 2600 high score challenge help in this regard. Setting aside time to play those games sometimes leads to "hey, this reminds me of game xxxxx on some other system", so I'll go play that one too.
  11. Here's a glimpse of my muscle-bound spreadsheet.
  12. Here's my Jr. It's my "daily driver" and I use this console more than any other that I own. It has been modded to have composite output, and it works really nicely. I like how small it is, which is helpful given my limited space. I do not like how difficult it is to switch controllers.
  13. This reminds me also that I really need a new phone. I've run out of storage space to load more apps. My son tells me that I should get a Samsung Galaxy S10 because its got 128GB of storage and also it's not gigantic and won't make my pants droop when it's in a pocket.
  14. OK, here is the mother load of O2 games that I purchased from Omega. And also a picture of how they perfectly filled up my shelf of O2 games.
  15. I also have an Excel spreadsheet that I've rigged to do a count on a summary page. Let me know if you figure out the import process.
  16. Thank you! Those are great suggestions and more games to add to my list. I'll do North Korea next, since we are lucky enough to have @Airshackhere. I hope everyone feels comfortable enough to let us know your opinions on the various games as I get to them. And also any suggestions are welcome too.
  17. Yes. The O2 games are pictured in your other thread. For now, they remain in my garage for a few days until I finish up other projects. Thanks again. This evening, I worked in the yard and now I'm just about pooped.
  18. @TrekMD, that's a really nice set of games. I think you'll be busy for a while.
  19. I finally got my TI 99/4A out and have a grand plan to try out all of the "Speech" games. I always thought it was so cool that the TI was the one home computer that had a decently-supported speech synthesis unit, and I remember that it really works well. As you know, I'm no TI expert. So if you know of any speech games I should try, please let me know! I know I'll go over Parsec, Alpiner, Demon Attack, and Star Trek. Again, please help me find them all! First of all, a quick look at my setup. It's a standard issue TI-99/4A with the speech unit. I've added a 32k sideboard, a FlashROM99, and an Atari joystick adapter. The first speech game I will try is called "Borzork", and it's a Berzerk clone done by nanochess over at the AtariAge forums: https://atariage.com/forums/topic/283561-borzork/?do=findComment&comment=4198985 How is the game? I've been wanting to try this one for a long time. I love Berzerk. This version is incredible. It plays a lot faster than I was expecting. That makes it challenging! It's got great graphics, great colors. Just all around a pretty perfect Berzerk clone. How is the speech? The speech in this game is AWESOME. Have you played the Atari 5200 version of Berzerk? The speech there sounds good, but it only plays while nothing else is going on. That's because the Atari uses all it's clock cycles to generate the speech. No such limitation here. The robots chatter constantly. There seem to be about 3 different distinct robot voices. And they go without any slow-downs in the game. INCREDIBLE. Final Grade: A+. THIS is the definitive home port of Berzerk. If you have a TI, you need to try this game. PS - I understand this game can be purchased in cart form, and I think I'm going to pursue that. As long as the developer Nanochess gets the proceeds.
  20. Maybe this one? https://www.ebay.com/itm/220907079881?hash=item336f1688c9:g:AcAAAOSw1qhcDJzS
  21. I have two Genesis controllers that both have issues. One won't register "down" easily, and the other "left". I either need to get new controllers or repair these ones. But I will try again very soon on emulation. The key to this game is flicking down on the jumps to not lose any speed. It's pretty fun if you can get that flick timing just right.
  22. Here we go. Second try. 50. Much better. I'll have to work on finishing the race.
  23. Here is my first try. 15. I'd say this one is frustrating. That level with water is a pretty big ramp up in difficulty.
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