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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Sweet. I downloaded it. I also found Lunar Rescue (with speech) by the same author: https://www.ti99iuc.it/web/index.php?pageid=database_cerca&archivioid=744#.YOnxY-gzaUk
  2. I'm not sure what the specifics of Atari 7800 are, but you have to write a "Gray code" interpreter for those driving controllers. If you're only reading one direction, I suspect you aren't polling often enough. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_code
  3. I always end up in 3rd place on the positioning round. I'll bet my score would go up if I could get at least 2nd.
  4. Oops! All caused by that fan with the sign being way too close to the course.
  5. I don't remember the dusky purple sky. That was a good one! Next up is Cinematronics:
  6. I'm glad you guys posted pictures because I really thought my version was broken due to the missing center line on the track!
  7. I watched, and it was indeed awesome. Thank you for the heads up.
  8. That is cool! I remember the 8-Bit Guy doing a review of this on his "8-bit keys" channel. Enjoy it!
  9. There's an unprecedented heat-wave here.  I've had to move my collection out of the attic.  It's way too hot in there for this stuff.  Future plans include selling some of this stuff off and moving the rest into the garage (which is far more climate-controlled).


    hot attic 002.JPG

    hot attic 003.JPG

    1. HDN


      At least you had some foresight and moved your games before it was too late

    2. RickR


      I have a plan formulated to move garage stuff up into the attic and my collection into the garage.  It will take some time, and that's a lot of carrying/stairs.  But it's a plan.  And I already have a pile of garage stuff to ditch.



  10. Yes! It's a really fun game, and I love the Japanese accent of the umpire in the game.
  11. I really want to give that a try! I remember really loving the arcade game. Although that was a LOOOONG time ago. Next one is Sega:
  12. OMG. This was a good one @Sabertooth. I had forgotten about this one. Turbo Sub. Didn't they make a Lynx version too? Is it any good?
  13. We're expecting a heat wave here this weekend, so I hope to give this game a try then.
  14. Yeah, I think I've played that one once in my whole life. Next one is Atari.
  15. Does anyone else collect PSP movies?  I'm up to 51 of them, with these 11 being my latest pickup.



    psp movies 002.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RickR


      Absolutely better.  Good resolution and you get the full 2+ hour movie.  On the downside, there is no novelty "Rick Roll" movie on PSP (that I know of). 

    3. socrates63


      Cool, you grabbed Michael T's bundle 👍 The price was great, and I was tempted because of some of the movies in the bundle, but I didn't want to go down the rabbit hole of UMD movie collecting. I already have my hands full with blu-ray, DVD etc.

      PSP really was an entertainment powerhouse, but for whatever reason, Sony handhelds never remotely come near the success of Nintendo handhelds.

    4. RickR


      Yes.  I'm actually shocked no one else grabbed that bundle! 

      I have a pretty nice PSP collection.  The PSP is a lot more advanced than the Nintendo DS.  Yet I still love the DS more.  Why?  Probably because the library is more accessible and large. 

      I normally take the PSP with me on plane trips with a few movies to watch.  But this last time, since we hadn't flown in so long, I just minimized.  Our plane ended up having a pretty good selection on seatback screens, so I just watched a bunch of TV shows and was happy.  I started to watch that movie "The Joker", but it was so depressing, I turned it off. 




  16. It honestly looks like it could have been taken in the Arizona desert.
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