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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Necromancer is awesome. Such unique gameplay. Next up is Atari 2600
  2. I'm 3D printing today!


    3d print pong 002.JPG

    3d print pong 003.JPG

    3d print pong 004.JPG

    1. HDN
    2. RickR


      I'm starting to get the hang of it.  These two knobs turned out really well, with a nice glossy/smooth finish on the top.  


  3. I'm completely off topic, but Fantastic Voyage reminds me of a possibly interesting video idea for you, @nosweargamer. For whatever reason, there are several Atari 8-bit games that have absolutely zero improvements over the 2600 versions. Fantastic Voyage is one example. Pitfall, Demon Attack, and Atlantis are others. It was so disappointing back then. What were they thinking?
  4. Reminds me of that old ride at DisneyWorld "Body Wars". Who remembers that one? Next up: Atari 5200
  5. Gremlins is correct! I like the little gadgets (like the TV) you can turn on to distract the mogwais.
  6. There's something fishy about that answer. In any case, it's CORRECT!
  7. Well, I gave everyone 45 mins... Shamus! I had that game for the VIC-20, and it was an amazing port.
  8. Forbidden Forest is correct! Cosmi was most definitely in the budget price range. I had a few of them too, and I think they were $10 for tapes. You're right...the artwork was an A+, but the games were pretty bad. I had Forbidden Forest and it was awful. The C64 version is a lot better (with the cool music and parallax scrolling) but still seems overrated to me.
  9. That 8-bit ET game isn't perfect. But it's a huge improvement over the 2600 version without the "HSW" and "worst game of all time" hype. I remember buying it on clearance sale (along with Final Legacy) from Kay-Bee Toys. I was blown away back then. I'll stick with the Atari 8-bit. Hint: This game is terrible. I never understood the popularity until I saw the Commodore 64 version, which is much better.
  10. That's it. This game is pretty common, but so forgettable. And what does it have to do with "space"? Nothing.
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