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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Mine arrived today! I bought this on ebay for $45. It is "open box", meaning someone probably returned it. It seems to be in good shape and works just fine. I'm not too pleased about them not shipping in a separate box though. Oh well. It works just fine, and is firmware 1.2 First impressions: The joystick is not terrible! It is very light in the amount of force needed to move it, but I think I can get used to this. Next step is to update the firmware.
  2. I bought one, and it should be arriving today! My reasoning was for the little paddle on each controller. Emulating paddle games!
  3. It *has* been a challenge! But there is much to be thankful for. For 2023, I am thankful for this month-long challenge format! I think it works well. Especially given that we usually have two going on at once (with ClubVCS). So thanks very much for that. We keep shedding guests here, so I should have some time and space for a few rounds this weekend!
  4. Here are the NSG reviews for Arcade 1 and Collection 2
  5. There are now 4 Piko collections on Evercade. They are: Piko Interactive Collection 1 (now legacy state, meaning no longer being produced) Piko Interactive Collection 2 Piko Interactive Collection 3 Piko Interactive Arcade 1 Let's cover all 4 in this thread.
  6. There are a lot of reports out there about Evercade carts that stop working. I think it is factual, as Blaze will replace such carts in many cases. But I don't know how widespread the issue is, or if it is caused by a particular action or poor quality. What do you think? Has it happened to you? Some theoretical causes: Updates to the cart corrupt the cart. This implies that the original Evercade handheld may not cause this problem, as it doesn't connect to wifi and do updates. Removing the cart or turning off the Evercade while data is being saved corrupts the cart Physical deterioration. This implies a q-tip/alcohol cleaning can fix broken carts. Like I asked earlier -- please let us know if you have more info or if you've experienced the issue. How did the replacement process go for you?
  7. This is so awesome, thank you for posting it. It looks fantastic. We want to make sure and give full credit to Tursi over on AtariAge for both producing this game and making it available for free download. Here is the full thread at AtariAge: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/358664-mario-bros/ Really well done.
  8. I also am going to get some time in. Grandma is leaving tomorrow! We've had a house full of guests for the holidays, so I haven't had much time for games. I also had to return to work this week. Boooooo!
  9. I finally did the Win 11 upgrade on my garage computer, and it went super smoothly. It takes about 30 seconds to boot now, with most of that time spent on the post screen. My main computer is also Win 11 (clean install) and has two SSD's (no physical HDD). It also takes about 30 seconds to boot with that same pause on the post screen. Microsoft has a new free tool available called "Microsoft PC Manager" that has a lot of nifty features, like cleaning up temp files, installing updates, and disabling startup programs. It works well! https://pcmanager.microsoft.com/en-us
  10. Merry Christmas to you too, R & M! Never stop sharing these culinary excursions! They all look so good.
  11. All: My sincerest wish is for all that are here to have a wonderful holiday season. May you have health, happiness, and success in your lives. And if not, a hope that those things come to you very soon. We as a group have so much to be thankful for in our retro collecting and fun. I always find that we can do much to improve the lives of others -- to give back by volunteering or giving to our causes of choice. No pressure intended, but if you can, it feels good to give assistance to those in need and make our world a better place. My wife and I chose three charities to donate to this season. Not only that, but the company I work for matches these donations! I'll post links to the charities we chose. Again, no obligation at all. But if you decide to donate, please post links to those charities below to give ideas to others. For your info, Atari.io users have participated in and supported this type of giving for many years. From Alzheimer's Walks, to Extra-Life video game fundraising...please SHARE your giving and give everyone a chance to support those causes. Thanks very much! Oregon Food Bank - https://www.oregonfoodbank.org/ They offer food assistance to those in need in the state of Oregon Oregon Energy Fund - https://www.oregonenergyfund.org/energy-assistance/ They offer assistance with utility bills to those in need in Oregon Senior Citizen's Council of Clackamas County - https://seniorcitizenscouncil.com/ They offer support and assistance to adults and seniors with disabilities in our home county.
  12. These pictures are so dang awesome. Thanks so much for this gift. They take me back in time, no DeLorean needed.
  13. Awesome! Thank you for posting. Colecovision is one of those systems I have and love, but never have time to play and enjoy. I need to work on that. Dang it.
  14. Bless their hearts for trying. I love how Microsoft in the 80's was really focused on making what other hardware companies might need to get their machines going.
  15. Very true! I have a small stack in my attic (turntable, tape deck). I sold off the analog receivers long ago. Although I still use a digital receiver under our family room TV setup. It drives a 3.1 set of Bose speakers that has a nice "boom" to it. I've contemplated changing to a soundbar system, but in the end, I'd really miss that ability to switch between input sources so easily. We have a blu-ray player for movies, a USB drive for music, a Roku, and two loose HDMI connections for connecting a laptop or game system.
  16. Me either until I read the manual....you shoot the missile with one button push and have to push it again to detonate it! But even given that information, it's hard to know at what depth to detonate it accurately.
  17. I think so too. There's usually a couple of games I'm not familiar with that are fun to try. You might find a hidden gem!
  18. PS - I find them to be most helpful for cooking. You can set and name timers "Set timer for 10 minutes for noodles" and have several going at once, and also ask it to play a genre of music.
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