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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Who has one? The are a small form factor portable game device that include 20 Taito or Capcom games (depending on which version you buy) AND they play Evercade cardridges! At only $60, they seem like a great deal. I don't have one yet. But reviews are starting to come in now. What do you think? Here's a review from genxgrownup:
  2. The good news is that there seems to be a big supply of all the Atari carts for Evercade on ebay and other sites. Still, grab em now if you want them.
  3. Sunsoft Collection 1 Including 6 Games Aero the Acro-Bat Arabian Blaster Master Blaster Master Boy Journey to Silius Mr. Gimmick More info here: https://evercade.co.uk/cartridges/sunsoft-collection-1/ What do you guys think of this cartridge?
  4. The update went smoothly for me. It took about 10 minutes and I did both controllers too.
  5. Those books are awesome. I have a bunch myself that I need to go through and get rid of duplicates. I'll let you know what I find. Maybe we can trade for that assembler extra of yours
  6. BOOM! I got mine in the mail today. It looks so dang good! Professional. Really nice work, @Sabertooth. Thanks so much!!!
  7. I'll try to check my dups box later today, but I don't recall having any 7800 extras. I *do* have some extra 7800 game manuals if anyone would be interested in those. Free for the cost of shipping or some kind of trade for atari.io friends.
  8. Here is our little tree, which we put up today.
  9. The features in this update are making me seriously consider getting a GameStation Pro for myself. Excellent. BUT....that process of updating the firmware is pretty janky. The software is pretty bare-bones, and no Mac support???
  10. Don't forget there is an NES version of Ballblazer that pales in comparison to the 7800 version in every regard. The same goes for the Commodore 64 version (say it like Charles Barkley: Turruble)
  11. PS - Asteroids is a MUST on 7800.
  12. The buttons are reversed, so try pushing the right button to start a game. OR get the new firmware update, which I think fixes that issue. As for which 7800 games to get...I suggest going here and sorting by letter grade: https://videogamecritic.com/7800.htm?e=79946
  13. Just a quick update: I found a local expert to help me diagnose and fix the computer. In the end, I decided to sell it to him with the promise that he's going to fix it and keep it. My buyer completely understands and appreciates what this machine is, so I'm happy with my decision. He's going to keep me in the loop for updates and I'll post those here as I get them. His initial assessment was to look for any cracked solder joints, as those can be impacted by heat and explain the 30 second freeze I saw.
  14. We should def do an "Enduro" challenge in the future!
  15. Oh man, I'm glad you posted this. It's so dang close to my main NUC desktop. I haven't gamed a bunch on this thing, but everything I have tried has run smoothly. I'm actually surprised that the Intel Arc A730 has a slightly higher score than the 3050TI. Given a margin of error, I'm sure they are actually about the same. Hopefully your return goes smoothly, as it's no good to have a high end laptop you don't trust.
  16. EVERYTHING there looks nice! I really like the authentic looks of those mini arcade cabinets.
  17. Get your entry in by the 16th! @sramirez2008, thank you so much for posting this here, as I definitely would have missed it otherwise. AtariAge is awesome and I got there often, but I tend to miss these type of things somehow.
  18. I did the update last night. Dang it, only 8GB of free space for me. I added an 8GB USB drive and moved BPM Boy over to that. BOOM. The Atari50 update worked with no issues.
  19. I have a 2 port 5200, but no Decathlon cart. I also do not own Pitfall, Mountain King, or K-Razy Shootout. 😞 I do have a AtariMax cart though. I can try those games on that at some point.
  20. OK, I spent about an hour with it yesterday and I made a tiny bit of progress. First step was identifying all of the chips, which I did. The biggest shock was that it has no SID! Although there is a spot to solder one in. This fact really dented my enthusiasm for this project. What good is a C64 with no SID chip??? Anyway, I'm almost 90% sure that it's the power supply that is bad. The bad part is that it isn't a standard connector, so I can't try a standard C64 adapter. I'll do a little more research here and get better test measurements from this supply after 30 seconds. But given the lack of SID, I think I may start looking for a local buyer. This computer is rare, and the board without SID makes it even more rare.
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