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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Okey Dokey. I'm playing on a 2600jr, and I'm pretty sure A is "left" and B is "right". Thanks everyone.
  2. Can we talk real quick about this? For me, the left difficulty switch is reversed from the manual. A = music on, B = music off (mercifully, I choose option B). Does this imply the right switch is reversed from the manual as well? I tried it both ways, and I'm not sure I understand what the difference is. In both cases, pushing left slows the tank down, and right speeds it up. What am I missing?
  3. First attempt. 9790. I need to work on the timing for those mines.
  4. Oh! And Rastan on SMS is really good.
  5. Please take good care of yourself, Doc. Times are scary, and I'm sure many appreciate your dedication.
  6. SMS Choplifter is the best version of Choplifter.
  7. How does one take a picture of the score? It disappears so quickly. I'm playing on a Genesis (with everdrive). I don't know if there is a pause button.
  8. The Harry Potter audiobooks are excellent. Read by Jim Dale, who does a really nice job of giving a different voice to each character. If you've never tried audiobooks before, those are good ones to start with. I also highly recommend "World War Z" (read by an ensemble cast of real actors) and Slumdog Millionaire (Quiz Show).
  9. Hang in there, @TrekMD. Hopefully the tide will turn and people will start following the guidelines. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out.
  10. The bowling tournament was held by Michael S over at 2600club.com this past weekend. I came in 11th place, but had a lot of fun playing a game I hadn't played in 40 years! More info is here:
  11. Same here -- I spend my work hours glued to a computer and headset. Makes my rear-end tired sitting all day! I've been doing some reading, but not as much as I want. Audiobooks work for me -- you should give them a try. I download them from our library and then listen for a half-hour before bed time. My wife reads a lot more than me and does crosswords too. But she sometimes will run out of books to read!
  12. We have mountains galore, just a short drive away. And beaches too. But I know what you mean. There are elevated areas in Portland that do get some snow. Heck, our house is at 500' and we get more than in the city.
  13. PS - on the weather front. May I brag a little about the Pacific NW? It's one of the few areas in the US that has mild summers (no humidity, rarely super hot) and mild winters (very little snow). It's a beautiful place to live 🙂 You just have to get used to the rain.
  14. @StormSurge, that's awesome! I really like knowing that some places are doing the strict protocols. I really wonder why it isn't done in most places that way. I get it...it's easier to control on a small island. But still... I'm doing well health and job-wise. But lots of worrying. We can do this! Thank you all for your comments.
  15. @Gianna I'm glad you are doing well. I've noticed too that by working from home, I have more time to enjoy for myself. No commute! I've been spending more time on home projects. Fixing and improving things here at home. Since we spend so much time here now, it just makes sense to have nice things. I agree with you that it's frustrating that people are getting complacent and not wearing their masks when out. I hope that changes! Maybe by making masks mandatory, we'll get more compliance. I sure hope so. It seems like a simple way to keep us all safer. It's uncomfortable, but worth it. I love that you're thinking about and exploring new hobbies and spending time outside! That's a small silver lining to this whole thing. Let us know what you come up with!
  16. Good stuff, @BlackCatz40. I'm glad you've got a basement to stay cool. I LOVE that Kirk's Castille soap -- I think it smells really good. That's a good point you make -- we end up spending a bit more to stay safe. Whether on nicer soaps, or on delivered groceries and products. I just don't worry too much about pricing on the stuff we need. Safety and health are more important than money IMO. We've got a lot less cases and deaths here in Oregon, but it's still on the rise. It seems to me like the virus is very highly contagious, so following the guidelines and staying away from crowds really helps.
  17. Dauber your replies are excellent. So well written, and you hit on so many good points. Being prepared and following the rules (wearing a mask, washing your hands, practicing social distancing, and staying out of crowds) help keep us safe and also give us back a small feeling of control. I also have been working from home. Which I'm still not completely used to. But at the same time, I'm so thankful to have that option. Still there are those moments of fear, sadness, loss-of-hope. It's just such a crazy time.
  18. You don't look happy, and that makes it even funnier.
  19. Maybe you can give a few tips. I've never played this game. I'm hoping to give it a try this weekend.
  20. Check in time! How are you doing? 2020 has been difficult to say the least. And now, with COVID cases spiking again in the USA, it feels like there's no light at the end of this tunnel. But know this: You have friends here. It's a small group, but we can help each other feel better. Retro games are a great distraction! So let us know how you are doing, and what we can do to help.
  21. Wow, that's quite a lineup of games to be involved with! R.I.P.
  22. Yeah, plus everyone knows the money is in selling the razor blades, not the handles.
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