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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I have not heard of this, but it looks intriguing. Is it out now?
  2. How funny -- their typical consumer is middle aged with decreasing eye sight. So let's make the screen tiny! SMH!
  3. It's a fun game, and you're right about that risk/reward factor. It cracks me up how your bird keels over dead by just touching an obstacle even while on the ground. Toughen up, birdie! Sheesh.
  4. I grabbed it, but I'm not sure when I'll have time to try it. When playing multiplayer, can it be limited to just people we know? I've never played this game, but I know multiplayer FPS can be vicious places for casual or new gamers. That's one giant reason I tend to stick with "retro" gaming. It's no fun to be mocked and laughed at by jerks hiding behind the internet, knowing full well they'd get punched right in the face if they dared saying such things in the presence of others.
  5. I think we all have similar experiences. For me, I started by trying to preserve what I had as a younger person. I still had my 2600 and games, but I was more concerned with my Atari 8-bit collection. Most of the games I had were on disk, and I knew they wouldn't last forever. So I started buying cartridge versions of games, and really got into emulation as a way to preserve what I thought would eventually no longer be viable. Once middle age set in, and my kids were a little older, I found out I had a little extra income that I could play with, and I decided to try out all the systems I drooled over as a kid, but could never afford. 5200, Colecovision, C64, Vectrex, etc. And also, buying whatever 2600 games I could find that I never had before. My kids were really into Nintendo in this period, so we also started buying those systems and games. NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. My kids loved that stuff, and I found that I did too. Over time, the hobby has gotten much bigger and much more expensive. At this time, I like to fix old systems that are broken, or update them to work on modern TV's. Buying is no longer so important to me. I have tons of games that I will play and enjoy for a long time.
  6. My project today was to repair a six switch 2600, which had a broken joystick port (pin 5 missing) and player 1 difficulty switch.  So, I "borrowed" those parts from a broken 4-port board.  It all works perfectly now, and the next step will be to add a composite mod.  Tools used were a push-button suction desoldering iron and a normal soldering iron. 


    broken 2600 001.JPG

    broken 2600 002.JPG

    broken 2600 003.JPG

    broken 2600 006.JPG

  7. The secret has to do with slipice. And once you figure it out, take it a step further by reading the manual about scoring.
  8. I think it makes a lot of sense for a rare cart like that. But I can't justify spending $2.50 + shipping for an Activision Tennis when the cart itself is worth $1. That's why I was hoping to just print one out myself. In any case, it's great to have that as an option and thanks so much @TrekMd for sharing this info.
  9. Aha! 655,900. I'm with Greenween on this -- it got boring so I died on purpose.
  10. I was hoping someone could help me. I have a lot of Atari carts with ripped or missing labels, and I'm looking for a resource to download and reprint them myself. I'm not a stickler, so just printing on normal paper on my inkjet printer would be fine. Specifically, I really need an Activision Tennis at this moment. I found some interesting stuff on atariage, but it can get overwhelming over there. Pages and pages to scroll through with no real success. And things always devolve into arguments about adding a "repro" line to the label. I don't care about any of that. I'm not going to resell, and I have no intention of faking anyone out. I just want my bare carts to have something that looks decent on them. So please, if you know of a good resource that has downloadable images of various labels, please let me know. Thanks.
  11. Let me know when that livestream is, and I'll do my best to be there. Even if it's after the challenge ends.
  12. Add in Albuquerque NM, Houston TX, Cleveland OH, Pittsburgh PA, Washington DC, Las Vegas NV for me. I'm trying to think of the places we've gone for pleasure (not for work).
  13. Incredible scores! And I think we've learned a few tricks. This game is really good on the 2600. I still can't believe how much of the gameplay they crammed into this game. A+
  14. The last panel with the robot in the wheelchair cracks me up. I wonder where that comes from?
  15. Hawaii is beautiful, Gianna! Do it! My wife and I went 18 years ago. And we want to go back. We did Alaska last year, and it was spectacular. We have children in Los Angeles and Seattle and a mother-in-law in Vancouver, BC, so we've been almost everywhere along the left coast. Next trip when this mess is over is probably going to be NY, Florida, or Japan.
  16. You forgot Oregon for PRGE, where it was so nice to meet you.
  17. I always get a chuckle out of the Skeletor insult compilations:
  18. At least put out a comic book with very cryptic clues. MarioQuest BrosWorld .
  19. @atarilbc and @Justin….share your secrets! :)
  20. 107,200. I'm done for today...my wrist is killing me.
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