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Everything posted by RickR

  1. And another one. This one has a light gun that works! Radio Shack TV Scoreboard.
  2. I wanted to share this one. I recently acquired a lot of vintage junk, and within was this beauty. It was dirty and didn't work. But I've cleaned it up and got it working once again. The right most stick is still broken. It's fixable, but I don't have the right parts. In any case, it has one player options that are still playable. Most likely from the mid 1970's. Coleco Telstar Combat!
  3. To atone for my prior status, here's a picture of the REAL BTTF DeLorean.  Just for you @Justin

    Disneyland 002.JPG

    1. RickR


      And a bonus too -- the Magnum PI Ferrari. 

      Burbank Universal 061.JPG

    2. Justin


      lol no atonement necessary. It was sad to see somebody's dream in melted ruins. Way cool Magnum P.I. Ferrari 308! 

    3. RickR


      On the tour at Universal, they mentioned that they leave the top off the 308 because Tom Selleck would not fit with the roof on. 


  4. Oh this is so cool! I never considered that. This would be right up my alley (and technical skill level). If anyone has any tips on acquiring a working arcade PCB, let me know!
  5. I think I need some BTB Kahlua to help with this game.
  6. I watched the trailer again...I know it's just me, but Keanu Reeves looks a little uncomfortable playing that part. In the originals, he (and Alex Winter) are all in, playing the part with gusto. Fingers crossed that this turns out well.
  7. What happens if you enter the year "2020" on the DeLorean time machine...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Justin


      How awful. Poor little thing.

    3. Justin


      Honest this ruined my night.

    4. RickR


      Oh man, I apologize. 

      There's a youtube channel called "Hoovie's Garage".  It's a guy that buys cars and talks about them and fixes them, etc.  Anyhoo, he bought a Ferrari, and it ended up completely burning to the ground due to a badly placed hose clamp!  Very sad, but he took it well.  Hoovie also has a DeLorean that took a ton of time and money to get fixed.


  8. Who remembers going to a theater for a movie? Good times.
  9. On the rocks, make sure to go UNDER the big ones (just time your movement to be under them as they bounce and duck). On the little ones, move left as you jump to get over them, but then move back to the right after so you have enough screen space to maneuver around the next one. If you get your guy at the left part of the screen, you don't have enough space to react properly.
  10. I'm not going to hold my breath on this one, dudes.
  11. I hope you enjoy it, Mister 5200! I also hope that Atari "smell" was intact inside that package. It's unmistakable.
  12. Maybe they contracted with different factories/suppliers?
  13. My 7800 is so late, it's got peanuts in the brittle.
  14. I think it's really difficult too. It's hard to judge when you're going to run into something (in the air or on the ground). I do really like the end-boss battle (although I rarely make it that far).
  15. That drill is a beast! It just plain works the best every time. Coming soon will be a post full of my favorite project tools.
  16. I am totally keeping this one, as I do not have a composite mod six switch. But I will probably put a 4-switch modded model for sale soon.
  17. The finished product. IT WORKS! And it looks and sounds nice.
  18. And now, solder up 7 wires (4 on the board, 3 on the composite plugs). Take your time. I'm no expert, that's for sure. But what I try to do is keep things nice and clean, with strong solder joints. Getting the iron temp just right is what you need. My work doesn't look great, but I think it's fine. Poke those wires through the front, and solder on the back. Loop the plug wires through the holes first, then solder carefully.
  19. I should mention at this point that I buy the composite board on eBay. I know there are a lot of choices, and I'm sure there are better ones than what I picked. However, this one is simple and works fine for me, and it comes pre-assembled (a huge time saver) and has all the parts you need. Also, you'll find many step-by-step guides on-line. Pick one that makes sense to you, has nice clear pictures, and GO FOR IT. My next step was to remove 3 components and the RF module. Before the mod: The parts I removed: The cleared RF box area (where most of your wiring will go)
  20. I had a status update a few weeks ago about a broken six switch 2600 that was given to me by a friend. I cleaned it up, replaced a joystick port and a difficulty switch and got it back up and running. I mentioned that the next step would be a composite mod. Well, tonight I had some spare time and got that DONE! I'm sure many of you have done the mod before, so hopefully this isn't too boring. It's not too difficult as long as you're comfortable de-soldering and soldering. It took me about 90 minutes. Here are some pics I'd like to share: The first step was to drill holes in the case for the composite plugs. The only thing I want to mention here is to use a nice high quality drill and sharp bits. Use a piece of tape to mark and align your spots, then drill small pilot holes, go to a slightly larger size, and then finally, hit it with the 1/4" bit. Don't push! Let the drill and bit do the work. Remember, this is 40 year old plastic! It can be very brittle.
  21. That special dilemma of buying old stuff that's never been opened.  Should I open them up and display the ships on my shelf?  Or leave them in the box where they can't be examined and enjoyed up close?


    micro machines 001.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Justin


      Also, having been collecting Atari since 1993 I was used to hunting down and collecting NOS / MIB games still sealed. I usually got these at Kay-Bee Toys, Sears Outlet, @Video 61 or ordering from Atari directly. Lynx games came from Toys R Us and Babbage's. I treated games the same way I did baseball cards, I'd always try to buy TWO of everything, if not three. One new one to open, one new one to put away and keep sealed. If I bought a third, that would always be to put away sealed to save for a potential trade someday in the future. I'm still that way. I DO open brand new Atari games if it's the first in my collection and I'm going to be playing it for the rest of my life. Once I have duplicates, I ENJOY having them sit on the shelf. I love pulling them out and looking at them, looking at the box, looking through catalogs, appreciating the artwork and feeling the original retail experience that we used to feel buying these games. And of course I put a few away for future giveaways. This works for me and this is the approach that brings me happiness. Whatever makes you HAPPY is what I recommend, other people's ideas of what you should be doing don't really matter as long as you love what you're doing and enjoy your collection to the max.

    3. RickR


      Right on, brother. 

      I got these sets for a song on ebay and let them sit in the garage for a week while I thought about it.  This little shelf is right above my main desk.  Now that I work from home, I look at it every day.  Seeing these little ships will bring happiness for sure. 


    4. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I have that same issue with Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars.  Some of them you just have to open.

  22. Memorable? Yes! Terrible? Also YES! My kids used to watch this show when they were little. And me, I'd grit my teeth at the theme song.
  23. And lets not forget the RickR official theme song.
  24. You monsters! How could you forget the best tv theme song of all time?
  25. It's a good list, and makes me want to try some of these games. And the love given to E.T (Spoiler alert!) makes it legit in my eyes.
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