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Everything posted by RickR

  1. I took Spanish in high school, and it has been useful. But I must admit, I was just being lazy. I grew up in a home that spoke Italian, so Spanish was a breeze. You're right about the tape drives for the 8-bits being flaky due to old worn belts. Stay away from the old 410. But if you find an XE version (I think the number is 1010?), you may have better luck. Not as many belts in that one. I have one that works perfectly.
  2. I'll tell you what: those are my favorite topics! 🙂
  3. Nicely done. I have subscribed to your channel.
  4. I watched Tapestry with my wife and son last night! You're right, it's a really good episode. We've been watching a few episodes of TNG each week (at their request!) and they've left it to me to pick out "the good ones".
  5. I just wanted to share an overhead photo of my home.  It's finally been updated to show the solar panels we had installed last summer!  Sun-powered retro gaming. 


    House with Solar Panels.JPG

  6. I wanted to ask if anyone here has experience doing Super Nintendo emulation on a Windows PC. I have the cartridge, and there is a SNES in my attic, but it's probably faster for me to set up an emulator.
  7. There's a lot of "Skip List" in the TNG library for me. The entirety of season 1 IMO. Luckily, the show got much better in season 2 and on! I've got no complaints with your lists. I really like the episode "Darmok" and would promote that one to full "Must Watch" status. "Chain of Command" was a 2 part-er, wasn't it? So take those two off, add Darmok and "Parallels". I guess it's hard to pare it down to only 5! There's a lot that TNG did really well. But there are some aspects of the show that I disliked. The Romulans, for example. Why do they have the forehead piece? Shouldn't they look like Vulcans? What's a Vulcan without an eyebrow raise? And those giant shoulder pads and unflattering hair-do's -- WTFeklar! Remember the Romulan Commander from TOS "The Enterprise Incident"? That's the look they should have gone with. "Star Trek: Picard" fixed the Romulans for the better IMO.
  8. Well dad-blast-it. I've got a Retron 3, and you're right...it DOESN'T WORK! Oh well, I'll have to try emulation I guess.
  9. Bonus points for @MaliciousCarp for bringing up the 2600 Starfox AND getting a picture with it no less.
  10. I've decided to try replaying the original NES "Legend of Zelda".  I don't think I ever finished the game, and it's been 30+ years since I've tried it.  


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RickR


      You think so?  Let me consider that. 


    3. Justin


      @RickR Absolutely! Maybe even a multi-part blog entry 🙂

    4. nosweargamer


      One of my favorite games ever! I usually play trough it at least one time a year. :nintendo_mario_whistle:

  11. @RadioPoultry, I'm so impressed with your score -- great job. I really tried hard to get to 50K. It was a lot of fun, that's for sure.
  12. Justin, I don't like your setup. I LOVE your setup. Looks great. Enjoy.
  13. 278,579 - Game 6 = Ultimate Yar. I need to get Greenween over here, as this is his game.
  14. I had one too. It was the floating point unit in the Cyrix processors that was terrible. And this was right at that moment in time when 3D gaming was coming into vogue -- ie floating point math was critical.
  15. :Howard_Scott_Warshaw::Howard_Scott_Warshaw::Howard_Scott_Warshaw: Happy HSW day!  :Howard_Scott_Warshaw::Howard_Scott_Warshaw::Howard_Scott_Warshaw:

    1. Justin


      HAPPY HSW DAY!! 


  16. 48,020. I'm pretty sure I could never do this well again. There's a series of jumps that I must of lost 3 lives on.
  17. 43,140. I think I need a Red Bull to do any better than this.
  18. Finding the time is the true challenge 😅
  19. Dang, @RadioPoultry, great score! I was hoping I wouldn't have to play anymore, but I will make another attempt!
  20. Lots of gold there in those commercials!
  21. Latest acquisition:  A boxed Colecovision!  It works just fine after a little cleanup, although one of the controllers has a non-functioning keypad. 

    sidequest 006.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RickR


      You are so right, @MaximumRD.  There are so many games on this system that aren't perfect, but really do bring back the best memories.  Donkey Kong plays kind of slow now, but I remember how amazed all the kids were when the CV came out and this was the game they demoed in the store.  Incredible!  Zaxxon is another.  It's clunky, but still the best home version there is. 

    3. MaximumRD


      Absolutely. So many greats, Venture, Ladybug, MouseTrap ! And though I own a Atarimax cart (sadly the original USB type) I gave away most of my original carts but I could not part with one loose cart that was in amazing shape as well my all time favorite Mr. Do! 

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