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Everything posted by RickR

  1. Yes...but.... The 7800 had a head start. If only they would have widely released it in 1984 with full marketing. That's a full 12 months before the NES made it to the USA. It's just an unfortunate side effect of the collapse of Atari (or really, the fickleness of the parent company). Of course, Atari most likely would have blown it anyways. It's all about the right software. Would they have made the right choices in developing the right games? Who knows.
  2. There's something that really bothers me about this game: The shifting. They made "High" up and "Low" down. Should have reversed them. Otherwise, no complaints. It's a game that demands precision. It's tough, but not unfair. And that makes it fun.
  3. Nope. It uses the same control scheme as the 2600 version.
  4. You'll need the 7800 controller for those games that require 2 buttons. The Sega pads won't work for that (unless you buy a Seagull adapter from Edladdin).
  5. I always thought it was ironic that Atari, the company that would sue anyone that made a game that even barely resembled Pac Man, released a port that barely resembled Pac Man.
  6. My Atari box of duplicates is overflowing. Please take a look and let me know if there's anything here you're interested in. Prices will be cheap! Trades are fine too. PM me. Most of the loose carts have worn labels, but all are tested to work. The two boxed games are in "just-ok" condition. ** Removed pics to save bandwidth ** Sale is now over. Thanks!
  7. You know, I haven't heard of on-line only conventions. What a great idea. Please make sure to share the news if you hear of any others.
  8. YEAH MAN! Welcome to an exclusive club! My advice is to start with California Games, as that was the pack-in game originally. You're gonna have some fun!
  9. 31560. I qualified in 4th and made it to lap 2. This game is TOUGH! Hey @btbfilms76, enter me to win!
  10. The "lone-wolf" theory holds water, and maybe it's a combination of the two. Maybe this fellow is acquaintances with one of the Tramiel boys, gets wind that the 2600 is being re-relaased, and decides to hack a few old games to make some dough. Then with that tiny market foothold, he gets some kind of commission or developer info packet from Atari to make those new 7800 games. From these articles, we know there where two released and two more in development.
  11. There is a Wikipedia page with a few more articles linked: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Froggo This is an intriguing subject!
  12. According to the article linked below, Froggo was recruited by Atari themselves to create 2600/7800 games! And it sounds like they got stiffed!! https://everything2.com/title/Froggo
  13. I've started playing 999 on DS. My kids recommended it. They say it's like a "pick your own adventure " book with puzzle portions in between story parts. 


    1. Atari 5200 Guy
    2. RickR


      It is fun.  It's very reminiscent of the old PC adventure games.  Objects to find and puzzles to solve before you get the next section of the story.  And the choices you make do seem to impact which way the story goes. 


  14. Good luck. YOU CAN DO IT!
  15. You hit the nail on the head @Justin It was all about the lack of quality control at Atari. I never bought the Coleco conspiracy theory. The Atari ports weren't terrible. And while the Intellivision Donkey Kong was awful, I'd guess it was really hard to find a developer that knew the system well enough to do better. Mattel didn't have an exodus of developer talent like Atari did, right?
  16. I think it was (and is) impressive. It doesn't look great, but the gameplay is there. While we're on the topic, I'm also a fan of Donkey Kong on 2600. I know it's way too easy and there's only two screens. But still, it got the gameplay pretty close. I remember buying that one from Toys R Us and reading the box and instructions on the way home, running in when we got there, and playing for hours. Great memories.
  17. Are we brothers? Same interests here. Plus, my company's HQ is in your area. Who knows, when this mess finally ends, I may finally make it over there for a visit. I hear the area is very nice in the summer with lots to see and do.
  18. Here's a picture of a lighthouse in Long Beach, Washington. This one was a lot of fun because it was quite a hike to get there. I'm sure I have a bunch of other pictures of the lighthouses in Oregon and Washington, but I'll have to look for them later.
  19. Your list is awesome. I'm a Gameboy collector too.
  20. This is true of ALL paddle games. They aren't even close with a gamepad.
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