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Everything posted by RickR

  1. That one looks "too intense" for me. But I'm sure those who ride it love it.
  2. That looks like a fun one, especially that beautiful location in CO. There's a wooden coaster at Wild Waves in Seattle called "TimberHawk" that goes through the woods, which makes it pretty spectacular. I had forgotten about it until you posted that video from CO. It's pretty cool because it's so smooth -- a rarity for a Woodie.
  3. I can picture it in my mind. Lots of good memories, I'm sure. You ever get the onion rings at Sonic? One of my favorites. They make them sweet. So good.
  4. How cool! They have coronavirus guidelines on their web site and remain open. Chalk one up for the old drive-ins!
  5. Do you guys still have drive-in theaters in your area? In Portland, they are all gone. The only one that I know if is about 40 miles outside of town. Funny, we were just talking about drive-ins at dinner last night. Our collective recollection is that they were slowly dying out in the 80's. That's also about the time when they switched to FM radio broadcasts for the sound instead of the speaker you parked next to.
  6. Practice helps a lot. @kamakazi20012 is right. You have to take a peek at the pill that's coming next and mentally plan ahead. I think it helps to wipe the viruses at the top of the screen first to give yourself more time and space to think.
  7. I also have a few boxed games if that's your thing.
  8. My trade box runeth over. Please take a look and let me know if there's anything you need. Star Raiders with they keypad adapter? Got it! Trades are fine, and prices will be fair if you don't have games to trade. Thanks everyone. Keep safe! ** Sale done ** thanks everyone
  9. That Aerosmith coaster at the Disney Studios is awesome! I like that one a lot too. My only complaint is that it's too short. I do like that it has both a loop and the corkscrew. I'll say it's my second favorite. I think my favorite is the California Screaming coaster at Disney's California Adventure. It's not too intense, it has one loop, and it's really long and smooth. Plus, it's now themed to "The Incredibles", which makes it even better. I used to really love the Florida "Space Mountain", but the last few times I rode, it felt pretty rough. I do love the single-file cars though. Space Mountain in California is even better. They re-built the track about 10 years ago and it's now super smooth and fast. No jostling at all. This is a fun topic. I love roller coasters. But I'm with you on the ones that are too intense....no thank you! One of my kids, though, loves those. So everybody has different likes. He'll drag me on a few of the big ones at Magic Mountain or Knott's or Cedar Point. I can take a few, but usually have to stop. I think one that really looks cool that I'd love to try is the "Tron" coaster at one of the Asian Disney parks. I think it's coming to Florida! So I'll be all over that one.
  10. I'm glad it's not just me. You'll get the hang of it I'm sure. Wipe out the viruses by getting 4 of the same color in a row. Horizontal or vertical.
  11. Oh no! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that at all. My bad. Please go for it and go as high as you can. I'm a beginner. This game is a challenge for my slow mind. Hopefully, someone else here can give you some good competition! A story: For several years, I have been a volunteer at the big Portland retro gaming show. I usually get a front-row seat to the Tetris World Championship competition, and it's incredible. Watching those people who have mastered the game is an amazing sight. Even though that's another game I stink at, I sure do learn a lot and enjoy watching the best play. So please, pour it on. Get some video if you can (I may learn something :) )
  12. Hopefully Dr. Eugenio doesn't casually flick pills like this quack Dr. Mario.
  13. I think I'll be competing with him more than anything, as I don't see any way I'm getting a 70k score like @kamakazi20012 For now, I'm trying to break that 10k barrier.
  14. I found this out recently. I mean it's usually not a big deal but...those of you that I'm friends with on Facebook know I've had a golf game itch lately and I've been playing a lot of different games on different systems. Well, I have Tiger Woods 11 on Wii. The game is excellent. It's fun and it has beautiful graphics. But there is one annoyance. Every time you start a game, it tries to go on-line and find the weather for that course. It takes several minutes for it to finally figure out there is no response from wherever it is looking, and there is no way to escape (that I've found).
  15. $60 for a complete console with a controller and the ability to return it if it doesn't work is a great price!
  16. The really cool thing about the Wii is that games are super cheap and easy to find in thrift stores. Well, assuming they will ever re-open thrift stores again.
  17. I'm doing emulation on the PC using a program called "JNES". Because I'm too lazy to go upstairs and find a real cart. But I totally agree...join in with an emulator and play the SNES version if that doesn't work out for you.
  18. 11,800 - this one is for my older son. Let's call him RickR Son#1
  19. And finally, a bunch I'm not terribly familiar with. Murphy's Mart. Woolworth, some other "W", and so on.
  20. Here are a couple of stores local to me: Fred Meyer and Payless. And also a Sears.
  21. Here are a bunch more after looking through my shelf.... Some more K-marts. 2 prove out your theory, but 1 doesn't fit.
  22. "Don't use the EXEC"....does that imply these games won't work on an INTV 2?
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