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Everything posted by Rowsdower70

  1. Some of you may or may not know that in the South, there are three items one should eat every New Years Day. Greens (Cabbage, Collard, Mustard, or Turnip greens will do), Black-Eyed Peas, and ham (pork in any form will do). I think many cultures have similar traditions, but I'm only privy to the inner workings of what I grew up with. First, lets get the obvious out of the way. Greens symbolize wealth. The reason is obvious and several cultures actually share this belief. One should always eat their greens on New Years Day if you want to be prosperous in the New Year. Here's how it's served in my neck of the woods. (cabbage pictured, flavored with plenty of bacon) Next, we have the pork. Above you have bacon flavoring your greens, so that might do for some folks. For us, however, we grew up needing a main dish on New Years Day anyway, so there's usually a ham. Why pork? Pigs root forward when scrounging for food. Eating pig symbolizes moving forward or progressing in the New Year, so the pork is for luck. NEVER, and I mean NEVER eat chicken on New Years Day as chickens scratch backwards when scrounging up food. Looking back=bad luck. We don't want that now do we? Trust me, if a Southerner can give up fried chicken any day, it is important. Lastly, there's the black-eyed peas which there seems to be some confusion about on the internet. Some folks seem to think the reason we have black-eyed peas is because they look like coins. What? Never heard that, nor have I seen a coin that looks like a black-eyed pea. Here's the scoop: Black-eyed peas were brought from Africa by the slaves. Like much of their food, it quickly became a staple in Southern cuisine. During the Civil War, the Union Troops would confiscate and eat all of the crops from Southern farms. Not knowin' no better (silly Yankees) they considered Black Eyed Peas livestock feed, so they left them alone. As a result, many times that's all they had to eat. So black-eyed peas are eaten for health in the New Year. Some folks say you should eat one black-eyed pea for each day of the new year. Sounds like a LOT of peas to me, so just a helping or two will do. (You'll notice again more bacon) Some folks include cornbread on the list of must-haves for New Years day claiming it represents gold, but I've never heard that and as you can see we've already got wealth covered. The reason this is eaten on New Years day is simple, it goes perfect with this meal. So there you have it folks. Maybe you learned something about our traditions in the South, maybe you knew all this already. What about you? What are your traditions for New Years day if you have any?
  2. Sounds like a bad cart to me. Cleaning it usually does the trick, my unit as a kid the carts worked better when I wiggled them to a slight angle on one side (if that makes sense). Still, since that's not something you have to do with other games, that tells me its a bad cart. Luckily RickR has one to trade I know!
  3. If you decide to snag on, they aren't prohibitively expensive. You can usually get the module itself for 20ish, and the games aren't rare so around 10 each boxed.
  4. Ogre Battle is a wonderful game, but I'd grab the repro...the real deal is pricey. N64 has some killer mundane titles, but being an RPG fan I found the library quite weak overall.
  5. The Frogger port is excellent. Actually all the built in games worked great, I played some Video Pinball.
  6. Make sure it is formatted as FAT, make sure the roms are in a folder called "Game" spelled exactly like that and it works great. I think Greenween said the name of the ROM needs to start with a capital letter as well.
  7. I absolutely love mine. My Sega handheld is great too, but some Sega games just don't work as a portable game. The Atari is perfect for it. Simple, fun games you can play on the go. By the way, the entire ROM collection from AA takes up a little less than 10mb. I'm using a 128mb SD card and its perfect.
  8. Swords and Serpents is a favorite of mine, even though the ending is rather meh. Tron is just the bee's knees man, top tier game right there! Very nice start to the collection for sure!
  9. You may want to just print out a copy of the overlay for Tarmin. I've played that one for hours and hours and I still have to look at my overlay sometimes. You got a nice lot for your buck man, congrats and enjoy! Ladybug for a buck was a steal, that one is 15ish usually.
  10. I think I'll set up VICE and try running some games like this one. I used to be able to kill the Demogorgon, and I remember the Dragon being the trickiest.
  11. Both are GREAT games. Decision is more or less like an avalon hill board game, and pretty tough so it just takes practice and good tactics. F-15 was the first decent jet flight/combat simulator I spent time on. I remember it having the copy protection of asking for text from the manual.
  12. Yeah the DS Lite is GBA and DS, but there aren't THAT many great ones on 3DS in my opinion, GBA is the library to have. 15 bucks boxed is a SUPER deal too!
  13. Never even heard of Final Approach, so that'd be my pick. It needs exposure lol
  14. Rebuilding some 5200 sticks eh? A noble cause.
  15. Congrats, by the way, on joining the brotherhood! Intellivision is the best!
  16. Good questions Rick. I'd be curious to see what's under the hood, and what the gameplay was like. Maybe time for a video, Creep!
  17. Worm Whomper is also excellent, but maybe a bit pricey.
  18. Astrosmash, Star Strike, Advanced Dungeons&Dragons (both of them), Tower of Doom, Thunder Castle, Utopia (if you have a 2nd player), Venture and Ladybug are both nice ports.
  19. Yeah, the stuff with Cushing was amazing wasn't it. Graphically they are getting better at playing with that stuff like they did in Tron: Legacy with Jeff Bridges. K-2SO is great, perfect empire snark. It's a little choppy at first, but when it kicks in its great.
  20. Welcome Cousin Mike! Is it okay that I pronounce your name with a Balki Bartokomous accent?
  21. One of the games we would frequently play with my buddies with Forbidden Forest, and to this day I consider it a remarkable game. The C-64 with its legendary SID chip could produce some amazing music, and one of the keys of Forbidden Forest was its creepy musical score (written by the programmer Paul Norman). This, along with the ambient graphics (good but not great, however extremely effective) made for a very tense and enjoyable experience. The graphics had a nice parallax scrolling effect, the monsters were all very creepy (with their own theme music), and the gameplay was solid (although maybe a bit frustrating at times with aiming). I remember completing the game by beating the Demogorgon was very satisfying This game had a sequel, but I found it to be sub-par compared to the original. Any other fans of this game?
  22. Most of the time I spent with an Apple II(e) was in High School. Until they came out with the IIgs, it wasn't very good for gaming in my opinion. Sound and graphics were both sub-par compared to the Commodore and Atari computers.
  23. I don't think they held up well, to be honest. And yeah, they were popular....but they were also VERY VERY expensive. When I grew up I knew ONE kid that had an Apple. I knew many that had C-64's and Atari 8-bits, TRS-80s and CoCos.
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