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Everything posted by Rowsdower70

  1. Buzz Bombers is a pretty cool game. Good music.
  2. That's such a strange game select mechanic! I have seen multi-cart GB carts before, but not that one.
  3. Welcome mojo! Hope you stick around and have a great time. We have a great community!
  4. You could pull a Jim Sterling and blare some copyrighted music over the Nintendo reviews, that way there's a claim from Nintendo and the record company and the money goes nowhere.
  5. Lots of people use various "royalty free" music, notably stuff by Kevin MacLeod. Some of it is quite good. http://incompetech.com/music/
  6. Apple ][c was a neat machine. Takes me back to my school years. (I think we eventually had ][e's, and then the GS) Hopefully you've got a copy of Wizardry in all the software. Castle Wolfenstein games were fun too.
  7. Nice tip! I'll hang on to this sucker.
  8. The games were all factory sealed, and I got it for less than the TI-89 is worth! (local Goodwill)
  9. You know, since you put in everything....you're supposed to keep everything.
  10. They've only missed the last 7, I'm sure one of them will participate.
  11. Yeah I already had a PS2, I was hoping someone who didn't have one would snag it. It's a great system.
  12. Well I have a partial video of what I put in, but it cut out. To the best of my memory: Tele-Games Night Driver Tele-Games Target Fun manual Famicom Golf Famicom F1 Racing New copy of 3DS Adventure Time Shifty game by Tiger Fix it Felix for Sega and Dead of Knight (An Atari 2600 homebrew, 17/20 produced, autographed) MST3K DVD
  13. Get it here! https://ataricrypt.blogspot.com/2017/02/prince-of-persia.html
  14. They should call it FatBit...... ....I got nothin'.
  15. Your Atari is tough as nails. I dont think any of what you mentioned is dangerous at all.
  16. It has been a while since I've posted a humble bundle, but this Civ pack is pretty awesome. Civ III and IV complete for $1 Civ V for a few bucks more. I literally have over 1,000 hours racked up in that one. https://www.humblebundle.com/civilization-bundle
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