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Everything posted by Rowsdower70

  1. I missed this one, late vote for Voltron! One of my favs.
  2. Yo Ima let you finish....but Dungeons&Dragons is my favorite cartoon of ALL TIME!
  3. 91 years is a good run. Thanks for the good times, sir! RIP
  4. I have Dark Chambers, RealSports Tennis, Armor Ambush, and Lock n Chase factory sealed, as well as Space Jockey and Super Challenge Baseball complete. I also have a factory sealed Ballblazer for 7800, and a complete One on One for 7800. I also have a few games with manuals, nothing too rare. Wizard of Wor and Frogger are probably the best in that group. Let me know if you'd like to see a list of XBox games.
  5. There's several NES titles I'm interested in, I do have a few boxed Atari games to trade. Do you have an updated want list? I know you've seen most of my XBox 360 titles, I have a few original XBox to trade also...not sure if you were still into those.
  6. Humble Bundle is giving away X-COM: UFO Defense today for FREE! https://www.humblebundle.com/store/xcom-ufo-defense-free-game
  7. I have it under good authority that RickR is making an actual tank out of Combat carts.
  8. Yeah, Street Racer has more pleasing colors. Sears does make some nice labels, especially for Intellivision.
  9. Steve is one of the best. I still remember him being the devil's guitarist in Crossroads. (Macchio not Spears)
  10. Thundarr hands down. Conan the Barbarian is a great movie, but the cartoon pales compared to Thundarr. (Blackstar was better than both of them!)
  11. We are currently looking for 1 or 2 more players for our RPGs we play on Roll20.net. What you need: A computer with internet, a headset for voice chat, an imagination. That's all! We will provide: A PDF of the complete rule set we'll be using, and answers to all your questions. We currently play on Saturday afternoons at 3PM CST until 7pm at the latest. This is a Dungeons&Dragons game, 5th edition. We also play on Sunday mornings from 11AM til about 3pm. This is a Gamma World campaign, 4th edition. I'd love to have you guys join us! Contact me if you have questions, or post here.
  12. Thanks, I tried to put at least one or two in each lot that would be worth the total price alone.
  13. http://www.ebay.com/usr/mws1970 You guys might want to have a peek at my eBay page, I have 21 x 4 cart lots for 10 bucks starting bids (free shipping). I think some would be a steal at that price, and all are reasonable.
  14. Too far for me, but I bet it will be awesome!
  15. I noticed this one the other day. I couldn't control my dude. It's a great port for the Atari.
  16. I do get the little pop when a game initializes, but thats normal for most anything with multiple games. I dig mine a lot too, if it played Dragonstomper it would be perfect.
  17. I haven't ever had a no sound issue between TV sets. That does seem a bit odd, and sounds like somehow something isn't connecting right for whatever reason.
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