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Everything posted by Rowsdower70

  1. That is a sweet pile o' goodies. That port of Joust is quite solid! Enjoy!
  2. Kaboom! ( Atari 1981 ) Now you have to start the other one with an explanation mark.
  3. Fantastic setup! Very tasteful, organized, and uncluttered. I love your TI setup!
  4. Agreed. I'm already subbed, so I never miss them...but it would be cool for folks to come here to share and discuss them!
  5. I was hoping you'd show the custom sticker the Mrs made for me! I have a whole sheet of various stuff
  6. Happy Birthday RickR!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LeeJ07


      Happy belated birthday!

    3. RickR


      Oh hey, just seeing this now. Thanks everyone! Feels good to get another trip around the sun under my belt.

    4. StormSurge
  7. If they are titles I have or want, we'll talk about maybe adding them in to our next trade.
  8. Added a couple of NES and one INTV title. (Got a CIB copy of Space Hawk for 1.26 shipped freeing up my loose copy!)
  9. Attention Joes!: And Pitfall Harrys. Thanks NSG! Great game to add to my collection.
  10. You got RAM PLUS!?! That's mighty powerful stuff you're dealin' with, Rick.
  11. Happy Birthday Kevin Murphy! (Tom Servo is best robot!)

  12. I just wanted to update that Im currently in the market for GB, GBC, and GCA games for my personal collection. Let me know what you got!
  13. Great trade with jmjustin6! You can see I had to contain Diamond Bessie's excitement at it's arrival.
  14. I have Shadows of the Empire, let me see what it would cost me to get it to you.
  15. I'll take pics later, but I snagged some stuff at Goodwill today. N64 WCW NWO Revenge 3 Big Box PC games complete PS2 Dragonball Z Budokai And Sega Genesis Street Fighter II CIB in pristine condition. 18 bucks for all of it!
  16. I have no idea, I can only tell you it isn't my sticker. It was there before I got it.
  17. Hey I got you covered if you need a Sega!
  18. Welcome to the Intellivision family, Lee! Repay me by enjoying it
  19. Definitely Give lbc first dibs. I would be asking for one of my customers who asks about one from time to time.
  20. Talk to me about the Saturn
  21. If you see anything in my Atari list you need, I'd trade you for NES Tetris.
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