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Posts posted by LeeJ07

  1. I applaud Nintendo for not going the way of Sony and Microsoft.


    Is the Switch not quite what I hoped for? Sure.


    However, there is one big factor about it that I like: The Switch is boldly daring. It's nothing like the cookie-cutter Xbox, and if Nintendo can leverage that fact to their advantage, they might have something awesome here.

  2. Based on the numbers of games slated to release on the 3DS next year alone, it is fairly evident that Nintendo is not yet finished with it.


    What their long term goals for it might be, who knows, but it's obviously not being done away with in 2017.

  3. Another point, too: the first DS was backwards compatible with GBA, later iterations were not.


    Not that I'm agreeing with the policy or anything, but it appears to me that Nintendo simply phases out backwards compatibility for generations older than the most recent past console generation.

  4. Again, that's not anything new from Nintendo.


    The Wii was backwards compatible with the GameCube. WiiU was not.


    Course, it goes without saying the Switch isn't backwards compatible with the WiiU due to not playing disks, though the same thing happened between N64 and Gamecube, and Sony's PSP to Vita, though of course Vita is compatible with "digital" versions of PSP games. You still couldn't stick a physical PSP game into a Vita, meaning you'd have to re-download a PSP game you already owned if you simply wanted to play it on a Vita.


    In short, if the Switch is not backwards compatible with DS games, I am not too surprised.


    Heck, PS3 games can't even play on a PS4, so it's not only Nintendo.

  5. I guess I'm the lone hold out here, but what I saw of the Switch rather excited me.


    The name is a bit wonky, but that's not a new thing with Nintendo. (GameCube, N64, Wii, WiiU, just to name a few...)


    The Switch looks fresh, though, and the number of 3rd Party developers that say they have a hat in the ring to make a game for it seems to be quite a bit larger than there was for the WiiU. We'll have to wait and see if that really does pan out.


    Long story short, though, I really want a Switch, and this may turn out to be the third time I ever purchase a console brand new.


    That... And I REALLY want to play Breath of the Wild.

  6. So hey guys, I just stumbled across this video on Youtube.


    While we all are aware of Atari's E.T. game, I imagine very few of us are aware that a computer gaming company in Great Britain (of all places) totally ripped off the same basic idea and gameplay for a PC conversion.



    (Stick through the full intro, guys. I know it seems at first that the video is going to follow the same old trope of E.T. being the worse game ever made, but it defies that expectation very early on.)

  7. As an update, I should like to mention that I have uncovered a stash of my brother's old 3 inch G.I.Joe action figures.


    I have no interest in collecting them, and my brother has stated he has no interest, either, so I'd be willing to sell or trade figures to anyone interested for stuff on my want list.


    I have no idea what all I've got here, so it'll take some time to sort it all out.

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