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- Ω -

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Posts posted by - Ω -

  1. 12 hours ago, RickR said:

    I've recently acquired both, but I have no idea how to use either.  Do either of these peripherals make sense to use in 2024?  Is there any advantage to using one over the other?  And what kind of hard disks do these use???

    Any information would be most appreciated.




    The peripheral expansion box (the big one) would be the one to use, because it can support many types of expansion cards.  Originally the TI did not have hard drive capabilities, that comes with obscenely expensive outdated hard drive controllers... if you can find one.

    Does it make sense in 2024 to use floppy drives?  Unless you are a purist, the short answer is no.  My suggestion would be to use the P-Box version of the TIPI and mount a Raspberry Pi 3B on it.  This way you can transfer files directly from the Internet with your PC and slide them onto the TI over your local WiFi network.

    The only real benefit to having a P-Box is if you are more than a casual user or simply a game player as 95% of everything out there will run off of a TIPI32K unit housed in a speech synthesizer sized case.

  2. 34 minutes ago, RickR said:

    I mean this is a known thing.  The "new" version of Dune came out in 2021 and was excellent.  But it was only 1/2 of the story.  The second part is out in theaters now, and I imagine it will be cheap to rent once the theatrical run is done. 

    It is common for theater movies to cost about $25 to stream.  Greedy?  Maybe.  But it will be normal priced in a few months. 

    What did you think of that first part?

    I have part 2 on hold at the library (blu-ray), and once that is released I'll get it when it becomes available.


    I didn't know it was a known thing, getting old I guess.  As for cheap, yeah I'll wait.  If I was not sick at home today I'd go to the 7pm showing as it's Tuesday and prices are slashed on Tuesday.


    As for how I enjoyed it, it's okay, much better than the Dino De Laurentiis version, but not quite as good as the SciFi Channel version.


  3. Recently I watched a movie on Amazon that said "Dune" (no part one was mentioned).  Anyway the price was only $3.79 so, why not?  Well, when you get to the end, you find out it was only part one.  Well now they have part 2 out, but they want a minimum of $24.95 to watch it.  It's cheaper in the theatre!

    I dunno about you guys, but it looks deviously greedy to me.




  4. I went and checked it out, it looks hit and miss for ones that work and ones that don't.  But hey, for 10 Bucks you get a SD card with a free camera!   Seriously though, if you don't need 4K, <<  The SONY HDR CX-405 >> is now less than 1/2 of what I paid back in 2015 to film the Fest West videos.  Now I usually use my Canon T7i if the record time is going to be under 30 minutes.  DSLR cameras have limited record time due to various factors, mainly due competition with the camcorder lines.

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