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- Ω -

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Posts posted by - Ω -

  1. On 1/30/2024 at 7:44 PM, TrekMD said:

    Hey, it works! 

    I got this recognition and the plaque arrived today...


    So you really are a doctor!  Congratulations on the award.  So can I start calling you "Bones" now?  So now I'll ask you one question, which food item is the best to stay away from when trying to lose weight?

  2. 7 hours ago, MaximumRD said:

    🤷‍♂️😝Me to Johnny, me to....


    I think a lot of kids must have really enjoyed this show, it gave them the PERFECT opportunity to sell their folks on buying an Atari for the home. 

    Dad > Why give all those quarters away?

    Kid > Why stay out at all hours at the arcade meeting up with some sketchy people?

    Dad > We could buy a home game.

    Kid > You're so wise Dad!

  3. 2 minutes ago, RickR said:

    This is my local ABC affiliate, and I remember this episode being a big deal back then!  Discussions at church and such.  Most of us kids were rolling our eyes. 


    From since I was in 1st grade I learned the press likes to hype and exaggerate things, some would even call it propaganda.  I was in third grade when I understood why.  I put most of the media in the same category as politicians, advertising and public relations firms.

  4. On 2/21/2021 at 8:01 AM, RickR said:

    Here are my ideas. 

    I think it's important to build the community.  I'd love to see existing Atari.io members join in.  To that end, we need to keep things simple.  For example, bringing up the expert level stuff (Tipi, nanoPEB, etc) is just going to drive casual users away.  What's unique about Atari.io?  It's friendly and fun!  Focus on the games and the fun aspects of this system.  Make the content inviting and not intimidating. 

    Some thread ideas:

    • Console buying guide.  I remember you telling me when I first got started with the TI to avoid the "tan" colored units.  I had no idea!  I think we need to spread the most simple knowledge of what to buy, what it will cost, where to look, and "don't panic" information (for example, that one button on the keyboard that temporarily disables the joysticks).  Include the details of "why".  For example, the newer tan units have a different bios that won't play all games (kind of like the INTV2).  Or how you can get a composite cable much cheaper by simply searching for a Commodore 64 or Atari 8-bit 5-pin cable. 
    • Game reviews.  Maybe spend a month on each game.  What is it most comparable to?  What makes it better or worse?  Example:  Parsec is kind of like Defender.  But it is a lot smoother and has speech.  Better than any other console's version of Defender.  Munchman vs. Pac Man.  Just more info and maybe some simple ongoing high-score challenges for those most common games on the system.
    • Controller options.  What to buy.  What to avoid.  Is there any way to improve those horrid TI joysticks?  How to use the Atari sticks on the system. 
    • Emulation.  How many people on this forum actually have a TI 99/4A?  Me.  That may be it.  So maybe we drum up interest by having a step-by-step simple guide of how to emulate on PC and Mac.
    • Links to interesting YouTube content. 

    I'll give it more thought.

    This message is nearly three years old, let us pick one and see where it goes next month.

  5. 9 hours ago, TrekMD said:


    When I first saw that old man dressed like that I figured, what the heck?  Then I saw his earrings and figured, well he might be a singer, then he opened his mouth and holy smokes!  That dude was a spot on match for the original song, well at least as my memory figures.  -- Good posting on this one.


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