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- Ω -

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Posts posted by - Ω -

  1. The orientation of the habitat's dish towards the sun takes all that light and runs it down light tubes that illuminate the entire space.  One would assume that a dish of that size, being some miles across, would be able to generate enough electricity 24/7 to accomplish a lot of tasks, heating, cooking and cooling being just a few.

  2. 11 hours ago, Atari 5200 Guy said:

    Interesting.  But humans don’t need to go to another planet.  We can’t take care of this one, why do we need to go screw up another one?  Aliens fly by this one and roll their windows up as fast as they can. Only the dumb aliens come to visit because they don’t know no better. 

    They have been trying for a long time now to find other planets like ours and I do hope they find them.  Some want to find other life forms, others want to simply find other planets like ours that are capable of supporting life as we know it.  But until we can repair our planet we really don’t need to move in to another planet.  It wouldn’t survive our way of living.

    I'd prefer to hollow out a nickel-iron asteroid of reasonable size leaving at least a mile thick shell to solar block radiation, toss a bunch of ice in it, cap the ends, heat it up and introduce a spin.  It would be like a small city after a few generations of growth and building.  In case of over population or political differences, they could simply start a colony asteroid of their own.  There's plenty of raw materials for the taking out there, and without the gravity well of Earth to hold you down, much of it would be easily accessible.  Planets are nurseries for infant races.

  3. My parents had a Magnavox brand console stereo for a few years.  It was fried twice in Italy due to failing/faulty power converters.  Then somewhere between 76 & 78 Dad switched to a component setup, which was real nice.  It's interesting now that many people do not even have stereos anymore, but use bluetooth soundbars to use with their cell phone or TV.

  4. Do you have any old black and white family photos?  Do you want to colorize them, but don't have the talent or skills?  Try <<THIS SITE>> !!!  It's free, and easy!  Just slide the image over, and press go!  I tried it out a couple of minutes ago with a test image and here were my results!





    I bet you even have some old Christmas photos from years gone by...

  5. I like tech toys, but I NEED an excuse to get something other than playing games.  With all new supporting technology available, PCB design programs, companies that make the designs a reality and the things that could be mounted on one of those cartridge boards, I believe it's possible to make the Atari 2600 more than a simple retro-game machine.  I see all kinds of potential ideas, and even a limited niche market for such cartridges.. if someone did it.  Just a couple of ideas come to mind right off the top of my head...

    1) A cartridge that could use your homes WiFi to get the weather and display it on your TV.

    2) A cartridge that could monitor Atari.io for new messages and let you know when there is a new post in any of the threads you follow.

    Now when it comes to gaming, how about two player games via WiFi/Internet to another player, or even large games that work with a server due to their size or interactive nature?  Would it generate some buzz and excitement?  Even people buying the newer recharged models that can accept a cartridge could participate.  

    You tell me, does anyone find the concept interesting?  I'm thinking it could add a few more years of renewed excitement to the 2600 platform.


  6. 29 minutes ago, sramirez2008 said:

    Not that I need any of these, as I have dust covers for every console that I own, but I found this on Etsy and had to have it. I also purchased a couple more for my Heavy Sixers.




    Cool, looks 3D printed.  I also found other variations, << HERE >>, << HERE >> and even for the 7800 << HERE >>, but as my luck would have it, nothing for the 5200.  I might have to rectify that situation.

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