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Atari 5200 Guy

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Everything posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. The games just keep coming. Im particularly interested in the Jaleco collection because of E.D.F. I love that game!
  2. That has to be the sexiest modern console I have seen in a long time. I believe the Jaguar was the last one I saw. The VS has style. That's it. I've got to get one! (Digs through game collection for dups).
  3. I visited Blaze's site and went from there. They show four US retailers selling Evercade. I will see if I can find it again but Amazon showed five left of the starter set with two games for the VS model. Thanks for helping out! Unfortunately my issue is coming up with the money.
  4. I would prefer the VS personally. I'm going to see what I can do to get one.
  5. I remember Pirates and Jobs. I have not seen the others. Pirates I liked because it showed two important computer companies going head to head. And each actor played their parts well. I got so into the story that for a while my mind believed it was Steve we were watching and not Ashton. He portrayed Jobs so well it was almost like Jobs had invaded him. Maybe it had something to do with Jobs' passing that made me highly sucked into the movie. Im not sure. I highly enjoyed watching Jobs' keynotes whenever they were done. He had that knack to getting people's attention and hold it there. It's why I bought an iPad for college when they first came out and why I use an iPhone now. I love the products. I also still have my iPod Shuffle I still use. The small ones with the clip. I wanted a Nano but I missed out on those. But, granted, I watched both movies I mentioned with Jobs being my favorite.
  6. The Jaguar set I got from RS came bundled with the AV cord and Iron Soldier. It was a fun game.
  7. What I was speaking was the truth from a street level perspective. In my area the last time anything Atari was around was the 2600/5200 systems. I never seen any XL, XE, 7800, Lynx, ST, or Jaguar anything. Atari was dead and gone after the crash. It was all about either Nintendo or Sega. That was it. The 7800 i found with my grandmother as by coincidence or accident. After the holidays 7800 stuff could not be found. Anywhere. It was easier to find SMS games with clearance prices than 7800 games. If it wasn't for that ad showing upon the mailbox about the Jaguar I would have never known about it. Once I did get a Jaguar it was an insecure feeling because local support was limited. And, yes, Walmart supported the Jaguar. It was the only local store to do so. My rampage was based off street level experience with the console. Sure I had a Genesis and SNES but they didn't have Tempest 2000 and that was what I kept going back to the most. It simply blew me away. As mentioned I can't speak for Atari at the time UT I can and will defend Jaguar regardless. It was such a great system that waz mishandled.
  8. Lol. I use to but heartburn from hello. I can't do it anymore either. What you have shared sounds good.
  9. Matlock loved hot dogs...I love hot dogs. Especially with chili, cheese, and tater tots on top.
  10. I watched part of it and listened to her closing statements. She compared the Jaguar to the NES, Saturn, and PSOne. Which quite honestly should not have been done. It was compared to the wrong systems. The NES shouldn't have been considered. Neither should have the two 32-bit systems. The Jaguar was not a part of that generation. It belongs with the Genesis and Super NES. Those were the consoles it was marketed against. I don't know everything about Atari or the Jaguar outside of personal experiences seeing and owning one. It was not marketed in my area at the time. The only reason I knew it even existed was by an ad mailed out by Go Atari. I don't even know how they got my address. If not for Radio Shack I would not have received one. I remember looking at that ad for a very long time wondering when I'd see one in person. I really loved the sleek design of the console. Shortly after I got mine Wal-Mart had a small Jaguar section. But before I could even save up to buy anything they had it disappeared. That section might have lasted a few months to year. I don't know for certain but it did seem like it left almost as quick as it came. The demo unit was hardly touched when I was there. I kick myself in the butt for parting with what I had even when I know it was help.my dear grandmother. Most of those game I can no longer find or find cheap. I'd be happy to find Tempest 2000 again. If I cod find just that game without having to give up an arm and a leg for it I'd be happy. Bottomline...I didn't like how the Jaguar was portrayed because it was apparent she did not do her home work. And it shouldn't but it upsets me when YouTubers talk about a game console before researching it first. It was evident from the fist words out of her mouth the Jaguar didn't stand a chance. Here's my take on it. I believe in the Jaguar and everything it was made to do. In my eyes the Jaguar did not fail. Atari failed it. Lack of strong support, poor management, and low to non existing marketing, failed to entice the public eyes on the Jaguar. I think it is one hell of a console and really is the last console to be entirely developed and made in America. Have you ever ticked off any one with a NEO*GEO? The Jaguar deserves the same support. I don't understand Atari's Jaguar support any more than any one else...but it doesn't mean the Jaguar is as bad as most people claim. To fully understand the Jaguar means you would have had to live through it during its production. Jaguar was the first console to offer hardware 3D. No other console at the time did that without adding that support through a cartridge. By the time my area got Jaguar to market the Jaguar's production had ended. If I seem upset my apology but it bugs me when a machine gets attacked like that without fully experiencing and trying to understand what all happened. It is Atari that failed, not the Jaguar, and it was not destroyed in the sense the video portrayed it. I would rather hear "Where did you learn to fly?" A million times than to watch a video like that for two minutes. Do your research first. I really wish Gaming Historian would do one on Jaguar. It needs a defense team.
  11. Blasphemy! The Neo*Geo is highly protected by its fan base. The Jaguar should be the same with its fan base. I posted my comment but it might come across as rude. I really don't care. Don't blame the Jaguar. It is not its fault the Tramiels did business the way they did. Tempest 2000 blew my mind when I first seen it at a store display. It was the reason why I wanted a jaguar. It was not a failure. It did the best it could with what it got. It was dependent on the people developing for it. If you have a hard time understanding the Jaguar then don't expect a high quality game. It's that simple.
  12. I think it would be cool to have that emulator working on the Jaguar.
  13. Not a latest pick up but I found this inside my Missile Command. I feel guilty now that I opened my Missile Command. But I can't help but feel I've seen the art style I this catalogue so.e where else on TV or something. It looks familiar. I also want to join... Only $1 for a year!!! Who's with me?
  14. Im betting a really nice and polished Jaguar version would be cool.
  15. That would be neat to see. The game I meant. See what differences there are if any.
  16. Wasn't an AMC in an episode of Knight Rider when K.I.T.T. had to be a stunt car?
  17. Here you go. Red box Defender II might have first appeared in 1988.
  18. To help because I know it's blurred... Copyright date is 1987 Atari, Corp. CX26120. It also states Stargate is a TM and (C) of Williams 1981. Cart shell is the same style as red boxed 2600 games. Exposed cart edge. No dust cover. I never cared for these since they are hit and miss inserting them in the machine. It misses that "snap" feeling the original design has. That feeling is more satisfying.
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