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Atari 5200 Guy

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Everything posted by Atari 5200 Guy

  1. Thank you. I was afraid I was going to have to take it to the E.R. and have a cast put on it. Lol. Pac-Man has a broken butt.
  2. And Galaxian had a few surprises. This game had been sealed until I opened it just before this post. That's a long time! Now on to what I found. I knew of the comic book. I've been trying to find the games that had those. This one makes two I have now but I have never seen the service contract form before. Nothing like that ever came with the 5200 games I got in the 1980s. What do you think, guys? Should I invest in protection for my 2600?
  3. Look at this guys. A brand new Pac-Man that's never been played. Very nice. I never realized the label art and box art to this game were different. I always thought that there were two variations.
  4. Hey guys. I have been enjoying discovering the games I recently picked up. But a couple of them for the 2600 raised a few questions and I thought I'd ask here and see if anyone might know. I'm going through the games, one at a time, to make sure they work. I'm also playing them. Two of the games I skipped were Ms. Pac-Man and Solaris because I already have boxed copies but I thought I would at least make sure they worked. Upon opening Ms. Pac-Man I found the game inserted upside down. When I took the game out I found the label a bit damaged. There's also a number handwritten on the box. Would anyone know what that number is for? Q*Bert has one as well on its box end. It also took some work getting Q*Bert out if his box. He was stuck like Chuck. I'm not complaining...on the contrary I'm having a lot of fun!
  5. That's cool! I tried to fix my Pac-Man's butt.
  6. These arrived today. I'm excited! Some of the boxes look rough but the games inside are brand new. Pac-Man is the most interesting to me because it looks like the bottom was purposely opened to remove something like maybe a catalog. Its the only one that looks like that. The others you can tell were simply crushed.
  7. I have never heard of this game before and so I researched it. I must say that I absolutely love that box art for this game!! The A8 and 7800 stuff are areas I did not get into heavily or at all. Yes I had both growing up but when I got them it was like, "This is all we have", when asking stores about more software for them. And it wasn't much to choose from. This game will be a new experience for me...and I'm looking forward to it.
  8. I never could get.past.my own score. Seriously fun but very unforgiving game. Now I know why this game is my favorite.
  9. The reason I haven't posted anything new is because I can't even beat my old score.
  10. If you don't curse then you need to see a doctor. The default settings are fun. This is Space Invaders on steroids! I don't know how many times I lose a life almost immediately after starting a new game. Ask me what my vision of hell would look like and I'd tell you stuck playing Space Invaders on crazy 8 mode for eternity. Just kidding guys. I'm actually having fun but this is torture. It's very impressive to think that in these early days of video games that someone at Atari put this in the game. This is why this game has such great replay value.
  11. The only issue I have with these sockets is the one for RIOT. It's literally butted up against the cartridge ports, making it a bit difficult to get to.
  12. Using a testing board I tested all three processors. The original 6507 went bad, the other 2 chips are fine.
  13. I think I'll double check those chips again because you are right. No way all three blew at once. If none of the chips I pulled work I'll replace the regulator.
  14. A parts board. I had a board that worked but had no difficulty switches or controller ports. I use to tinker with it but now I needed it's 3 ICs.
  15. It was all three chips. Replacing them one at a time did nothing, replacing all three fixed it. It should be good for another 40 years.
  16. I tell my 2600 that I have time for one game. I don't think my 2600 understood me. Shortly after taking this picture my 2600 just shows a black screen now. Tried multiple games and same thing. I'm going to try replacing Stella, RIOT, and TIA to see if that helps. I'm guessing it's either TiA or faulty 7805 regulator because it at times acts like it's not getting power. Tested same games on a Junior model with same power supply and they are all fine.
  17. Seeing all those games takes me back to a store my family frequently visited, watching them open up a new shipment and stock their shelves. What does that label say on Asteroids?
  18. I'm glad you managed to get those returns and saved them from going to a landfill. There's no telling what all is in those. I bet if they could talk they'd have some stories to tell.
  19. That Ninja Gaiden looks like it had a steamroller on it. Poor thing. What's amazing is if these were packaged with great care then how did they get that damaged? I mean I understand things shift and it is painfully obvious something heavy was on it. This is not a bad set either.
  20. Are the labels on individually packaged PP II carts different from carts packaged with the system?
  21. Roll the score on the crazy 8 setting? Alright @Justin, what are you drinking if you can roll the score with this setting, man. I want some. Jk 😂. But seriously...if someone here can roll the score on this setting then wow.
  22. That would have been nice to see. They should have kept it going. The videos and music alone were worth it.
  23. No it doesn't but wish it did. I liked playing Baldies back in the day and I did enjoy the VidGrid game.
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