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LET'S COMPARE: Atari 7800 Commando vs. Atari XEGS Commando

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hi everyone,


 now here the 7800 really shines. a proper size board was used, as well as a pokey. very smooth, very colorful, really gives the nes a run for its money. clearly a superior machine if used correctly.



XEGS version, still quite good, colorful, sounds good, smooth, but not as fleshed out as the 7800 version.






22735 Congo St. NE, Stacy, MN 55079

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The NES version is OK, but seems a bit dazed and confused when compared to the A7800 version. Also, The NES version has flicker and is choppier than the A7800 version. I think that the A7800 version is the closest to the arcade experience when compared to other home system versions. The ST has great graphics and layout, but the music and SFX suffer a little.

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I really like these posts!  And I think it's fun to add NES when possible.  The NES hardware is a definite child of Colecovision design IMO.  It's not as impressive as the 7800 in some regards (but more in others).  But it's the software, business-savvy, and dedication to gaming where NES just wiped the floor with Atari. 

It's so frustrating!  Why didn't Atari (GCC) include a Pokey sound chip in the 7800 itself?  Why didn't they switch to a gamepad as soon as it became clear that was the controller design of choice?  Why didn't they give developers the time and resources to make the very best games?


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17 hours ago, RickR said:

Here's the NES version for comparison. 

I'd say the 7800 is the best of the three.  Much more colorful and no flicker. 

The XE version looks like they went with the "close enough" attitude.  Lots of missing "little things". 



hi rickr,


 yep, they went all out for the 7800 version. i wonder how they ever got it past jack!! agreed, the XEGS version could have been better! if used correctly, the 7800 could have easily beaten out the nes.





22735 Congo St. NE, Stacy, MN 55079

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16 hours ago, BlackCatz40 said:

The NES version is OK, but seems a bit dazed and confused when compared to the A7800 version. Also, The NES version has flicker and is choppier than the A7800 version. I think that the A7800 version is the closest to the arcade experience when compared to other home system versions. The ST has great graphics and layout, but the music and SFX suffer a little.



 on the nes, they tried to get to many sprites at once. i wonder if that's why the XEGS versions seems a little baron? the 7800 clearly if used correctly, that is a expensive ram board with a pokey, clearly could have beaten the nes.





22735 Congo St. NE, Stacy, MN 55079

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2 hours ago, RickR said:

I really like these posts!  And I think it's fun to add NES when possible.  The NES hardware is a definite child of Colecovision design IMO.  It's not as impressive as the 7800 in some regards (but more in others).  But it's the software, business-savvy, and dedication to gaming where NES just wiped the floor with Atari. 

It's so frustrating!  Why didn't Atari (GCC) include a Pokey sound chip in the 7800 itself?  Why didn't they switch to a gamepad as soon as it became clear that was the controller design of choice?  Why didn't they give developers the time and resources to make the very best games?




i once got a two hour lecture from someone at atari(will not reveal who it was, it was not jack t. but almost as high up), on the evils of video games.

i was once told that the reason why there was a lack of games, because atari was overwhelmed trying to keep up with orders for their current library.

 but they once faxed out to me their entire inventory of games for all of the systems they were supporting. there were only a few titles that fit that. and they never reordered those titles.

when i tried to order 7800 euro pads from them. they said it was not their job to make them available to me. it was my job to import them from europe.

that is how i ended up dealing so much in europe. they gave me contact information for atari of europe. i think i ended up in the Netherlands.

i ordered tens of thousands, sold them like crazy to  hungry atari dealers and end users. told that to atari, they did not even blink.




22735 Congo St. NE, Stacy, MN 55079

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5 hours ago, RickR said:

I really like these posts!  And I think it's fun to add NES when possible.  The NES hardware is a definite child of Colecovision design IMO.  It's not as impressive as the 7800 in some regards (but more in others).  But it's the software, business-savvy, and dedication to gaming where NES just wiped the floor with Atari. 

It's so frustrating!  Why didn't Atari (GCC) include a Pokey sound chip in the 7800 itself?  Why didn't they switch to a gamepad as soon as it became clear that was the controller design of choice?  Why didn't they give developers the time and resources to make the very best games?


Nintendo did not skimp in spending money to make sure their games were good.  They did what they had to by adding memory, etc to the carts.  What did Atari do?  Skimp on everything.  They could have included POKEY chips on the carts but they didn't.  They could have released the originally planned XM, and they didn't.  They just didn't push hard enough to show the capabilities of the 7800.  Look at Rikki & Vikki as an example of what the system can do when resources are uses properly. 

GCC supposedly said there was no space for the POKEY on the board as they were planning a cheaper alternative to the POKEY that could be put in carts.  Unfortunately, their plans went they way of the Dodo when Atari got sold to the Tramiels and the mess of who had to pay them started. 

🖖 Going to the final frontier, gaming...

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15 hours ago, TrekMD said:

Nintendo did not skimp in spending money to make sure their games were good.  They did what they had to by adding memory, etc to the carts.  What did Atari do?  Skimp on everything.  They could have included POKEY chips on the carts but they didn't.  They could have released the originally planned XM, and they didn't.  They just didn't push hard enough to show the capabilities of the 7800.  Look at Rikki & Vikki as an example of what the system can do when resources are uses properly. 

GCC supposedly said there was no space for the POKEY on the board as they were planning a cheaper alternative to the POKEY that could be put in carts.  Unfortunately, their plans went they way of the Dodo when Atari got sold to the Tramiels and the mess of who had to pay them started. 

hi rickr,


 yep they did it right. quite a game.

jack t. always bragged about his hardware. i was told it was not atari's job to support their hardware, its the job of third parties. atari was there just to produce hardware. but i used to say it looks like no one is taking you up on supporting your hardware.

 it was ridiculous relying on others who had no stake in your market, to come forward and advertise and support your system.

it was ataris job to support and advertise, others come on board after seeing results.





22735 Congo St. NE, Stacy, MN 55079

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6 hours ago, RickR said:

Yeah, plus everyone knows the money is in selling the razor blades, not the handles. 

hi rickr,




hey did you want a 2600 bowling tournament? if so, where is your announcement?




22735 Congo St. NE, Stacy, MN 55079

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I have to admit...I played the NES port many moons ago and was not impressed.  How Capcom made a Data East game for the NES when Data East was also making NES games is beyond me.  It never kept my interest.  The 7800 port, however, I love playing.  It's more colorful and more arcade accurate.  I have more fun with that one.  The XE version I would have been satisfied with over the NES version.  

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On 7/9/2020 at 2:38 PM, kamakazi20012 said:

I have to admit...I played the NES port many moons ago and was not impressed.  How Capcom made a Data East game for the NES when Data East was also making NES games is beyond me.  It never kept my interest.  The 7800 port, however, I love playing.  It's more colorful and more arcade accurate.  I have more fun with that one.  The XE version I would have been satisfied with over the NES version.  


22735 Congo St. NE, Stacy, MN 55079

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