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The Atari Network Needs You!

7800 Pro Gamer

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Hey all, just a quick introduction for the channel, The Atari Network started back in July of 2023 as a channel dedicated solely to the Atari 7800.  It soon there after expanded to allow for more coverage on modern and classic Atari consoles and news.  In that time we've gained 1200 subscribers, nearly 8,000 hours of watch time and over 80,000 views! We have also hosted the Atari 7800 Forever Podcast for several months now which is the brainchild of Vinnie Vineyard aka Funkmaster V (Big N Funky Productions on YouTube) who started the atari7800forever.com website many years ago!

Unfortunately the last episode of the Atari 7800 Forever podcast is airing on December 29th at 7:30pm EST.  Which is very sad for both Vinnie and myself but good news!  The Atari Network Podcast starts 2 weeks later!  One vision I have for the new podcast is to allow for an occasional rotating slot for a 3rd or even 4th chair to get more opinions and points of view on the show.  Myself and Vinnie will still be on every week!  But despite our different personalities we share a lot of the same views and opinions. I think having other opinions represented on the channel is important for the wider community to feel they have a voice.

Our guests in the past have mostly been in an interview style format where we focus solely on them and give them a platform to talk about their achievements in the Atari community.  And we'll still do that but I also want to have guests who have insight on certain topics that we cover and want to engage in the conversation.  These topics and conversations could be about classic Atari consoles or games, certain eras of Atari, new releases like stuff on the VCS, 2600+ or the XP line of games and much more.

You don't have to be actively creative in the community, you don't have to be a developer or tech person, all you need is a willingness to talk and a passion about Atari.  I've been reaching out to people but I want to give others the same opportunity Vinnie gave me last June.  So if your interested in joining in on a few episodes a year all you have to do is send me a message.  From there we'll just chat a little bit and see where a good fit would be.  Then when a topic comes up in your wheel house you might be invited on.

Also this is a good opportunity for people to practice public speaking or attempt to overcome personal fears, or stuff like that.  I'm not delusional our reach is very small right now lol.  Active unique viewers for the live show right now is between 30-50 people (usually less than 20 at a time) and they get about 125-300 views after the fact.  So your not putting yourself out to a massive audience but we hope that will change soon!  If you have your own YouTube channel you can stream it to your audience too.  Your free to redistribute your appearances after the fact.  You can also promote any of your own projects on the show during the introduction or ending!

That's really it guys.  If your interested in appearing let me know.  Audio only is fine too for people who don't have cameras but video preferred.  And if you have your own podcast or show I'm very open in appearing and discussing on your show as long as I can promote my channel 😁 ok thanks guys hope you all have a great day and most importantly, Stay Classy Atari IO!


 :pole_position_blimp: Watch 7800 Pro Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAtariNetwork

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49 minutes ago, CrossBow said:

<--- raises hand...


You'd be an incredible person to have on as Vinnie and I are notoriously awful with technical aspects.  After December 25th I'll send you a message and we can work something out.  Thank you!

 :pole_position_blimp: Watch 7800 Pro Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAtariNetwork

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19 hours ago, TrekMD said:

Cool idea.  I think I could join you guys some time.  It will take some coordination but I'm sure we could do it. I did it for the Intellivisionaries a while back.  🙂

We'd love to have you some time. I'll reach out around December 26th so I can get some ideas about what you would be interested discussing etc. 


1 hour ago, Marco1019 said:

I look forward to the new show! The start of your post intially read as doom & gloom before you announced the pivot lol.

Yeah sorry lol.  Same show different name essentially.  Again, Vinnie was the first to mention it to me I would've never done it otherwise!

 :pole_position_blimp: Watch 7800 Pro Gamer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheAtariNetwork

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