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Status Replies posted by Justin

  1. Got em! Added unopened Swordquest Earthworld to my collection 😍🔥🔥 Sometimes you just need a new game in your collection to raise your spirits! I always loved this 2600 box design.


  2. Got em! Added unopened Swordquest Earthworld to my collection 😍🔥🔥 Sometimes you just need a new game in your collection to raise your spirits! I always loved this 2600 box design.


  3. Got em! Added unopened Swordquest Earthworld to my collection 😍🔥🔥 Sometimes you just need a new game in your collection to raise your spirits! I always loved this 2600 box design.


  4. 🐛 Played 7800 Centipede Co-Op Mode this weekend w/ Gianna & hit it out of the park! Played for an hour & got over 500,000 points: 


  5. 🐛 Played 7800 Centipede Co-Op Mode this weekend w/ Gianna & hit it out of the park! Played for an hour & got over 500,000 points: 


  6. I still cannot access this site from a laptop/desktop browser. Firefox & Chrome both block this site while Safari just hangs in place. While I'm writing this update from my phone, I'd much rather access this site from my laptop. Any suggestions?

  7. Sorry I haven't been around. Chrome keeps spitting that scam/spam/phishing warning at me. I know 'other browsers' don't have this issue, but I don't trust Firefox after the cert revoking issue a few months back and Edge is.... Edge. 

  8. Sorry I haven't been around. Chrome keeps spitting that scam/spam/phishing warning at me. I know 'other browsers' don't have this issue, but I don't trust Firefox after the cert revoking issue a few months back and Edge is.... Edge. 

  9. Anyone else doing nothing but snacking and drinking during this lock down?  That’s all I feel like I’ve been doing is eating snacks!

  10. Anyone else doing nothing but snacking and drinking during this lock down?  That’s all I feel like I’ve been doing is eating snacks!

  11. I've been doing 6502 programming on the Atari 8-bit computers since Mac/65 on the 80s. Today its Eclipse/WUDSN/Mads and emulators on linux.

    In the later 80s and 90s I was doing computer animation, desktop publishing, and video production on Amigas. Some programming, too, but by then I was working full time, so recreational programming was cut down quite a bit.

    I have a full time job managing a group of programmers working on financial processing systems written in C and running on linux. Chances are if you've used a gift card I've made it a happy experience for you. (If it wasn't I can refer you to some competitors :-) )

    When I have time I work on random graphics project and games, or port things from other platforms to the Atari 8-bit computers. Various tutorials from Oldskoolcoder and GRay Defender have been my past porting victims.



    (No, I've never been on Jeopardy!)

  12. For those of you having a hard time like me during these dark times...PLEASE watch this.  Fast forward to 10:45 at a bare minimum.  Trust me. 


  13. 🤯 How did WB own Atari, DC comics & Looney Tunes, & not see that games can be cartoons & characters

  14. New Episode- Ikari Warriors 7800 


  15. Not something I thought I'd ever say but WOO HOO! Found a place selling family packs of toilet paper today! We are good for sometime now. 😌😅

  16. Not something I thought I'd ever say but WOO HOO! Found a place selling family packs of toilet paper today! We are good for sometime now. 😌😅

  17. 🙁Bleh, well we wont be going on two tours / trips that were planned this year. May was "Four themed Towns" and December was THANKSGIVING ON THE OREGON COAST, both with Wells Gray Tours. Regardless of what happens at this point even IF the Dec trip would have been a possibility it is more sensible for us to just call 2020 a NO TRAVEL year. We are not young and healthy, we have diabetes (compromised immunity) as well as mild Asthma so taking the chance on any travel in 2020 is a gamble we are not willing to take.

    We work hard to try and maintain the health we have so a week of fun is not worth the risk. The time frame for a vaccine to be created, tested and the rest of the outbreak to be contained / controlled means 2020 is a write off travel wise. Ah well, we now return you to your regularly scheduled program. 

  18.  RIP - Kenny Rogers. My mother and step father were country fans so often heard country music on radio growing up (I was more into Motown and Sha Na Na going through my 50's phase) but I liked Kenny, his appearance on THE MUPPETS doing one of his classics made sure of that.


  19. I feel like Atari I/O is entering its Junior year. A 3rd Phase. Strapping down and getting serious about having fun after a long lazy summer.

  20. RIP Kenny.  Thank you for the music.

  21. RIP Kenny.  Thank you for the music.

  22. 🕹️Going to post some of my own 2-Player Battles, it's a fun activity we have! https://forums.atari.io/forum/72-2-player-battle/ 

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