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  1. Like
    Justin reacted to CrossBow in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    December has been quite a month for new pickups for the collections here at the ivory Tower!
    First up is that I got my Gleylancer re-release by Retrobit from Strictly Limited Games and also after more than a year, my copy of AsteBros came in. Both for the Genesis.

    And then I finally was able to get Stellar Assault for the Saturn for a good price direct from Japan and got in my physical copy of Bomb Rush Cyberpunk for the PS4 from IAM8BIT.

    Then the main last thing for the month that I was waiting on arrived today. It speaks for itself.

  2. Like
    Justin reacted to sramirez2008 in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
  3. Like
    Justin reacted to TrekMD in Post your latest/recent pickups!   
    These arrived over the past few days...

  4. Like
    Justin reacted to RickR in The Blaze Taito and Capcom Super Pockets Are Out!   
    Who has one?
    The are a small form factor portable game device that include 20 Taito or Capcom games (depending on which version you buy) AND they play Evercade cardridges!  At only $60, they seem like a great deal.  I don't have one yet.  But reviews are starting to come in now. 
    What do you think?
    Here's a review from genxgrownup:
  5. Like
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    Thank YOU @RickR! I'm happy to hear that you recieved it! Enjoy!
  6. Like
    Justin reacted to TrekMD in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    Got mine today!

  7. Like
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    That was much faster than I thought it would be! Glad it arrived @TrekMD!
  8. Like
    Justin reacted to TrekMD in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    Yes it was!  But so works our unpredictable USPS!  LOL  I won't forget one time I shipped a package to South Korea and a package to Puerto Rico.  Both at exactly the same time.  The package going to South Korea got there BEFORE the package to Puerto Rico!  Go figure!  LOL
  9. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    PSA: there are 17 copies left as of this morning. If you've already PM'd me, your copy is set aside (so no worries).
    Thanks to everyone who ordered a copy so far!
  10. Like
    Justin reacted to Smell Dawg in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    Received my copy yesterday - as others have said, super high quality!  Very, very cool piece to have and page through 🙂.  Thanks again for sharing the fruits of your work, @Sabertooth!

  11. Like
    Justin reacted to RickR in Evercade "Atari" carts are moving to legacy status   
    The good news is that there seems to be a big supply of all the Atari carts for Evercade on ebay and other sites.  Still, grab em now if you want them.
  12. Like
    Justin got a reaction from Cryptocoffee13 in Evercade "Atari" carts are moving to legacy status   
    I hope Atari has plans for the Lynx. The Atari cartridges are a big part of what draws my interest to Evercade. I understand the situation, it's a shame though for Evercade players.
  13. Like
    Justin reacted to RickR in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    BOOM!  I got mine in the mail today.  It looks so dang good!  Professional.  Really nice work, @Sabertooth.  Thanks so much!!!

  14. Like
    Justin got a reaction from DegasElite in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    I shared it to our Instagram 🙂🕹️
  15. Like
    Justin reacted to socrates63 in Recent Pickups -- (Non Gaming)   
    A little decor to the nerd cave...
    I've been wanting to get the Indy cartridge holder for a long time. I think I bought the loose cart last year. I finally pulled the trigger on the cartridge holder when Etsy recently offered a $5 coupon. I bought it from thetdshop. I'm a fan of the cartridge holders.
    A local gamer sells among other things dioramas. She 3D printed the cartridge shells and game elements.
  16. Like
    Justin reacted to socrates63 in Recent Pickups -- (Non Gaming)   
    A slightly different kind of non-gaming pick-up here... 🐔 🦃
    There's Chicken Run the claymation movie from 2000 which I love (I heard there's a sequel in the works), and then there's my Chick Run 2023.
    My mission was to secure 10 Costco rotisserie chicken for the annual church Thanksgiving lunch (another 10 to be secured by someone else). A few years ago, the church decided to switch to Costco's rotisserie chicken after too many years of dry roasted turkey from those-who-shall-not-be-named-here.
    I started waiting in the Costco parking lot around 9:15am yesterday in the hopes that it would open early. I often see it opening around 9:30am although the posted sign has 10am as the opening time. This time, the door opened at 9:52am. I dashed as quickly as I could with my bad back and all, and I saw one lady making a beeline for the chicken. Oh no! See beat to it, but luckily, she only took a measly one. Whew! There were around thirty available, but I wasn't sure how many she was going to grab as she could have been another Chicken Run competitor. Why else head directly to the rotisserie chicken section from the entrance if not to grab a dozen more for a party?
    My car smelled like rotisserie chicken all day. Coffee or fake pine tree scent I could take, but rotisserie chicken smell in the car is a bit much for me. I am hoping the smell is out by now, but with it raining off and on, I didn't leave the car windows open.
    And for the astute observers out there, yes, I got 12 and not 10. Having more than enough is what it means to have "enough" in my book.

  17. Like
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    Also, any orders that were paid by 11:00 PM PST last night were just dropped off at the post office.
  18. Like
    Justin reacted to tripled in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    I just closed my paypal account recently. Can I still order a copy?
  19. Like
    Justin got a reaction from Cryptocoffee13 in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    I shared it to our Instagram 🙂🕹️
  20. Like
    Justin got a reaction from DegasElite in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    I just received mine in the mail! This is amazing that our first Club has turned into something this vibrant! 
  21. Like
    Justin reacted to CrossBow in Atari 2600+ My experiences and helpful information   
    This is happening because the 7800 emulation has the buttons reversed on 7800 games. As the Starplex is wired as a 2600 controller, the 7800 emulation is treating it as a single fire button controller. Because single fire button controllers should register as button 1 or the Left fire button on the 7800 controller, but it is reversed on the 7800 emulation, that means it is only going to treat it as button 2 and not 1.
    This has really thrown me off on quite a few games. Similar to how I complained about how ARTI testing was fine with an actual controllers, but the buttons get reversed in the game when using the Mega78...
    Although I don't know that I've seen Ben from Pliaon mention it specifically, I'm hoping they correct the reversed button functions on 7800 games in the first major FW update.
  22. Like
    Justin got a reaction from Smell Dawg in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    I shared it to our Instagram 🙂🕹️
  23. Thanks
    Justin reacted to Sabertooth in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    Awesome! I'm glad that you received it! (and thank you!)
  24. Like
    Justin got a reaction from Smell Dawg in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    I just received mine in the mail! This is amazing that our first Club has turned into something this vibrant! 
  25. Like
    Justin got a reaction from RickR in CLUB VCS ISSUE 01 Print Edition - SOLD OUT!   
    I just received mine in the mail! This is amazing that our first Club has turned into something this vibrant! 
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