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Video 61

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Posts posted by Video 61

  1. 2 hours ago, Clint Thompson said:

    10/10! 🙌

    Thanks so much @Video 61 for making these available and selling me a set! Oddly I find that I dont' have a single Pro-Line stick lol but I'll have to order one of those somewhere someday. Hopefully you'll get another 7800 Trak Ball in stock... think my 78 controls will be complete after that!


    hi clint,


     you are welcome, and thanks!





  2. 4 hours ago, Clint Thompson said:

    Where can one purchase one of these CX30 Evoled Paddles? They look incredible. I've been out of the loop...

    *Nevermind, I see that Video61 was selling them but apparently are on back order just like the trak ball sadly.

    Any chance these will be stocked again in the near future @Video 61 ?


    hi Clint,


    glad you are back. we have a small quantity in stock right now, $39.95 plus shipping. just e-mail me at video61@atarisales.com





  3. On 11/29/2021 at 12:20 AM, Atari 5200 Guy said:

    I have a question.


    Has anyone here with a Lynx upgraded the screen or thought about it?  I know I said I wasn't going to but my screen has been getting worse lately.  Very ghostly and lots of vertical lines.  What I found is $75, requires the inverter to be removed, and one wire to be soldered in (optional if you want scanlines if I understand it correctly).  As much as I hate to, I'm seriously thinking about saving for it.


    hi @Atari 5200 Guy,


    i have not used one. wish i could help.




  4. 11 hours ago, DegasElite said:

    Oh, yeah. The I-35 Bridge collapse. I remember it well. It was world news, even on Deutsche Welle (DW) in Germany. We had local access to DW on Channel 20 in Saint Paul on cable TV. It made the headlines for sure. it was later rebuilt. The new bridge is nice. It was definitely a tragedy for sure. I was living in my apartment in Maplewood at the time. Maplewood is a Saint Paul suburb. It's almost walking distance from my Dad's place on what we call the Gateway Trail. It's a walking trail that used to be a railroad. It goes for miles into near the Wisconsin border. It has been, wow, fourteen years already since it happened. I was going to be 33 that year.

    Anyway, It was a sad thing for sure. All those people gone. Too bad it was not repaired beforehand. That could have been prevented.

    lots of money lost due to free trade, wars, tax cuts for wealthy parasites, turning america over to wall street, but no money for us.




  5. hi everyone,








    • At this moment, we are only taking orders via e-mail at,
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    • Please when your are inquiring about or purchasing Venture 5200, or any other product, always state what country you reside in for shipping purposes.
    • If you reside in the u.s.a., your shipping will be free on the 5200 laserblastx the coop version





    it is not listed on our web site yet but it will be soon, so yes its available.







  6. 10 hours ago, Justin said:


    These are all part of settlements stemming from successful Tramiel-era Atari Corp. lawsuits against Sega. One such lawsuit was over Sega's use of the 9-pin controller ports, and a number issues with the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive, Sega's failed relationship for Atari to distribute the Mega Drive in North America as the "Tomahawk" or "Genesis", and similarities in architecture to the Atari ST, etc. Sega reached a settlement with Atari resulting in a much-needed influx in capital in the form of Sega investing in Atari, and an agreement between the two to collaborate and share work with each other.

    This is why Atari was sending out Lynx Catalogs as late as 1994 showing an Atari Lynx running Sonic The Hedgehog 2:



    when i was told about the settlement of this by atari, they told me they now called sega their partner in the jaguar. they assured me sega would abide by the ruling, and they expected to get the source for sonic to convert to atari. i told them do not hold your breath.

    they got the money as far as i know, but no sources to any sega games, no partnership.

    jack had the money and power to develop games himself, he would not, he hated games. his reliance on others to support his hardware was his undoing.




  7. 14 hours ago, Dougmeister said:

    Here is a pic of the switch. Does anyone have any tips on how to get the plastic switch *off* again? I'd rather not break it, even though I'm going to probably replace it.






    i responded to this, and it did not show up. sorry.

    i am out of the switches, best should have them.

    be very careful desoldering and resoldering, these boards are old now, and can separate very easy. the solder and traces can get so old, its like crystal.





  8. On 8/1/2021 at 12:41 AM, peteym5 said:

    If Atari or GDC put it into the 7800, it would had been on par with the NES and Sega Master System. The 7800 Weakspot was the sound and music. 


    correct, but that might have affected backwards compatibility. the pokey at the time was the safe way to go.




  9. On 7/29/2021 at 2:18 PM, Atari 5200 Guy said:

    If my math is serving me correctly...Minnie had 3 channels, 2 64-bit waveforms stored in the processor, and 3 waveforms.  3 channels?  I wonder if the other forms were separate channels or could be combined into the 3 main channels.  So that combined with TIA...is that 5 channels or is that 8 channels?  I don't count the 2 stored waveforms.  Either way, from the specifications listed, it was a more powerful sound processor than what Konami used on the NES games.  THIS chip sounds more interesting. 

    GCC guys got to hear it.  I wish there was an audio recording we could all hear.  I mean 64-bit waveforms are nothing to sneeze at...that is impressive for 1980's technology.  64-bit waveforms, that I'm aware of, didn't come to the public eye until maybe mid 1990's ~ early 2000's on PC and Yamaha had a similar 64-bit sound processor in their PSR series electronic keyboards.

    It would be neat if the schematics and die layers could be located and the chip made.  I'd love to hear it!  Impressive sounds are what helped many of the popular NES games reach that status.  They were not remembered for the game itself but also its soundtrack.  When you hear the name Super Mario, what is the first thing you hear in your head?  If you hum it then my point has been made.

    That sound chip could have been the edge the 7800 needed to push it above the NES.  Well, THAT, and people willing to program for it whether in-house or third-party.  It definitely would have needed the support for a lot longer than Jack would have wanted.

    hi Atari 5200 guy,


    i doubt jack would have paid for it. bummer!




  10. On 7/8/2021 at 11:43 PM, Atari 5200 Guy said:

    The 7800 8bitdev website just received some interesting documentation on the sound chip GCC had working before Atari fired the company.  It's an interesting sound chip and almost sounds identical to the sound chip Konami made for the NES games.

    The 7800 Minnie sound chip - 8BitDev.org - Atari 7800 Development Wiki



    good info, and thanks, jack blew it again!




  11. hi everyone,


     i have a small supply of cx-30 evolved paddle controllers in stock now. its first come first served, they are $39.95  piece plus shipping, limit one. they have not been removed as back ordered off of www.atarisales.com because the supply is small and will run out fast.

    please e-mail me only at,







  12. On 6/4/2021 at 12:00 PM, peteym5 said:

    I understand games with Pokey or other sound chip are nice, but will drive the price up on the cartridges. TIA is not an easy chip to program for. I see what the 2600 guys needs to deal with. I wonder if anyone tried to put another common sound chip in a 7800 cartridge like Yamaha or something.

    hi peter,


     you did good with the music for sure!





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