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    MaximumRD got a reaction from Justin in Navigating ISO Zone safely.   
    Excellent, see I knew everything you need is right on that site and there all all types there using PC / Mac etc. CONGRATS, HAVE FUN !   Clearly you are well on your way and have can figure things out for yourself. Welcome to the world of backups / Emulators / Homebrew etc. 
  2. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from Cousin Mike in Navigating ISO Zone safely.   
    Ah OK downloaded and Extracted. I this case the image format is a CDI file ( .CDI extension ) to handle such a file I actually had to update IMGBURN with some .dll's, but it works now and is of now consequence for MAC. Though obviously whatever Burning program you end up with for your MAC it will also need to be able to handle that format. 
    ANYWAY, I burned the image successfully as far as I can tell. So, exploring the resulting disc on my PC it appears as THIS: 
    As you can see several files. If you have but a single file ( possibly the same as extracted file NesterDC SE 3165 by cOcO! ) that means you simply copied the entire image to the disc and not burned the image contents back to a bootable Dreamcast disc. 
    THIS should be the files you see on the properly burned Disc. If you can get this result do same onto a CD-r, if it still does not work try a different brand CD-r (Dreamcasts CAN be picky) IF YOU ARE SURE YOU ARE BURNING TO CD-r PROPERLY BUT CAN NOT SUCCESSFULLY BOOT A DISC AFTER TRYING THE CD-r WITH DIFFERENT BRANDS TRY ANOTHER DREAMCAST IF POSSIBLE. Some will tell you about later model MIL-CD or some such Dreamcasts that were incapable of booting backups. I have 3 Dreamcasts spanning first to last production run and it would be very unlikely you'd have a Dreamcast that simply does not boot backups, I believe most people that make that claim simply burn their discs improperly. 


    I hope these are your results or that you can figure out how to replicate these results in the end. Good Luck To You. 
  3. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to RickR in Navigating ISO Zone safely.   
    The Wii is good for emulation, and really easy to hack. But like MRD said, a Windows machine...even a cheap used laptop, would be a best bet.
  4. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to RickR in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    Let's not forget the Sega SG-1000, which was also pretty darned awesome.
  5. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from Justin in Navigating ISO Zone safely.   
    Not sure, success can vary burning discs for Dreamcasts. For any particular one always good to post in the thread of that download to see if anyone else had issues. 
    In general though emulators are hit or miss on Dreamcast, anything more than say NES can be choppy or have frame-rate issues. Other times even something as old as 2600 it is just up to the quality of the emulator or the port of it to Dreamcast. I was always more into unreleased games like Propeller Arena or even Half Life that you can play now on Dreamcast. Homebrew and emulators you just never know until you try. There may be options for skipping frames and such just depends on the particular emulator. 
  6. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to nosweargamer in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    Marketing. The SMS was HUGE in Europe due to marketing. But Sega allowed Tonka, the truck people, to market it and it failed.
    The early box art looked so bland compared to other systems.
    Nintendo kept many third party companies from making games on other system, like the SMS.
    The limited library. Again, places like Europe and Brazil enjoyed a much greater library (For instance MK never came to the US). And sadly, some of the best titles in America didn't show up until the final years of the system.
    It didn't play Super Mario.  Super Mario basically revived the video game market alone and put NES systems in homes. Yes, other games like Zelda and Punch Out would later cement the dominance of the NES, but Super Mario was the foundation.
  7. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to The Professor in Epoch Super Cassette Vision   
    Here's Super Cassette Vision's version of Pole Position II. It doesn't quite hold up to the Atari 7800's version of Pole Position II, but still an improvement to Pole Position on 2600.

  8. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to The Professor in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    I don't think a lot of people even know what it is. Sega Master System probably had the smallest impact on the culture of any system from that time. Comparatively even more people knew about ColecoVision in 1983 than MasterSystem in 1988. Nintendo was everywhere. Movies, TV shows, it's presence was huge! The same could be said about Atari during the 2600 years, and I think some of that cache carried over in minds of the public when they saw the 7800 and recognized it as an Atari. Before the Genesis I don't think most people knew what Sega was. Maybe they would recognize it from Frogger? The Master System wasn't really on the cover of magazines, cereal boxes, or cartoons. I don't think the general public really had much of an awareness of Sega until the Genesis showed up, and it's hard to reminisce about something that you never knew of or cared about in the first place.
    But get a group of gamers together in a room who've actually spent time playing the Sega Master system, and I think a lot of them would have some pretty positive things to say.
  9. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to Yo-Yo in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    Plus Mortal Kombat looked better on Master System than I think it ever could on NES

  10. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to Yo-Yo in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    I think Pat was a mainstream kid and is a fairly mainstream guy even now, and to anyone mainstream the outsider always appears strange and confusing. "Oh it doesn't play Mario? Why would anybody want this?" Because Phantasy Star and Space Harrier. And Ian hates talking or thinking about anything outside of his comfort zone, he'd rather lean back in his chair and noodle at this thumbs.
    I think there is a lot of love for the Sega Master System today, buts it's proportional to Nintendo and the amount of love they received in 1987ish. You have to admit the SMS looked like the control panel off of a Stealth fighter! It took game cards and the graphics were pretty great for the time.
  11. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to Doctor Octagon in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    That's a great point.     
  12. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to RickR in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    I personally never even knew it existed until after I started collecting for Genesis.  Back in the day, NES was the only console I saw in stores. 

    It is a good system, and the Master System attachment for Genesis makes it really easy to enjoy the great games.
  13. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to Justin in Epoch Super Cassette Vision   
    Wow, hats off to these guys. That actually looks quite a bit better than Atari 2600, or even ColecoVision. I love that the Space Invaders clone at the beginning of the video replaces the     invaders with little Gundam looking robots. That's so Japanese  
  14. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from RickR in Epoch Super Cassette Vision   
    Not a bad little system! Man I LOVE systems from other parts of the world. Funny how different the popularity of different consoles were worldwide. Here are some games on this system that looked pretty cool. 
  15. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from Justin in Epoch Super Cassette Vision   
    Not a bad little system! Man I LOVE systems from other parts of the world. Funny how different the popularity of different consoles were worldwide. Here are some games on this system that looked pretty cool. 
  16. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from Retrogamer81081 in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    Love my SMS. Truly I don't give it the love and attention it deserves, par for the course with my collection these days. I DO recall seeing in the department store back in the day on display and thinking it seemed cooler than the NES and from what I could tell graphically more powerful. Of course same old story, everyone I knew already had a NES and I was not exactly in a position to make different choices back then as cool as I thought it was. So I never owned the console or had much to do with it back during the original run. Fortunately I picked up a pretty sweet package back in the day including the original model, some games and even the 3D goggles, I later supplemented the goggles with a third party yet compatible pair off Ebay. Here is the package I got, I posted a video about 3 years ago about it. 
  17. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from Doctor Octagon in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    Love my SMS. Truly I don't give it the love and attention it deserves, par for the course with my collection these days. I DO recall seeing in the department store back in the day on display and thinking it seemed cooler than the NES and from what I could tell graphically more powerful. Of course same old story, everyone I knew already had a NES and I was not exactly in a position to make different choices back then as cool as I thought it was. So I never owned the console or had much to do with it back during the original run. Fortunately I picked up a pretty sweet package back in the day including the original model, some games and even the 3D goggles, I later supplemented the goggles with a third party yet compatible pair off Ebay. Here is the package I got, I posted a video about 3 years ago about it. 
  18. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to The Professor in Epoch Super Cassette Vision   
    Here's an interesting little system that gained some popularity in Japan in the void left by Atari's delay in entering the market, and prior to Nintendo entering with the Famicom. It's graphical capabilities were comparable to Atari 2600 and Intellivision, and it was out in Japan around the same time.
    This is a Japanese console from Epoch called the Cassette Vision:

    That model was actually the Epoch Super Cassette Vision JR, a lower-cost "mark II" model of Epoch's earlier Cassette Vision console.
    Epoch followed up next with another console around the time if the Nintendo Famicom's release. This console was called the Epoch Super Cassette Vision an was comparable in gameplay and graphics to the Atari 5200 and ColecoVision:


  19. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from Justin in The Sega Master System - Why Isn't There More Love?   
    Love my SMS. Truly I don't give it the love and attention it deserves, par for the course with my collection these days. I DO recall seeing in the department store back in the day on display and thinking it seemed cooler than the NES and from what I could tell graphically more powerful. Of course same old story, everyone I knew already had a NES and I was not exactly in a position to make different choices back then as cool as I thought it was. So I never owned the console or had much to do with it back during the original run. Fortunately I picked up a pretty sweet package back in the day including the original model, some games and even the 3D goggles, I later supplemented the goggles with a third party yet compatible pair off Ebay. Here is the package I got, I posted a video about 3 years ago about it. 
  20. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to Jayson_B24 in Games for Trade   
    Glad to be back, so I updated my trading post! You see something you like? I'd love to make a trade! ????
  21. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to Yo-Yo in Atari Touch Me   
    Yeah I think they were working on a Missile Command one that would have looked like one of these:

    Tod Frye discussed these handhelds in the article uncle Arenafoot linked to the other day: http://forums.atari.io/index.php/topic/915-what-are-the-real-facts-behind-pac-man’s-2600-development/
  22. Like
    MaximumRD reacted to Yo-Yo in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    I love all the trading going on around here, and how sharing these trades kinda works like positive feedback. 
  23. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from Rowsdower70 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Awesome I love hearing stories like that, good on you  Rowsdower70 
    I also have that combo, a slim and a original "phat" PS2, I am incredibly impressed with the slim but there is just something about the original even if it is just nostalgia, though not my original I associate my mother (who passed a few years ago too young) back when the original came out, I was living on my own and I had a birthday coming up, I knew it was a bit much to ask but I really sold her on the idea of how it would be so great because it was the awesome new game console from SONY and it could even double as a DVD player! Well, she swung it and got it for my birthday and I had so many amazing gaming experiences on it but the circumstances on how I got it mean much more to me these days. 
  24. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from The Professor in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    Awesome I love hearing stories like that, good on you  Rowsdower70 
    I also have that combo, a slim and a original "phat" PS2, I am incredibly impressed with the slim but there is just something about the original even if it is just nostalgia, though not my original I associate my mother (who passed a few years ago too young) back when the original came out, I was living on my own and I had a birthday coming up, I knew it was a bit much to ask but I really sold her on the idea of how it would be so great because it was the awesome new game console from SONY and it could even double as a DVD player! Well, she swung it and got it for my birthday and I had so many amazing gaming experiences on it but the circumstances on how I got it mean much more to me these days. 
  25. Like
    MaximumRD got a reaction from Rowsdower70 in Show Off Your Successful Trades!   
    That is indeed one sweet gun! Don't go waving it around outside lol. 
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