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Everything posted by DegasElite

  1. I also have a Supercharger cart with the cassette "Phaser Patrol." I also have "Stella Gets a New Brain," the CD-ROM with all the Starpath/Arcadia games. It can play on any CD player that plays audio compact discs and has a headphone jack. It's pretty cool.
  2. Probably the two rarest games I own are the "Miner 2049er" games, both volumes. I bought Vol. II a few years back and it is still in mint condition. I also have the box and instructions for the first "Miner 2049er." They were and are really decent titles. I also own a wrapped "Atari Video Cube," but the same game with the title, "Rubik's Cube." which I do not have is rarer. I used to own "Stronghold," from Comma Vid. Unfortunately, it was stolen by some really asinine people that my brother once hung around with. That was worth an auction value of $250.00 at the time. Bummer… Now, I have over 240+ A2600 games alone, and that is just for the A2600. Thanks for letting me share.
  3. That's pretty cool! I like the projection bombed image of the Jaguar screen on the side of the house. That is something worthy of me thinking up! Thanks for the pic, Kamakazi.
  4. Your game is looking pretty cool so far. Keep up the good work. I hope that the game comes to fruition nicely for you. Thanks for showing the pics and video.
  5. Again, this is awesome work. What program do you use for the 3D figures and backdrops? MakeHuman? Blender? Both? I am just curious. I have those apps anyway myself. I got them because they are free. I just thought it would lower cost on production for your project. Just assuming.
  6. I believe that was called "Caves of Fear." It needs a bypass cartridge as well. You are right. It used the GameFilm engine, like "American Hero." It was totally FMV and also interactive. I have heard of, but never, played it. I am sure it would be fun.
  7. It does look missing, but I did catch part of her left foot, almost like she is sitting on it, but she is kneeling as indicated later on in the forum topic. I can then see the incidence of the leg being there. Thanks for sharing, Clint.
  8. I happen to agree with Lance. This is excellent stuff and I hope that you carry on with it. I thought that the Jag could do it as well, but, I ask and guess, would it take some tight coding and programming finesse for sure to play the game on the Jaguar? Just a thought. Perhaps, with the Jaguar CD, you probably would have room for more storage because there would be a maximum scenario of almost 700 MB on the disc anyway. That is, with current CD-Rs out there.
  9. DegasElite


    To tell you the truth, I would have loved to see Maximum Force, Area 51, and T-Mek on the Jag. They were going to be ported on there because of the COJAG technology. It would have worked. Primal Rage could have been better, it was just too slow. Unfortunately.
  10. Well, it is definitely impressive. Thanks for showing me this link. Appreciated, as always.
  11. Hey, I have been studying up on "Black ICE/White Noise," the cyberpunk RPG thriller for the Atari Jaguar CD, that was never completed before Atari's demise in 1996. It has been intriguing looking up information on it. It really interests me about how much effort was put into making this game. Well, I really don't know how much of the game is out there, if anything significant at all. I know that there are interactive video scenes compressed into Cinepak code when the player interacts with NPCs to get information and other things in the game. I have watched videos on YouTube about scenes from this still embryonic-stage game (or, maybe fetal-stage, if you might want to get technical about it). There is a documentary about the game that is coming soon, but I have only seen the trailer on YouTube. I am sure that some people are most curious about this obscure, incomplete game. I obviously am. Does anyone else know anything more about this topic? I assume it might be very little. Atari kept it really under wraps. Thanks for listening.
  12. DegasElite


    Perhaps, you have a point about the Falcon ports. But, I would like to see more original, non-copyrighted work go into a home-brew title. Possibly, someone could really whip up something nice in Raptor BASIC+. I am sure that someday, somehow, someone will whip up a 3D engine for the Jag for home-brewers. I know it would be myriads of lines of code. But, one can dream, right? Thanks.
  13. DegasElite


    Thanks for the link. I will take a gander at this.
  14. DegasElite


    That is true. I would never really advocate piracy. No. But, there are people that have ported copyrighted titles to the Jag. I will not name names. So, Lost Dragon, you are correct on that statement. I am talking about making new home-brew games from scratch, of course. Plus, it would have helped to make commercial ports by the actual developers for the Jag, no doubt.
  15. DegasElite


    Yes, Ishar III was coming for the Jag. It was released also for the 3DO.
  16. Here is my Personal Top Five Jaguar Games List: 1. Doom 2. AVP 3. Myst 4. Tempest 2000 5. Dragon's Lair These are my most favorite Jaguar games of all time. I put Doom on top because, although AVP is absolutely spectacular (and it shows), Doom has more levels: twenty-three, to be exact. Plus, I understand that T2K is towards the bottom, but this is really not an undercut to the game. Actually, I absolutely cherish that game. Dragon's Lair is there for the almost spot-on cel animation. There is a problem, however: Cinepak does not do justice to Dragon's Lair graphically (it really needed the MPEG cartridge released and needed MPEG compression to stand out). Plus, Dragon's Lair is actually very challenging because you are using a different way of controlling the game that makes it "inter-reactive", so to speak. I also like it because I like FMV games. That is my two cents. Thanks.
  17. DegasElite


    I have I-War for my Jag and have had it for over seventeen years. Completed the game, too. Fun game, but it needs work on the graphics, of course. But, needless to say, despite the visage of the game it plays quite well. I like it and I am sure it may have a following. But, bear in mind that the Jaguar is obscure and was under-marketed. It should have cheaply been upgraded to four megabytes of RAM or more instead of two. Better hardware and software support would have made the Jaguar a real beast to contend with. Did you know that third-party game developers for the Atari Falcon030 computer had 300+ titles ready to be converted for the Jag? It could have been easily done. But, Atari CEO Jack Tramiel put the kibosh on it, and that was part of the death knell of the Jag and, ultimately, Atari Corporation. We all know the rest of the story. However, one person has found a way to port Atari ST games to the Jaguar, as most of you already know, I am sure. So, by hook or by crook, I am sure someone will figure out how to port Falcon titles to the Jaguar. I am almost positive it is inevitable. But, people can learn Raptor BASIC+ from CJ. It is supposed to be easy to learn, but I am, alas, a noob and know really very little about game coding. So, that is another avenue for games to be released for the Jag. Sorry for being long-winded. Atari games, however seemingly "obsolete" that they are, will still be my fave choice in gaming preference. I am just waxing passionate about it and, maybe, somewhat rambling on. No worries. Thanks for letting me share.
  18. I was wondering. Even though I have looked at this site before, I am wondering if there is a DIY way to manufacture and record a new issue CED video disc. Perhaps, the CED could be 3D printed. Vinyl records have been 3D printed before, and a CED is basically a record. I wonder if someone could manufacture a CED recorder just for the heck of it. But, the recording process was sold and it has not been released to the public, as far as I know. But, maybe this site has been updated with new information that I have not previously been aware of. Is this something new on the site that I may have missed, Kamikazi20012? Thanks for the information.
  19. Yes, I have seen this site before. It is pretty informative. Thanks for posting this.
  20. Hello, all, Been a long time. Sorry about the hiatus. I am one of the beta testers for V61 and Tempest Elite, listed in the end credits as Artisan21. It is a spot-on game that will live up to players' expectations. We have tested various controllers, as it will have multiple controller support. So far, the best controllers that I have tested are the joystick, the European joypad, and the driving controller, with the driving controller being the best. You guys will love to play this game. It will be great. Thanks for letting me share that tidbit of information.
  21. I have never owned laser discs myself, but I remember when they were popular. I also remember a similar type of movie that you all have heard of: CED (Capacitance Electronic Disc), which is a movie disc that was really a record. They were popular around the time of Laserdisc. However, they phased out as well. The process of making CEDs is well hidden. No one knows how to do it anymore. I think RCA still has the writing technology, but they have not shared it with anyone else. They are just resting on their laurels with it when they could find an advanced way of producing it for the populace. I am sure that it can be done. but, that is just me. Laserdisc, however, was still being produced in the 1990s. I remember "Down Periscope" in widescreen format on Laserdisc. It was and is a great format for watching movies. I also like the Laserdisc games, Like "Dragon's Lair", and "Space Ace". Those were the best games I played in a long time. I could not beat them in the arcades, but did on the Atari Jaguar. Pretty cool stuff.
  22. Truly, "Altered Beast" looks great on the Genesis. It could have looked better, granted, but that is all they could have done at the time. Sure, the arcade version was better, but we are dealing with a video game system that had the power of an Atari ST computer at the time. But, there were better looking games for the Genesis later on. But, for a 16-bit conversion, it is still a bang-up job. I liked it. When a game system is first developed, no programmer knows exactly the power of that system until they work with it. That can take several game writes. I mean, look at how much better "Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition" looks on the Genesis than on the Super NES. It is almost a perfect carbon copy of the arcade version. Then, there is also blast processing on the Genesis. Sure, the Genesis in today's standards is primitive. But, I would rather play that than the PS4 or the XBox One. It is still a fantastic system, and "Altered Beast" is a fantastic game.
  23. Cool setup. I have never heard of this game before. But, since I was born in the 1970s, it is hard to remember games from then. Nice find! P.S. I was born in '74, so I was maybe a year old when this game came out.
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