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Status Updates posted by HDN

  1. Gee, it sure is BOOOORING around here... Just kidding! Not a very active day for me on the forums though... Just not feeling it today I guess.

  2. Oh, me? Nothing much. Just working on my new physical game for @RickRHDN Run Duology. It's a physical edition of some Endless Runner-style games I made in 8th grade. The back of the jewel case even parodies the Tunnel Runner manual! I don't know how to post pictures in status updates though, so I can't show you here.

    I hope to make physical editions of some of my other games that I made oh-so long ago.


  3. Come to the chat room tonight for some Wednesday Night Atari chat, only this time, it's the :nintendo_snes:! Same time, different system! We will help socrates63 collect for his new machine!

  4. I am not sure if I want to spend the money on Mario 3D All-Stars. They aren't really remaking them like they did on SNES, just porting upscaled games in widescreen. I have all three games already. Also, I heard you can't use the analog GameCube triggers for Sunshine, and I'd already rather play Mario 64 DS than the original (64DS is my favorite Mario Game). I'm not sure if I would rather have this $60 game or a ton of games for my older systems.

  5. My dad and I have been playing lots of One-on-One Basketball on the Atari 7800. He is terrible! And he gets so mad, too! I fear for my ProLine controller's health!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HDN


      We play a lot of Atari together as it's quick and not too complex. Some favorites are One-on-One, Video Olympics, Outlaw, and Miniature Golf. We emulate a lot of games that I don't have physical carts for. Artillery Duel, Flag Capture, Home Run, Maze Craze, and Sky Diver are all great games we like to play on compilations and emulators.

    3. RickR


      That's awesome. 

      In our house, it usually goes like this:  if the game uses one button, Dad dominates.  If 2 buttons, it's close.  If more than 2, the kids dominate. 

      My kids are no longer kids, but we'll probably settle on multi-player Mario Party DS later today. 

      We play a lot of Super Smash Bros three player, and I almost always lose first.  My only winning strategy is to avoid trouble, stay out of the way, let them duke it out, then try to take on a weakened survivor at the end. 


    4. HDN


      I'm terrible at any Smash game except for the 64 one. I'm a Yoshi or ROB main. My dad hates it so I mainly play with my sister. We mostly play Melee or Ultimate.

      Not a huge Mario Party fan but DS is one of two that I play. I will always be a Mario Party 9 defender. Love that game!

  6. I don't think it would become my favorite, but I think Odyssey 2 is probably the coolest console I don't own.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HDN


      My dad had an Odyssey 2 growing up. Some of his favorites were Football! Computer Golf! Crypto-Logic! Quest for the Rings! And Attack of the Timelord! Until I told him about it a few years ago, he didn't even know that Odyssey 2 had a voice module. He had some other games I can't remember at the moment. It's a shame he got rid of it, but at least his cousin and best friend kept his 2600 collection. It's really trippy that I'm playing on the same console he played on when he was younger than I am.

      Here's the thing: my dad remembers some games his cousin had for his 2600 collection but I don't have. Games like Pitfall, Frogger, Adventure, and, get this, Crazy Climber. He thinks there might be another box somewhere in his cousin's house. He may just be misremembering, but his theory holds water; I own the boxes for Star Trek SOS, Spider-Man, and Super Challenge Football. Not sure if Crazy Climber is in there, but I'm pretty sure he has another box somewhere. I will have to ask him sometime.

    3. RickR


      How cool if you could get the games with the family history!  Do it!  Be a pest! 

    4. HDN


      Almost all of my retro consoles have some family history. My dad's SNES he got in college. My NES was my uncle's from college. The 64 was a present from my mom to my dad when they were first married. The XBOX was won in a raffle in 2001 or 2002. Atari 2600 as previously mentioned from his cousin. 7800 and GBA are exceptions. My dad had an OG Game Boy before I was born but my mom apparently threw it out. Game Boy of some kind and 2600 from a-tar-i were my two dream retro systems, and I'm happy to have them both now. Especially these specific 2600 consoles with all that history. I was going to give the Woody back to my dad's cousin someday, but COVID happened so it's chilling at my grandparents for now. I'm trying to think of a good starter set for him. I don't want to part with any of these sweet games, though, so I was thinking of buying some cheap duplicates sometime later when the virus is over and I have some more money from Christmas and Birthday and hopefully from a job sometime soon when it's safe.


      I'm not sure if Crazy Climber was in there or not, but my dad swore by it even before I got the system or knew the game was rare. My dad's cousin kept a lot of his boxes but not all. If there's another box of boxes someplace and Crazy Climber just happened to be CIB (if it was there), I would lose it. When I was fixing his systems (he had two), the manufacture date on the Woody was June 27th 1981. That's after his birthday, so he may have gotten the system in Christmas of 81 or the first half of 1982, unless he got it earlier than Christmas of 81. That one appeared to have had soda or something spilled on it. The Vader model I think came out in late 1982 or 83. I don't know when that one was made as it didn't have a date in it. He might have gotten it secondhand later in life for all I know. Neither of them remember the Vader even existing. Anyway that would have put it at the right time for Crazy Climber. That was an '83 game I think. 

      He kept the manuals almost all of the games, boxes for some as well, but not all. Like I said there is plenty of evidence that there are more games somewhere, but there is no evidence I could find of him being in the Atari club. Unless Crazy Climber went to stores somehow for a limited time, but that's highly unlikely, especially in our area. 

      TL;DR: Lots of system memories. There has got to be some games somewhere. No concrete evidence that CC is among them, but no evidence that it's not there either.

  7. All my Atari controllers decided to break within the same 3-day span. Wonderful. I love work.

  8. After sending Red Rose Speedway to @RickR, I've been relistening to Paul McCartney's solo career and Wings. Not very Beatle-y, but still very good music. Those three (Paul, John, George) were so talented. Ringo just lucked into it all, but I respect him nonetheless.

  9. This new Activision Patch thing we're doing over in the 2600 forums is great. Unfortunately, I wasn't around when the patches were, but these virtual ones are a good alternative. This and our Galaxian squad challenge will consume my long weekend. 

    1. socrates63


      🕹️ 🕹️  🕹️  back in the day, I remember playing Activision games at my friend's house. He had a Polaroid camera so we were playing there and taking photos to submit to Activison.

  10. Save the Ballblazer cartridges!

    1. Justin
    2. HDN


      @Justin You used to be able to buy a loose cart for $10 a few years ago. But now with people harvesting the internals for the POKEY, the price has nearly tripled. Let's preserve history for future generations and save Ballblazer!

  11. I'm so happy to be a proud owner of an Atari 7800! :pole_position::atari_7800:


  12. Wish older consoles had online gaming. I'd love to play Artillery Duel with someone here!

    1. Justin


      That's exactly what we came up with 2-Player Battle for. Check it out:


    2. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      I was going to suggest what @Justin did.  It works!

  13. They're giving me homework before school even starts. Splendid.

    1. Gianna


      Oh, are you in college?

    2. HDN


      Starting sophomore year of high school, actually, but I'm taking AP History.

  14. I'm getting the 7800 tomorrow instead, on Atari Day!

  15. It's Saturday, so I cleaned my 2600 again. It's crazy how much dirt and dust builds up in those ridges after only 7 days.

    1. Atari 5200 Guy

      Atari 5200 Guy

      You can go 7 days?  Mine does well to go 7 hours.  That's why I keep a dust cover on mine 😄

    2. HDN


      @Atari 5200 Guy Putting on the dust cover is pointless for me since I'm playing so often. Do you have a plastic or cloth dust cover?

  16. It's official-- I'm getting an Atari 7800 ProSystem next week!

  17. We should set up a charity that donates CRTs to people who play retro consoles on flat screens.

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