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Posts posted by socrates63

  1. Probably like most, I subscribed to Analog and Antic magazines back in the 80s. I bought a lot on ebay and they arrived today. Some of these issues, I recognize the cover from when I had them originally. I never knew about Atari Connection and picked up a copy (I see they're available as PDF on AtariMania). I also never had APX so looking forward to perusing those as well. I really shouldn't have bought physical magazines because I don't have much space, but... but... 😅

    Eventually, what I hope to do when I set up my 800XL is to start BASIC programming again by entering code for games from these magazines (and Compute!) -- just like I did when I was a kid. That reminds me, I need to get one of those devices that lets you use SD card as a disk drive. Edit: I already have the SDrive Max duh, just haven't set it up yet.






  2. Many years ago, my wife told me what my father had said to her about my video gaming as a kid. He had always been supportive in whatever I wanted to do and bought me a 2600 and 800 as a kid. What I didn't know was how he had perceived my interest in video games. To him, they were just toys like any other toy -- meaning, things that little kids play with. His first surprise was when he drove me to the local Atari enthusiast club meeting and it was 99% adults. His second surprise was when that interest I had as a kid led to me getting into the tech industry. I believe those two things changed his perception about the value of video gaming.

    I still know people who have a very negative view of video games. You hear about kids getting addicted to video games and not fully engaging in their life activities outside of gaming. That's usually what they focus on, but it's understandable. As a parent who has more video games than his kids, even I was initially bothered when I saw Son #2 spending all his free time playing video games (I'm a hypocrite 😮 😛) because I wished he did more ✌️productive✌️ things. It's not that playing video games is bad, but as a parent, I wanted to see him expand and grow in other areas as well. But I reminded myself that I was no different as a kid, and I turned out Ok, and I decided to respect his personal choice on how he spent his free time and never bothered him about it (he was a diligent worker in his school work and other obligations).

    Short answer is --> Yes, video gaming is a hobby. It's a hobby enjoyed by people of all ages and professions. There are even doctors who play, and we have one here in the I/O 🙂

  3. My strategy has been to maximize the points per wave, so trying only to shoot ships in motion and trying to pick off the escorts first before getting the white ship for those that fly in the 3-ship formation.

    I'm consistently getting 50k tonight so tonight might be my chance to break 60k. But I only have time for a couple more runs. 🤞

  4. This thread has been very... ahem... valuable reading 🙂 It is a topic I've recently considered when I saw posts from other gamers talking about the increase in price of this game or that. I happened to have a few of those games, and they're gathering dust (like nearly all my games).

    As a general rule of character/personality, I don't sell stuff I have, but considering the fact that 99% of my games have sat unplayed as I keep playing the same games, should I take advantage of the market and sell some games? 🤔  Since entering the retro gaming community five years ago, I've primarily bought games for all generations of Playstation and Xbox consoles and have decent games library for 3DS, GameCube, and Vita. As I've reconnected deeply with Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800 in recent months and how good it feels to play these games, it's giving me reason think about reshaping my games library.

  5. 11 hours ago, 1Littlebeast said:

    Hello everyone Glad to be apart of Atari.io Huge retro and current gen nerd 😃. What's Everyone favorite Arcade to play?  Mines gotta be Tapper whenever i go to the Barcades i make it a mission to play it. 

    Welcome to the I/O @1Littlebeast! Every time I see a mention of Ohio, I can't but play the theme song from WKRP in Cincinnati in my head 🎶🎶🎵 🙂 

    I wish there was a barcade near by but unfortunately not. My favorite arcade games that I can't pass by are Asteroids, Galaga, Robotron, Defender. If I see one of those, I have to play.

  6. Mail call -- got a couple 7800 heavy hitters, not the heaviest but still uncommon 🙂 I'm about 17 short of the complete NTSC official 7800 releases, and they're all the expensive variety. Seeing @nosweargamer's 7800 games ranking video re-ignited a small fire. My wallet hates you, too, @HDN for nudging NSG to release the video. I've always been about CIB games but decided that if I can find affordable loose carts, I'd be happy with that since the remaining games are usually $100-$200 for CIB copies.

    Commando is from a local game store couple of hours away, and Fatal Run is from ebay. I hate buying sealed games but the price was good (fingers crossed that it's NTSC).




  7. 4 hours ago, CrossBow said:

    If you are okay burning your own, the Volgarr image actually was released publicly for that purpose. I bought all of my JoshProd games from PixelHeart so far an wasn't aware of a US Distro for them so thanks for that! Too bad they are sold out of Gunlord as I would recommend that game in a heart beat! I picked up Gunlord, Fast Stryker, and Lost Hope as a bundle when NGDEV was clearing them out about 2 or 3 years ago. 

    Thanks for the recommendations!

    I'll need to look into a setup to burn discs. I haven't done it for years and with my current main computer (iMac), I don't have an optical drive although that could be remedied easily enough with an external drive.

  8. 51,290

    Finally broke 50k! It turned out to be a little more difficult than I thought it'd be.

    I have to admit that I've grown to like Galaxian a lot. I had always ignored it in favor of Galaga both at the arcade and at home and never liked the weak sounding single volley at a time Galaxian gun. The 2600 version of Galaxian has proved to be a very fun game and has become one of my favorite 2600 games.


  9. 3 hours ago, CrossBow said:

    What kind of game is Ganryu? I don't think I've heard of that one although I only recently found out about JoshProd releases about a year ago when I picked up Finding Teddy, Volgar and some other games.

    It's a side-scrolling platformer NeoGeo arcade game. I looked up a couple of reviews and it looked fun. I bought it in NYC when I was out there for work. This store carries several JoshProd releases. 


    Volgar is one I want to pick up.

  10. 1 hour ago, CrossBow said:

    Which DC game is that between Lodoss War and Ghost Blade?

    I own only 2 Japanese games in my DC collection. Rez and the JPN release of Space Channel 5 because the cover on their released version is the best!

    That would be this one.



    I haven't played SC5 yet (I have it on PS2) but I love the art. I recently picked up the 25th(?) anniversary soundtrack CD.

  11. 1 minute ago, HDN said:

    I can crush Keystone Kapers until the level with double bouncing balls, where I almost always promptly lose all my lives. Crackpots takes a bit to get used to.

    I'm 20 points away from Bucket Brigade. I must have tried well over  100 times. Kaboom is hard. I don't know how people do it. That's one perk of school online: near unlimited Atari access.

    Only 20 points short? Wow.

    Yes, Kaboom is hard. It just becomes automatic reaction at some point -- no thinking but just reacting instantly to the falling buckets.

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