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Posts posted by socrates63

  1. 7800 Xevious is pretty good port of the arcade game. It could be better, but it certainly is more faithful to the arcade version than 5200 Xevious. I'm looking forward to see the 2600 homebrew Zeviouz. It looks and sounds very good and is a port of the 7800 game code.

    7800 Galaga is also pretty good port of the arcade game.

    I remember playing Food Fight in the arcades. I don't recall anything special about it as far as the game itself goes. But the idea of food fights was pretty popular with the kids in the 80s, and food fights actually happened in school cafeterias -- I've seen a few, some bigger than others. I haven't played 7800 Food Fight yet.

  2. With recent cartridge-only pick up of Rampage and Double Dragon (on the way), I'm down to 11 remaining for the official NTSC set. By the way, I found that GooodDealGames.com sells the fixed Impossible Mission cartridge. I'll pick that up at some point.

    4. Ikari Warriors

    10. Midnight Mutants

    18. Mean 18 Ultimate Golf

    25. Planet Smashers

    27. Pete Rose Baseball

    28. Basketbrawl

    29. Motor Psycho

    33. Kung Fu Master

    42. Scrapyard Dog

    44. Tank Command

    45. Water Ski

  3. 5 minutes ago, RickR said:

    Track and Field is really good.  Let us know what you think when you try it.  It doesn't have as many events as Decathlon, but it's a lot more fun to play with the button controller.  I wonder if that controller would work on Decathlon?

    Yeah, we probably broke a joystick or two playing Decathlon. Those bubble contacts took a beating.

    I'm banking on that controller working on Decathlon 🙂  I had been using my all-button Asteroids controller with Decathlon, but the position of the fire/jump button isn't optimal for Decathlon, specifically the hurdles event. The T&F controller should be much better in that regard, and I should finally be able to get gold on Decathlon.

  4. I haven’t played many sports games on the 2600. One title that I’ve put some time on not mentioned yet is Activision Decathlon. With simple control mechanics and no on-screen opponent, it might be closer to Golf or Bowling in playing experience. It’s a game that my friends and I had fun playing as kids (Summer Games by Epyx was another game in similar mold that we enjoyed on the C64).

    I recently picked up Konami Track & Field for the 2600. I’ve played it a bunch in the arcade but never on the 2600. I’d imagine that it’ll be very similar to Decathlon. 

  5. Mail call with ❤️❤️❤️

    I recently bought on ebay the Atari 30th anniversary issue of Video Game Collector magazine. I noticed that the seller was local and Seattle. I'd have reached out about local pick-up but it was only one magazine with $3 shipping. I'd probably spend more on gas if I went to pick it up.

    Today, USPS dropped off a large box, and I couldn't remember what I may have ordered that'd come in such a large box. I also noticed the name on the return address, and it was a member of the Seattle retro gaming group -- odd, I don't remember buying anything from him 🤔. I opened the box and found a letter inside (photo attached). It turned out that the ebay seller was a local gamer and he recognized my name and decided to pack in a bunch of Atari stuff gratis. I was floored by the generosity and the fact that he remembered me. For sure, he took a big loss on my ebay purchase with the weight of the box and all the extra items.

    I'm probably the only person who regularly posts stuff about Atari in that Seattle group. But it's cool to see that a lot of folks appreciate Atari even if they didn't grow up with it. I'm relatively new to engaging the retro gaming community, and this kind of love and support reminds me of the 80s when I was involved in the local Atari user group as a kid. It's gaming community done right. I also get similar feelings hanging out here in the I/O so kudos to all the members here. Common interest may have brought us here together but it's love and generosity that builds community and friendship.






  6. 57 minutes ago, CrossBow said:

    Good job on that starplex controller and even better that it doesn't have the woodgrain vinyl sticker starting to peel yet?! I actually have two Starplex controllers. One is mint in the box and purchased a few years ago from a guy at AA that apparently found a case of them and was letting them go for like $25 shipped each at the time I think? The other I got before that and is badly peeled on the sticker but I only paid like $5 for it from some game store in Houston when I was visiting relatives.

    7800 Alien Brigade is an excellent game, but it was really more designed for the XE light gun. I've never managed to beat the game with a joystick but have with a light gun without much trouble.

    Also that Track n Field set is very nice! I've only seen the cart twice in the wild and bought it both times. But they both had been 'coxed' in their earlier lives so they aren't very minty at this point. I also have the controller but it had a corner broken out of it. But again..it was a cheap purchase for like $10 if I remember at the time?

    Ah, to have been a collector 5+ years ago when things were much cheaper and more plentiful and simply available in some cases.

    Yes, the Starplex is in great condition and no sign of peeling. $25 sounds very nice 🙂 I paid double that for this one.

    I actually did pick up the XE light gun from Atarisales.com and forgot to add the photo. It's got a bit of heft to it and looks like it could serve as a prop in Buck Rogers.

    $10 times six is what I paid for the Track & Field game and controller. It's neat that the 2600 has multiple games with controllers designed for them.



  7. I bought a bunch of cool stuff from a collector on AtariAge forums, and it arrived today and covers 2600, 5200, and 7800.

    • 2600 Track & Field cart and controller, Starplex controller
    • 5200 trak-ball (my backup), Gorf, Wizard of Wor, Pac-Man
    • 7800 Alien Brigade, Frenzy homebrew

    I also picked up recently 7800 loose carts and sealed games during the past few weeks. I'm now a dozen away from a complete 7800 NTSC collection.








  8. Me, too, Rick -- Xbox360 and PS3 were the last consoles that I actively played, but even then, it was limited to a few series (Halo, Gears of War, Uncharted, Resistance). Game wise, I've only logged about an hour on the PS4 playing a couple of PS4 games (Ratchet game and some indie game). On the Xbox One, 99% of my time has been spent playing Halo Reach, a 360 game, and I finished Black (OG Xbox game) and Halo 4 (360 game) on the Xbox One. I still haven't played Halo 5 and I consider myself a Halo fan 😞 PS4 and Xbox One have mostly been acting as streaming devices. There definitely are games that I'd like to play on them, so some day... 🙂

    That's cool that the nursing home still has Wii bowling tournaments. I'd love to attend one and see folks having fun with it. Wii Sports was awesome. Even my non-gamer wife joined the fun, and the entire family played together. 

  9. 4 hours ago, HDN said:

    ...simple games...

    For me, this has been key to my enjoyment of the games from the 80s. Not only are they fun, they are easy to learn and easy to jump in/out and pick up again.

    I'll have to noodle on this a bit more, but I'm not sure that if I'll go back to modern games as my main gaming go-to. I haven't played any for the past several months. If nothing else, I may put the games in boxes or totes and make more shelf room for stuff that I actually play.

  10. 3 minutes ago, RickR said:

    Retirement is next on my list too, god willing.  The issue to solve is the health-insurance dilemma.  How to pay for it before Medicare kicks in.  I'll let you know if I come up with anything clever. 

    I'd love to do the traveling thing too...but not in an RV.  Maybe just book interesting hotels along the way. 

    Yeah, it's figuring out those years leading up to Medicare coverage that's the problem. I tossed an idea to my wife since she's four years younger than me -- she can support us with healthcare and income and I can start chillin' from 61 onward. She didn't like it, and I had even offered to work part-time 🙂 But seriously, one scenario I have is working remotely while living in an RV. I'm hoping that remote working with be more commonplace, and maybe I can get a full or part-time gig.

  11. 3 hours ago, CrossBow said:

    This is 100% accurate. You have to plug a controller into port 2 for a 1 player game. This is mimicking the original arcade where player 1 was on the right and player 2 on the left. So yeap..plug a controller into port 2 and you will find you can start the game and play that way.

    If you must plug a controller into port 1 to play this game, then you have to select a 2 player game so you can play as the blue/purple guy instead of the yellow.

    Yes! That did the trick.

    The game plays very well, looks and sound good, too. I only got to the third dungeon, but man, I haven't played WoR since the early 80s.

  12. I've suddenly been thinking about retirement quite a bit the last couple of weeks. Not thinking so far out that I'm contemplating what to do in a nursing home 🙂 but just the next phase when I cross the 60th birthday threshold. Still nearly ten years out as my wife likes to remind me, but it's been fun thinking about stuff.

    I absolutely love the minimalist style on paper, but looking at the way I've lived my life so far, I seem to like having a lot of stuff around me (or clutter if you ask my wife). My wife and I want to do the truck camper RV thing in about ten years and travel North America, so I will be put to the test on the minimalist lifestyle.

  13. I tried playing the rom on my AtariMax cartridge and my guy was basically stuck in the corner -- I couldn't control him. Maybe I have a bad rom? In any case, I bought the 5200 WoR cartridge and it's on its way.

    I played it back in the day. It didn't wow me as a kid. I found the graphics a bit clunky and odd the way the character flips 90 degrees. That was my impression as a kid.

    Edit: I'd write a little more but I have a meeting to run to 🙂

  14. 5 hours ago, CrossBow said:

    I do have several donor 2600 systems on hand for parts and I'm sure several of them have decent working select and reset switches on them I can replace it out with. I know you stated it would be a shelf piece of I've got a refurb kit on hand as well if you would like to make sure it stays fully functional in addition to looking nice?

    I'd love for you to do just that @CrossBow. I sent you PM. Let's make it happen.

  15. Call it the @nosweargamer's Effect -- I watched a few of his videos on Intellivision games recently. I was very impressed by the IntelliVoice games. Last week, a lot of Intellivision games came up on AtariAge forum. The price was very good, so I grabbed it.

    My 12 year old self's jaw would have probably dropped through the floor had he seen today's mail call. Even until a couple of weeks ago, I never even considered owning Intellivision games (I've passed on local offers multiple times from local gamers). My 12 year old self had three reasons for the Intellivision disdain. One, Intellivision was a competitor to my beloved Atari 2600, and I was an Atari loyalist. Two, I thumbed my nose at the Intellvision thumb disc pad controller. The joystick is the only proper video game controller. Three, I didn't like George Plimpton's smug mug pitching for Intellivision on TV ads with his air of superiority.

    As an adult and a classic gamer, I've recently opened up to try platforms that I never considered before -- the I/O Effect, if you will. I recently got an SNES, and now I have Intellivision games (although not the console yet). I'm in no rush to start playing Intellivision games as I want to play Super Metroid on the SNES. I'll probably grab a few more Intellivision games along the way if I find them cheap, and at some point, I'll get the console. I really want the IntelliVoice module though.



  16. That's awesome what you did for that boy and his family. You're a good man @RickR and generous to boot 🙂 

    🕹️ And I'll take you up on that offer to play the Vectrex 🙂 We can meet for lunch or something. Portland is a fun town. I think the last time I actually spent time in the city was about five years ago when I bought my iMac there.

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